O The wolf in me (open but please read description in rp)

Whisper nods a bit, trying to catch his breath for the walk back to his nest, needing to stop and breathe through a contraction every two or three minutes.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Dawn nodded worriedly “We have to get there soon otherwise you’ll be having those pups here” he said nervously before hearing his name called, he turned and watched as Flower ran up to him “The labouring wolf, I think they’re about to have the pups and I’m not sure what to do” she said panting heavily after catching up to them. Dawn looked over at Whisper a little nervously before trying to persuade Flower to go back and be with him as his body would know what to do. He suddenly smelled next to him, what he new as the canal smell where a pup first enters the canal and it’s the moment a wolf starts pushing, he looked startled at Whisper next to them assuming he had more time.

Whisper freezes in panic when Flower runs up to them, trying to stay quiet so the younger wolf wouldn't hear the pain in his voice. His eyes widen a bit when the intense need to push crashes down on him, he bites his lip and crosses his legs as much as he could to try and resist the need.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Dawn looked back to Flower and said he’d be back momentarily and to come to him only if he was having trouble birthing the pups. Flower sniffed around frowning a little “What’s that smell?” She said curiously. “Oh, it’s just sometimes the river smells like that around here because of cleaning pups that have been born, must be from the other side” he said nervously looking at Whisper from the corner of his eye, knowing he was holding back pushing which was terrible for him and the pup.

Whisper nods and gives Flower a small smile to agree with Dawn's lie, hoping to convince the female wolf to leave so he could get to the nest in time to safely deliver his pups.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Flower nodded and smiled “Okay!” She said convinced “Okay, so what type of things should I come to you for specifically?” She asked. Dawn couldn’t help but groan inwardly, he was worried because although Flower didn’t know the scent of a canal pup, a crowning pup was a different matter and he knew if he didn’t get rid of her soon she would smell it on Whisper. “A pup coming feet first, the wolf pushing for a long time with no progress, a still born pup, if the wolf becomes violent” he said quickly trying to say as many things he could think of as fast as he could.

Whisper mumbles something under his breath as an excuse to leave before starting to slowly and clumsily make his way to the cave and his nest, hoping to get there before Flower notices that anything was wrong.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Dawn finally had Flower convinced she could do it and quickly caught up to Whisper “Are you okay?” He asked concerned “I’m sorry about that” he said. Maze was pacing their cave worriedly, Whisper had come last night and left him a note saying he thought he was in labour and he’d now been waiting for hours for him and was worried for his and the pups safety

"I-I think so...the first pup is on it's way out whether we're r-ready or not..." Whisper replies "I'm starting to feel some pressure..." He says nervously as they finally reach the cave's entrance.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Dawn nudged him lightly “That’s exciting, your pups will be here so soon then” he smiled confidently at him, trying to be encouraging knowing how big the pups would be because of both of their genes. He went in the cave seeing Maze there. Maze immediately went up and nuzzled Whisper “Are you okay?” He asked nervously. Dawn smiled seeing Maze there before telling him to howl if anything went wrong and he would be back before he said bye to Whisper and raced out of the cave and back to his.

"Y-Yeah...then we'll have to figure out what to do when they're finally here..." Whisper says softly as he goes over to lay down in his nesting place "I'm as...okay I can be...r-right now" He says, nuzzling Maze in return "Bye, thanks for e-everything" He smiles at his friend.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Maze moved over to him and curled around him protectively gently grooming him “How are you going? How are the pains?” He asked gently unaware that one of the pups was close to crowning.

"Th-They're getting stronger...I think I'll need to push soon..." Whisper says, moving to lay on his side with his legs spread apart a bit

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Maze nuzzled him gently “You’re doing so well” he said softly “I love you so much and I’m so excited to meet our pups” he said smiling lovingly

"Love you t-too..." Whisper nuzzles back before the need to push hits harder than he expected.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Maze looked at his face and knew what he was feeling “If you need to push, go ahead, your body will know what to do” he said encouragingly.

Whisper nods slightly, already baring down hard.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Maze turned into his human form gently running his fingers through Whisper’s fur trying to keep him as relaxed as he could while birthing.

"...love you" Whisper grunts out, leaning against Maze.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Maze missed his head gently “I love you too” he said softly watching as his mate’s stomach contracted and he curled up slightly as he pushed.

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