O The wolf in me (open but please read description in rp)

"Okay...let me know if you have any more" Shadow says, gently nuzzling and grooming the other wolf's belly.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter ran a hand through Shadows hair gently smiling at the other man before curling up to rest as he knew he would be tired from birthing the pups

Shadow's tail wags a bit as he keeps Hunter held close, keeping watch over his mate in case of any changes in his behavior.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter whimpered a little as he slept his stomach contracting gently. He slept for a few hours before waking rubbing at his eyes

"Hey, handsome. How are you feeling?" Shadow asks softly so he doesn't wake up the kids, who had joined them while Hunter was asleep.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter shrugged a little “I’m okay, the cramps woke me, they’re a bit harsher but not too bad” he smiled gently at him holding his stomach and whimpering as another contraction clenched his stomach

"They're starting to become more consistent now" Shadow says "I've been timing them while you were sleeping"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter whimpered and nodded before relaxing as it passed “How close are they?” He asked looking down at the pups, he wasn’t sure if he would scare the pups

"About ten minutes to thirteen minutes apart now, they're not quite coming regularly yet" Shadow tells him.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter looked at Shadow and nodded “Do you think I will scare the pups? Are they going to be okay? I’m obviously going to be in a lot of pain but I don’t want to scare them”

"They'll be okay, we've talked to them about this so they'd know what's going on" Shadow assures Hunter.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter nodded nervously before looking at Shadow scared “I don’t know if I can do this” he said shaking a little

"You can do this. You're so strong, and you're not alone" Shadow nuzzles Hunter and cuddles him close.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter tucked his face into Shadows neck breathing deeply and nodded before whimpering as another pain squeezed his stomach

"It's okay...just keep breathing like that, you're doing great, baby" Shadow holds Hunter close.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter nodded against his skin and squeezed his hand gently before relaxing a little “I’m scared” he said quietly

"Don't be, I won't let anything happen to you. I promise" Shadow whispers.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter nodded “I know” he said quietly shaking a little “I don’t even know why I’m scared, maybe because of the pain, I’m not great with pain” he said whimpering slightly as another pain ran over his stomach

"Heh, that's normal. I was scared too, but I knew I had you right there with me so it wasn't so bad" Shadow smiles and rubs Hunter's belly.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter took Shadows hand and tangled their fingers together before nodding “I know you’re here, I’ll be fine” he said softly “Four more pups to join us, maybe each pup will match up with one of their older siblings” he laughed lightly

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