Werewolf Mpreg Town (open to everyone)

Luca was taken aback by this news slightly, he smiled saying " ummm yea I'm free tomarrow but.. I was thinking about asking Eric out...I like you both and I really want to go out with you but I also dont want to seem rude to either of you." This wasnt the first time something like this had come up, Alpha's were low since his graduation when many young alpha's moved away to collage. So he always felt bad in these situations

(( Thats fine with me but its up to Citus))

Jason bangs his head on the table once Dustin was far enough away. Of course he wanted the best for his friend, but at least he got dates.

Jason stiffened and rose, maybe this was why. He didn't fight hard enough. Luca might not be happening for him, but he can at least practice with him. Put himself into the fray. And with that, he followed Dustin to the where the three werewolves were.

Time to make it four. And as he got close, Luca's scent threatened to overwhelm him. It was delightful and threatened to make him stumble like a drunk the rest of the way.

(( I am fine with that))
Eric just heard what Luca was saying and just felt happy about the fact that this alpha wants to go out with him.

Jason slumps into a seat a little to the side of the group, trying to sober up before inserting himself. And what did he hear, Luca's gonna date both Dustin and this other wolf? Wonderful, everyone gets a slice of hunky werewolf but him.

As Luca was talking with Dustin and Eric he noticed out of the corrner of his eye that Jason was stumbling. Luca quicly helped him over. "Easy bud, cant have you falling with your cargo" He said as he patted Jason's belly. As he looked back to the others,"Well does tomarrow work for you guys?" he said still holding Jason up.

"Tomorrow is fine for me! “ Eric said in excitement about the date. This day was just perfect for him. He goes over to the others." Jason maybe an odd question but... Can I touch your belly? “

As Luca grabs and supports Jason, he can't stop himself from drinking in the alpha's scent as he helps guide Jason into a chair and lets him go. Smelling him a little too long, Jason blushed and said, "Thanks, I'm...fine. Don't know what happened there. Sorry."

When the other guy asked to feel his belly, Jason blushed harder, still flustered from embarrassing himself, "Sure, heh, I'll never turn down a...a belly rub. Um, shirt or no?" and instantly kicked himself for offering in a public place.

"If you don't want to with shirt is fine for me. “ He lays his hand on Jasons belly and rubs it in circles." You feel great! Wish i had the experience of this sometime. “

Luca noticed Jason takeing a wiff of his sent, he chuckkled grinning at Jason. "someting got your intrest?"Luca thought for a second and figured he would ask the others after all It three of them were going out why not add a fourth. "Hey could we bring Jason to?" Luca asked nervously trying not to push his luck with the other two.

"Sure! “ He seems like a nice person to be around with. Eric was just hoping to get a baby from this dominant alpha so he just went for the tbings the alpha wanted. Not that he would mind the other two he really meant what he was saying

As the guy rubbed his belly, it was hard not pant in happiness, "I couldn't help but hear, you might be closer to a pregnant belly than you think. Just hold onto that feeling when you're peeing every hour or the contractions hit." Jason smiled, "I should probably introduce myself properly: Jason."

Then Luca asked, "You just noticed?" Maybe it was the belly rub, but he was feeling more relaxed and less embarrassed. Then Luca asked about making the group of three into four and his heart skipped a beat. Then his masseur was fine with it and his heart leapt. Jason said, "Sorry for my lack of control...you won't mind? Actually interested?" but that couldn't stop the smile.

"Hey I am Eric. Nice to meet you" Eric smiled a Jason. "You really think i am that close?" He whispered into Jasons ear

Luca placed a hand on Jason's sholder, " I heard Dustin mention it during your conversations,I knew that Dustin did surrogate work, and I didnt think you were looking for obvous reasons." Luca sais as he brushed a hand over Jason's belly.

Eric continued to rub Jadons belly with his one hand. He looked over to Luca to see his reaction to all of this. As Luca placed his hand on Jasons bump their hands touched

"Let's call it a hunch," Jason said to Eric, "that was a lot of pressure."

Turning toward Luca, "He was probably trying to help cover how desperate I am," Jason laughed, "I am not helping myself."

Luca smiled at Jason "No your fine, I personally think that the alpha that did this to you is a coward." Luca had always had issue when others abandond their mates once they were pregnant. It was an old way, One that his father had tried with his mother but was unsucessful.

As Luca's hand brushed Eric's he noticed how warm he was, then it clicked Eric was in heat. As for the situation as a whole Luca knew that it was normal for alphas to have more than one mate, he just never thought he could be one. The idea of haveing possably three omega's carring his pups excited him but also made him increadably nervous. He feared that he wouldnt be able to give each of them the proper attention they desirved.

"It was my fault for letting him get me pregnant before the mark appeared." Jason said.

Eric smiled at Luca as their hands touched. He didn't quite knew what to do or say in this situation so he just looked at him

Luca frowned at Jason's remark. "He had a duty to you and his pups and he abandoned it. Mark or not he was still in the wrong" luca said in a firm tone.

He looked at Eric who was smiling up at him. He knew that Eric was in heat but the way he looked up made luca melt a bit.

"Sure Luka tomorrow sounds great", Dustin said smiling. He honestly wouldn't mind if his alpha mate had had another omega mate beside himself. All he wanted was an alpha that loves him and a great father to their pups

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