Consequence from one night (w/ BubbleBelly321)

Jared was losing himself in this ecstasy. He hadnt been with anyone else and most of the time dealt with his desire doing it himself - and frankly it was no match to the surreal warmth and tightness around him right now. He couldnt stop praising Finn.

"So good Finn... so lovely. Love you...." it might have been words of passion, but Jared really meant that. He just didnt get to say it around often. "Babe, come with me..." he muttered smiling at Finn, then bent forward to plant that passionate kiss on finn, which inevitably put a slight bit of pressure on Finn's bump but it only served to remind them both what was the perfect fruit of their lovr.

"I love you too..."Finn leaned into the kiss. His eyes closed, and his lips pressed eagerly against Jared's. With each of his lover's words and actions, the pregnant man felt himself once again getting insanely turned on. Deepening the kiss, he slipped his tongue into Jared's mouth with a breathy moan. In no time at all, he felt the walls of his canal start to pulse, and the pressure on his middle seemed to be exactly what he needed to finally send him over the edge once again.

With a small gasp, Finn felt his body tighten around Jared's cock, and he shook from the overwhelming sensations coursing through his body. He could hardly believe how good Jared seemed to make him feel, and he beamed widely, as he held his lover close.

Jared smiled and felt that fulfilment not only from the physcial pleasure, but also from feeling that connection with his love, the respond from the one that had captured his heart and soul.

The small gasp and the violent trembling, coupled with the clench on his cock, was enough to send Jared over as well. He exploded deep inside Finn. He hugged Finn closely as well, taking him thoroughly and there was this bonding building between them that almost materialized in this passionate moment.

Jared wasnt sure how much time had passed, but when he had come around, he couldnt help the smile when he saw Finn wrapped in his arms, sleeping soundly with their limps entangled together.

Finn himself had somehow relaxed. Feeling content, and safe in Jared's arms had let him drift off to sleep. For once, he wasn't worried about anything else that would normally have him stressing. Instead, he appreciated his lover making him feel happy, safe and cared for.

(lol sorry did u just send me an pm? i just got a notice my inbox is full....)

This dramatic episode was a great opportunity for Jared to really inspect how things had been going for them. He observed Finn for days, noting that he had outgrown all of his clothes and was moving around with lack of energy. It wasn't a good sign and Jared was rather eager to urge for some activities between the two.

"Finn... let's head out somewhere. Today's such a nice day." he looked out of the window, noting the azure sky and commented casually. "We can go for a picnic or something. Let these little ones breath some fresh air." he pulled Finn closer to himself and caress his belly.

(Yeah, sorry about that! I did try getting ahold of you. Just wanted to say I'm cool with your idea/question!)

Finn smiled softly, as Jared's hand brushed against his belly. The babies inside his womb lazily rolled around, causing the pregnant man to chuckle at the sensation.

"Hmmm? That does sound nice." He yawned as he stretched and moved to sit up in the pair's bed. "I don't know though...I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not." He hesitated

(lol hey don't be sorry... I should be the one saying sorry not managing my inbox!!so agreeing to everythign? anything u wanna add? ;P)

Jared smiled. "Hmm, how do you know it's not a good idea if you hadn't tried it! Come on... some fresh air would be nice." he smiled lending a hand to Finn pulling him up from the bed. Finn's belly dropped immeidately as he came to stand upright, but by now Jared had enough experience he also cupped his belly gently, lessening the discomfort from this sudden movement.

"Just try it... i can help you get dressed." Jared smirked with a twinkle in his eyes, already reaching down to undress Finn. 

(Haha! There's nothing I can think of right now, but maybe we can inbox one anither if we think of anything else!)

Finn let out a groan of protest, as Jared helped him to his feet. Though he appreciated the extra support and help with his large middle, the pregnant man hesitated when his lover moved to help him out of his pyjamas, which consisted of some loose sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt.

"But...I dont fit in any of my clothes right now, and I've been getting super tired lately, and...I just don't want people to stare at me, you know?"

(sure thing! no problem, i have my inbox cleared... for now LOL)

"I have prepared clothes that you will certainly fit in..." Jared smiled all too happily. There was this twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "I'm sure that fatigue was from how long you hadn't set foot outside our home. Which makes me even prouder how ingenious i was coming up with this idea that would prevent those starings."

Jared accioed a maternity dress that, frankly speaking, was rather cute. A cute maxi dress that was navy blue in color, with a haltered neck to cleverly cover Finn's adam's apple. The dress snugly hug his belly. It fitted Finn rather perfectly... and to ensure Finn had the support, Jared pulled out a maternity girdle to alleviate the pressure on Finn's lowerback from their twins.

"There you go... a very lovely lady. Hmm.. just a final touch." he said pulling out his wand for a temporary lengthening and curling of Finn's hair. "There, perfect." he smiled watching the hair grew out to frame Finn's face rather nicely.


Finn seemed a bit dazed, and embarrassed with each item that Jared showed him. He wanted to say something, but everything seemed to be unfolding so quickly. It was only after Jared had waved his wand to add the final touches to his hair, that the pregnant man finally attempted to speak. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror though, which seemed to distract him and completely change his train of thought.

" didn't know how well...'feminine' I'm starting to look." He looked away, feeling slightly uncomfortable by this odd realization. "I'm...not really sure how I feel about that to be honest."

"Is this comfortable on you?" Coming to wrap himself behind Finn, Jared smiled looking into the mirror. "does this make you feel odd? This is the most convenient way for us to head out without raising suspicion..." he cupped his bump and caressed the sensitive orb with his thumb. To avoid the obvious lines of his boxers from showing, he'd removed it and replaced Finn's underwear with a pair of panties...

"Just try for me? this once? if it's too much then we can just head back. Ah, and i got these sandals for you..." He went on to summon the lacey sandals and knelt down to help tie them on Finn's slightly swollen feet. "I think you look very lovely in this." he smiled. "This isn't about feminine or musculine looking.. it's an outfit that suits you. You carried the dress very well." he praised him, truly believing this to be a nice look on Finn. "those t shirts are just way too tight around your bump now... I think a dress is more suiting right now. Let's see? we don't even have to travel far... just a short stroll around the garden, pick up some lunch, then we can head back. Can you walk well in these sandals?" he asked holding Finn by his arm. the sandals tied up along Finn's calves, the strings decliately twirling around his ankle which could be tricky for Finn to move in them. 

Finn rotated his ankle to get a good feel of the shoes on his feet. Turning back to Jared he smiled softly and nodded his head. "I think they feel alright. The clothes too. I'm just not used to wearing any of these sorts of things."

He blushed a little at Jared's compliments, and continued to feel some conflict. Still, his partner's request for some fresh air was reasonable, and the pregnant man had been feeling a little cooped up. After thinking it through, he sighed, but continued to amile softly.

"Okay, I'll give it a go. But if I feel uncomfortable, or get tired, or change my mind for any reason we come straight home, no questions asked. Deal?"

"Ok!" Jared replied all too happily. The faint blush on Finn was adorable, he couldn't help but press a kiss on his smooth cheek. "one signal from you, we go straight back home. Hmm, how about we make up a safeword? if you don't feel comfortable... tell me, hmm.... tell me, chocolate?" He suggested. "That way I know it's time for us to leave ok?"

"Let's go then, princess." he smirked, teasing him just that one bit before that set off to the park. It was refreshing to be under the warm sunlight again, as he was sure FInn would feel as they made their way down the several steps that'd bring them out from the apartment complex. He wrapped his arm protectively around FInn's waist as they moved, looking like the perfect parents-to-be heaidng out for a walk.

There were eyes staring at them.. but mostly they were curious looks on FInn's big bump. Some older ladies looked like they were about to approach them, cooing over his bump. Even Jared wasn't comfortable with that and he quickly disappeared around the corner to avoid their advances.

Finn seemed grateful that Jared and he had avoided the group of older ladies. Any other stares seemed relatively harmless, which he could deal with. Thankfully the weather was nice. Warm with a bit of a light breeze that helped keep the pair nice and cool.

The park was pretty busy when the pair had finally arrived. Finn glanced around seeing other couples, families, kids running and playing, and several people jogging around, or walking their dogs. He shrunk back a bit, clinging to Jared nervously.

The park was busier than Jared thought. there were dogs and children everywhere, which made Jared highly alert - they were running around in full speed and the firs thought Jared had was the potnetial threat they could be... what if they bump into Finn!

He was reaching out to pull FInn closer to him, and to his delighted surpirse, Finn was pressing closer and hiding behind him. He'd had little chance to see this clingy side of Finn... and to be honest, it was a great feeling Finn was looking for comfort and protection from him.

"Hey it's alright.. you're a 'pretty lady' right now. Don't be scared...." he turned towards Finn, shielding him from the crowd in the park and rested his hand on his lowerbelly, caressing it. "You'll be fine... just watch your steps. There are a lot of toddlers and dogs running around." The size of Finn's bump would obscure his view, kids and pets would probably fall in his blindspot.

Finn seemed to visibly relax as Jared comforted him. The pregnant man took a few breaths, and placed his own hand over Jared's resting on his bump. He then gave a small nod to reassure the wizard tree hat he was alright.

"Okay. Let's find somewhere to sit down." He spoke softly so that only Jared could hear him. "My back's a bit sore, and I think we should rest a bit before we keep going."

Jared smiled seeing the other man starting to relax. The last thing he wanted was for Finn to feel more stressed than at home by coming out. It was nice to see him beginning to relax and get to engage the nature a little. "ALright... " he nodded and pressed a light kiss on Finn's forehead.

He took the small of Finn's back and brought him towards the benches that were a little further away from the lawn so they'd have a nice view of the pond in the middle of the park, yet without too much interference with everything running around. There was a nice breeze blowing through, the dress therefore nudged closer to Finn's body and the outline of his silhouette was shown through the thin fabric.

"Is that a girdle that you got under?" A middle-aged lady suddenly voiced out, looking over wanting to touch Finn as if she was entitled to that right. Jared frowned and immediately stood up to stand between them. "Yes that's a girdle. Ms,... could you please not step too close? my, hmm. my wife's not too comfortable with foreign touches.

Finn practically hid himself behind Jared as the lady hesitated and moved her hand back, looking disappointed. The pregnant man nodded though and spoke in a soft whispering voice to disguise his usually more masculine tone.

"Please...miss...I'm just a bit...nervous around strangers." He moved his belly away feom the middle-aged woman and hoped she wouldn't try to touch him again.

They both witnessed the lady's face fell. She straightened upa nd was looking at them critically, lifting her chin up. "tsk tsk.... so what's wrong with me wanting to feeel? alright, that wasn't something that special either.... " she rolled her eyes and rather rudely took off, throwing them dirty looks as she rejoined her group of people.

Jared rolled his eyes at how quickly the lady changed her attitude. It was eye-opening how quickly she changed... just because they refused her touching Finn. Jared sighed and grabbed Finn's hand. "don't worry about that lady, babe. Don't let her dampen our mood... let's head over to that bench." He gave Finn an encouraging smile and ventured off to the bench. "I've brought us lemonade." Jared siad patting his pocket. "Shrunk a few bottles just in case." he winked cheekily at Finn, helping him lower down onto the seat.

Finn smiled at Jared gently, while he was lowered onto a more comfortable position for him on the bench. He then chuckled at Jared's winking, and patting of his pockets.

"No, I'm definitely not letting that crazy lady ruin our day. She was" Finn struggled to explain just how shocking and uncalled for the woman's behavior was.

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