O The wolf in me (open but please read description in rp)

In a fantasy world there are shapeshifting men who turn into wolves (if you would like a different animal I would be happy to consider that too). They live in packs (or are lone wolves) in different areas of the world (snow, desert, rainforest etc). They impregnate each other by having sex (they can be in either human or wolf form but not one of each) as there are no females. When they transform back into their human form they have the lower half of their animal form (eg, as a wolf they then stand on hind legs they just are bigger than in their wolf form) however both animal and human(with lower half of animal) babies are born

Sort of rules(you might be able to convince me otherwise but I would prefer to stick to these:
-Have a natural amount of babies (so as a wolf you may have up to say 5 pups but if you want a different animal, maybe one that births eggs it’s similar to what that animal would have)
- I have this open and I’m happy to make new characters for each person that joins but I prefer one on one rp so if RP1 has a character, I’ll make a character to rp with them and a different character for RP2 and so on and so forth (I’m happy as well if other people would like to rp together in this rp as well)
- I prefer relationship sort of rps (so with wolves = mating type of thing) but if you don’t want that please let me know
- If you like this idea but don’t want to be in the open rp just send me a dm and I’ll set up a closed one

Name: Hunter
Age: 18 years old
Which part of the world: Snow
Pack/Level in pack(Alpha/Beta/Omega) or lone: Lone wolf (was born in the Wanderers but abandoned - more info in background)
Looks(Human): Pale skin with freckles across his nose and shoulders, slim and tall with bright white hair that’s a bit shaggy and hangs over one of his eyes, his eyes a deep purple.
Looks(Animal): Bright white fur that blends in with the snow, bright purple eyes, the only thing seen in snow.
Background information: Hunter was born into the Wanderers as the runt of the alphas however he was also born with a deformed foot (left) meaning he couldn’t quite run like a normal child or wolf and as he was also the runt they abandoned him near the edge of the cliffs assuming he would starve and be unable to return to them. However he was found by another lone wolf who grew to be his real mother and she raised him before she passed away, he now wanders the snow fields trying to find anyone as he never truly wanted to be a lone wolf like his ma was.

Hunter rolled in the snow lightly in his wolf form watching the steam from his body heat rise above him happily. He stood, as usual with his left hind leg held up as he jogged along the snow and smiled when he caught a whiff of a rabbit and growled lightly in time with his stomach, it had been a while since he had eaten. He crouched crawling towards his prey quickly, his tail wagging lightly.

Name: Shadow (nicknamed Sunshine by his family)
Age: 20 years old
Which part of the world: Snow
Pack/Level in pack(Alpha/Beta/Omega) or lone: Lone wolf (His family was recently killed by a rival wolf pack)
Looks(Human): Lightly tanned skin with freckles across his nose and cheeks, slim and short with black hair that has a red streak down the middle and curls upward at the ends, his eyes are dark blue.
Looks(Animal): Black fur with a red stripe starting at his forehead down to the end of his tail and a white patch of fur on his chest. (He basically looks like this but as a wolf lol: https://inkbunny.net/s/2226542 that's also his clothes as a human but with black pants)
Background information: Shadow had lived in the mountains with his ill sister, their parents, and his mate. He's not yet aware of it but he's two weeks pregnant with his deceased mate's pups (4 pups in total)

Shadow was crouched low to the ground, hiding in the bushes as he hunts a rabbit that stood oblivious in the snow a few feet ahead of him. He slowly sneaks closer, not yet noticing the other wolf that was also hunting the rabbit.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter shuffled closer making as little noise as possible, his fur blending into the snow. He leapt forward off his one back leg and grabbed the rabbit in his mouth biting it until it died, the blood from it staining his white fur before he dropped it into the snow, he heard movement around him and growled a little looking around suspiciously

"Hey! That was my meal!" Shadow shouts, growling in irritation as he stands up, still in wolf form. His dark fur standing out against the bright snow around him as he slowly approaches Hunter to retrieve the dead rabbit, his stomach growling loudly "Drop it now and I'll consider sharing..."

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter growled a little “No, this is mine, I caught it, it’s mine” he said protectively. He looked the other wolf up and down and tilted his head “You’re clearly carrying pups, where is your mate? Why do they not hunt for you?” He said confused looking around for another wolf

"He was killed...I hunt for myself now" Shadow replies "Wait, what do you mean by that?! I'm not carrying pups!" He growls, offended by the other wolf's comment on his appearance as he is not yet aware of his own pregnancy "Just give me my rabbit! I've been stalking it for the last half an hour!" He insists.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace snorts “Clearly you haven’t been by yourself for long, that’s not how this works, I caught it, I get to eat it” he said “I’m assuming you are by the stance of your back legs, slightly wider apart due to your wolf hips making room” he took the rabbit in his mouth before walking away, his left hind leg tucked up like normal

"But what if I am carrying pups? You would take food from helpless unborn pups?" Shadow says, following Hunter in an attempt to get the rabbit back "You're clearly injured, we could help each other out. If I really am expecting pups I won't be able to hunt for myself much longer, and with your leg the way it is hunting can't be easy for you to do on your own"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter laughed a little around the rabbit in his mouth before dropping it on the snow “I was born with this leg. You really must be new to the lone wolf thing, it’s kill or be killed, I’m not sharing with you, leave me alone, I’ve survived my whole life with this foot, don’t you worry about me” he said before grabbing his food and heading off again

"Fine! I was just offering to be nice, keep the damn rabbit!" Shadow barks as he turns to leave, his stomach still growling with hunger.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter chuckled before heading on before he thought about how he also hadn’t chosen the lone wolf life, how he had been left alone and another wolf had helped him survive and learn to defend and hunt. He growled a little before turning back and heading back to the black wolf throwing the rabbit carcass and it landed with a thump beside him “Have it”

"Wait, what? Really? Don't you want to share it?" Shadow looks at the white wolf, confused his sudden change of heart "My offer still stands if you're willing to stick around" He says, speaking more softly this time now that their conflict seems to have passed.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter sighed a little “I can tell you haven’t been by yourself long so I will teach you what I know like my adoptive mother did for me….But I don’t know if it’s wise we stay together after that, plus you will have pups to raise, you won’t need me for that and then they can help you hunt”

"But what about you? Wouldn't it be better for you to have someone to rely on for help too?" Shadow asks "We'd be stronger and safer if we stick together"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter frowned looking away “I’m better by myself” he said quietly “I’m going to go and get some more food, you should be able to track my scent to a small cave near the cliff edge where I stay, I’ll be there soon” he said before heading off in search of another rabbit or something to satisfy him

"Fair enough, thank you" Shadow thanks him and heads toward the cave by tracking Hunter's scent, but he gets distracted by a nearby squirrel and decides to try and catch it before heading to the cave.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter searched for another while, finding another two rabbits, catching them before heading back to his cave.

Shadow was there waiting for Hunter to return, still snacking on the squirrel he had managed to catch.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter entered dropping the rabbits “So you could have gotten something without having my rabbit” he said shaking his head before turning into his human form limping a little over to where there were still some embers left of a fire, he grabbed some sticks starting up a small fire

"It wasn't easy, I only managed to catch this because it was injured and even then it took me forever" Shadow hurts, turning into his human form as well.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

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