Werewolf Mpreg Town (open to everyone)

Set in a town where everyone is a werewolf and the male omegas can get pregnant. (contact me through pm if you have any questions at all)

Human Description:
Werewolf Looks:
Werewolf rank:
Pregnant: (yes/no)
How many and how long: (in this RP werewolf pregnancies are faster a full werewolf pregnancy is 6 and a half months)
Extra Info:

Name: Dustin Flame
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Human Description: Caucasian with a tan, 6ft 1, short brown hair, blue eyes, a little muscular, blue tank top, ripped jeans, brown boots, a baseball hat

Werewolf Looks: Brown and black fur, yellow eyes

Werewolf rank: Omega

Pregnant: Yes
How many and how long: 5 pups and 5 months (second pregnancy, has 3 pups from the first pregnancy)

Extra Info: is a paid surrogate for couples around town having problems getting pregnant with a rule that he gets to be in their lives. looking for a Alpha mate of his own and form his own family since he grew up in a orphanage and was never adopted.

(If you are still interested.)

Name: Jason Davis
Gender: Male
Age: 21

Human Description: Caucasian; tall and athletic with a swimmer's build of muscle; long-ish blond hair over a handsome face with sharp, yet oddly hairless for a werewolf, features; green eyes; tattoo of the lunar cycle going down his upper, right arm
Werewolf Looks: dark blond fur with light blond underside, yellow eyes, bulky build

Werewolf rank: Omega
Pregnant: Yes, first time
How many and how long: 2 months with 7, already showing with a small "beer belly" (he inherited his family's genetic quirk of big litters and loosing control of the transformation during pregnancy, instead he is slowly transforming into his feral form until a few days before birth. Currently has increased torso, back, and forearm hair bordering on fur, depending on the location, and a scruffy beard that regrows quickly, pointed ears, sharpened canine teeth, his feet are halfway to paws. (Let me know if this addition is too much,))

Extra Info: relaxed and joking personality, struggles to act serious; loves to swim, was on the team in high school but never pursued more; loves video games and computers. Best friends with Dustin from early in schooling.

Jason pulled his shirt down, AGAIN, in a vain effort to cover the exposed sliver of his furry, pregnant belly. He'd wanted to buy bigger shirts, but with a litter his size, he'd be growing too fast to make that practical. A sentiment his father echoed when Jason had asked what he did when pregnant with Jason and his seven siblings, the exact words being, "no one will notice a shirtless werewolf here." Still, something to be said for comfort, but oh well.

Jason was still holding his shirt down when he saw someone approaching...was that Dustin?

Dustin was walking around Town since it was one of the few things that calmed down the pups inside of him. When he got onto main street and saw Jason. "Hey bro how you been since I haven't seen you in a few days", he said

"Good and furry." Jason said with a smile, showing off the fangs that grew out in the last few days. "You're looking fine yourself, pups are certainly looking healthy." Jason eyed Dustin's very pregnant belly, seeing the movement within. "Any plans today? I've got nothing to do if I you'd like some company."

"Sure I don't mind hanging out with you. The couple that these pups are going to are going to have their hands full. I got a date tomorrow with a cute alpha from the college. Hoping that he Is my forever mate", Dustin said

"Oh yea? Anyone I would know, or are you not ready to say?" Jason asked, beaming with excitement for his friend. "And does he have any friends?"

"Actually he's someone you don't know. I will even date a frat bro for a chance that the mate mark appears and that my date is my forever mate. He has a couple but the ones I know already found their mates", Dustin said

"Darn, oh well. Is he at least hot?" Jason asked. He then raced ahead of Dustin and spun to face him, stopping, "He must be for you to keep ignoring the fine bone in front of you." And with that, Jason gave his biggest, smart-ass grin, struggling to not laugh.

"He has a minor 6 pack  and you are my best friend and you know I'm looking for my alpha mate. Sorry bro but you know much I want to start my own Family. I'm just tried of each good single alpha that I meet turns out isn't my forever mate", Dustin said then tried to give Jason a hug

"Calm down man. Don't get so defensive, of course I know and you should know by now I'm just joking...you take the fun out of it when you get so defensive. I don't even think I could have given you a bigger 'I'm not serious' grin and you still drank the cool-aid." Luke said, patting his friend on the back. "And you should count yourself lucky, the last alpha I turned out to be a were-rabbit tourist. No idea why he came HERE, but..."

"Knowing my luck my alpha mate is on the other side of the globe. Anyways you want to grab a bite to eat because I'm hungry", Dustin said

As Jason was about to answer, his stomach roared at the mention of eating. “That’s a certain answer. So find us somewhere, bigger wolves choice. “ Jason reaches and patted Dustin’s pregnant belly with this comment. “Well, as long as they have meat, this transformation is slowly taking everting but meat from my diet.”

"How about that Irish pub they have great steak. The couple that these pups are going to have a tab for me over there so I can eat enough for their pups to be healthy", Dustin said smiling.

"Sounds like a nice deal, maybe I should start surrogating, if it provides more benefits than my disappearing alpha." Jason said, "Lead the way, bro."

(If I'm not to late to join)

Name: Luca Calenbach
Gender: male
Age: 23

Human description: Caucasian, 7ft, neatly trimmed brown hair with a slight red hue, gray blue eyes, very muscular, form hugging t-shirt, classic style jeans and black shoes.

Werewolf looks: wider frame, with reddish fur and gray eyes

Werewolf rank: Alpha

Extra info: goes to the local college to study medicine with a partial scholarship from playng on the rugby team. Works part time at the Irish Pub his friend's parents own as a cook and bartender. He has a high value of family and is looking to start a family of his own.

Luca was working behind the bar today and was changing a keg when he noticed two pregnant omega's walk in and sit down at the end of the bar. He recognized Dustin from the college and the other as his friend who would stop by between class to hang out with him though he didn't know his name. Luca smiled at them and quickly replaced the keg and went down to them. Handing them two menus he smiled and said "Hey guys, what can I get ya?"

Name: Eric Lux
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Human appearance: Long blonde hair, iceblue eyes, 5ft tall, athletic built but a little feminine, wears mostly elegant clothing
Werewolf looks: White fur, athletic built, same eye color as in his human form
Werewolf rabk: Omega
Pregnant : No but wants to be impregnated by a strong alpha

Extra: Studies medieval history at college and is a great fan of Martial arts. He also is kinda unexperienced with everything sexual but wants to be pregnant from a strong alpha. Is in heat currently.

Eric walks into the bar where the others have just walked in. He couldn't really hide his eyes from their bellies, touching his own, flat one a little. He sat down at the bar too.

Dustin leads Jason to the pub and he sits down if his normal booth. He sees Luka walk up, give them their menus, and ask want they wanted to order. ”I will have two steaks medium well and a glass of sweet tea", you tell Luka

After a brief look through the menu, Jason closed it and said, "Same thing, but make the steaks medium rare." He couldn't help but stare as the alpha finished taking their orders, and drink in his scent.

Luca Smiles at the two of them, takeing their menus he says "Alright I'll put that right in and be back with your drinks". He gets a wiff of each of their sents, In his classes he was taught to control his instinctual reactions and remain stoic a majority of the time. But still his base instincts were their and he couldnt help but enjoy the sweet sents. He comes back a minute later with their drinks and Heads to Eric another person from the collage he reconized and asks him what he would like.

Dustin watches as Luka walk away to another table before turning his head towards Jason. "I have actually been thinking about asking Luka if he was interested is see if the both of us are each other's forever mate. The both of us are looking for our forever mates and start our families. Knowing my luck, Luka is your forever mate", he says to Jason. After drinking some of his tea, he began to watch Luka. Right now he would take a very abusive alpha as his mate if it meant he wasn't going to forever be alone.

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