C A change of life (close with justpush)

The young couple retired to the Radford house in the mountains. The home wasn't as big as the formal estate of the family, but it's smaller size invited to privacy.

Edmund was getting used to haré not only a room but a bed with his wife and taking time to know him better. Their nights were full of passionate encounters which they were hopefull they would result in a pregnancy.

Edmund had woke up first that morning. Here they didn't had any staff for the time being as they all had been given vacations to allow the couple to be fully alone.

He was in his trousers figuring out how to make some toast for breakfast for him and Charlie. He heard footsteps and noticed his wife entering thr kitchen "good morning" he greeted "I hope youre hungry" he said with irony for his toast had e des black as coal. As Charlie came closer he pulled him in closer to give him a hug and let his fingers feel once more thr nice petite body that he was beginning to love.

Charles had loved evenings since their wedding night. Edmund allowed him to discover an intimate part of himself. They loved each other really intensely. From the morning, they used the facilities of the smaller estate. They went to the hot springs to bathe or take walks. They also managed to play the popular game of billiards on the grass at that time.

Charlie was truly fascinated by his husband. He didn't expect that Lord Radford would try to prepare every meal for him himself. It was shocking but also funny when it didn't work out.

"Good morning, Edmund," he whispered with a small smile. He kissed him passionately on the lips. They made love three times last night. They got carried away. "Here's that... Let's do something easy," he laughed and took the cast iron skillet from him.

Charlie was often in the clouds. Every night, as he put on his gown to sleep, he wondered if he was pregnant with the heir to Radford. This would be a new experience in his young life.

"Edmund? We'll be heading back to town soon... So why don't we take a moment of privacy?"

"it's bad isnt it?" Edmund asked as he let his wife take over and take away the pans and skillet from him. And smiled at the kiss he got to receive even if his breakfast was a clear failure. He would kiss Charlie's belly every time after making love as if a baby was already there growing inside his wife.

"you want to head upstairs? Back to bed?" he asked not knowing if his wife referred to that tyoe of intimacy.

Charlie gently removed the burnt piece of bread from the pan. He put the pans on the stove. The kitchen was large. If there were any servants here, they would probably work at full capacity.

"Oh no... I'm sorry, Edmund, but after yesterday I need a dozen or so hours of rest," he replied and looked at him with a smile so angelic that his face lit up, "Let's just... Let's read something together or dance... Let's do something we It's not something we should do every day. Let's improvise," he asked him.

When they return to the estate, they will have responsibilities. In addition, they will enjoy social gatherings, banquets and gala dinners. There are already certain manners and rules there.

"As long as I feel up to it... Because if I'm pregnant, we're going to have to slow down a little, honey."

"That much?" he asked with a chuckle. He wasnt the kind to only want that, that's why he had asked him to be clear of what he meant. He knew that after last night it made sense his wife needing some time.

"You already know Im no good dancer. I like the reading proposition or we can go to the Lake, have a swim If the water is nice enough, and eat some Apples as I left us without breakfast" he said gently and smiled at him.

"I know. I try to be very careful in case you already are" he said "when do you think we will know?" he asked curious.

"We can go swimming, good idea... Or we can take a boat to the middle of the lake," he suggested and snuggled lightly into his husband's body. Since they started getting to know each other, Charles felt a strong bond with his husband. He felt really good around him. "And you dance well. Don't be modest," he laughed sweetly.

He thought for a moment.
"You know... Maybe when we come back? I don't know anything about medicine," he replied calmly, "And I'm younger than you. I thought you'd be better educated on this subject," he joked, and then hugged him gently by the neck. He looked into his eyes. "If it doesn't work out, we have time... I'm only eighteen, Edmund"

"you prefer the boat, dont you?" he asked and held him close kissing his cheek. "I don't you don't have to lie to me" he said gently and held his hand.

He chuckled "I do know, but wondered if you had any other information. There are some signs at first that can show up during the early days, like fatigue, nausea or dizzy spells. Some get headaches too" he said and looked at his wife wondering if he felt any if those. "once you notice one or some or those a medic can check you over" he said and smiled at him

"I won't hide..." he laughed briefly, and then looked at his husband, listening carefully to his words.

"Your mother interested you in the topic?" he asked with a little amusement, then lightly stroked his jaw with his fingers. "My Mother and Yours talked to me about this before we left and they said the exact same thing," he explained to him, and then gently released himself from his grasp, straightening his satin robe. "If I notice something, I'll tell you, but for now, let's go crazy, Lord," he said in a rather formal tone.

"I did some reading in the subject, when it was clear si had to marry and my wife was a boy" he said shrruging his shoulders "I thought it was best yo know how to help you a d take care of you" he said blushing and smiled at his last words "let's get going then. Its a nice day yo be outside"

Charlie smiled really charmingly.
"You know, I never thought you would be so... Ordinary. I don't know if it sounds good..." he hesitated slightly, "But you know, I thought that your family was very serious all the time and you had to stick to the rules. It's nice that they gave us these two weeks of privacy. Without any service," he said and stroked Edmund's hair lightly.

Edmund was surprised at his words "what do you mean? What you thought I wouos be like?" he asked curious and smiled as his wife touched his hair and leaned down to kiss him.

"I know. It's been nice to be just the two of us. Maybe we can always try to find time to be alone. Even when we return home"

Charles became a good kisser during these two weeks. When their lips broke apart, he replied a little shyly.
"I don't know... I thought you would be more demanding? And that you would care about the heir first and foremost," he added more quietly.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed his hand lightly.
"We will have responsibilities at home, Husband," he emphasized and stole another kiss from Edmund, "I need to learn from your mother how to manage the estate, and you will also be busy with family matters."

"and you... Like how I actually am?" he asked suddendly wondering if his wife indeed liked him. "I know we have a lot of pressure to have a child after all the deaths in my family. But Im asare it might take some time before it happens. Besides its you Im spending the rest of my life with, I thought we should at least get along" he smiled "And if Im not mistsken we are doing more than that?" he asked and grinned kissing his lips.

He sighted hearing all that was waiting for them back at home. He was not eager to return to his duties and work. "I know... I guess this is called a honeymoon as it just happens once and then you have to return to real life"

"You're..." he started, but Edmund kissed him so he was silent for a moment "Charming, that's for sure" he gave him a slightly amused smile and squeezed his hand "We're just getting to know each other and when we got married we barely knew each other, but I consider you responsible and a caring man" he said sincerely "And I'm sorry about the death of your brother and father... I hope the atmosphere in the estate will improve a bit when we return" he added a little more seriously.

"Such is the fate of the new head of the family..." he muttered to him and hugged him. He smiled gently. "I'll try to be a good wife, Edmund," he promised

"I know you already are a good wife" he assured him and held him close enjoying the proximitry.

He held his wife's hand as they began the walk up to the lake. The grounds surriunding the home were beautiful "You know, if you are pregnant or get pregnant in the up coming days the baby will be born in winter. We could come back here for the baby to be born"

Charlie, dressed in a long, beautiful dress (a gift from Mom), walked happily with his husband, holding onto Edmund's arm. The views were truly breathtaking.
"That would be beautiful, but do you know that your Mother has already prepared a wing in the mansion especially for my pregnancy?" he said and smiled charmingly.

Edmund wanted Charlie to dress as he liked and felt more comfortable with. He didnt mi des if he used a dress or trousers. They had taken with them a basket with cheese, bread and fruits. Nothing that had to be cooked...

"She has?" he asked surprised not expecting that "I hope shes not... Making you uncomfortable or make you feel even more pressure. If she is, I can talk to her"

Charles stroked his husband's hand lightly. He could see that Edmund cared deeply about his well-being and his opinion, but now it was just the two of them. He wanted him to rest with him in this short time of their rest.
"Relax... Don't worry. It's nothing. Now let's stop thinking about what awaits us when we return to the residence and enjoy the weather and privacy," he said.

They sat down on a blanket under an old oak tree. Charlie offered his thighs as a pillow for Edmund and he took him up on the offer. He stroked his husband's hair really tenderly.
"Do you like me in women's clothes?" he asked suddenly, "Would you rather I wear pants?"

Edmund laid over his wife's lap and closed his eyes relaxing on this position "I think you look nice in women's clothing and in men's clothing. Use whatever you like Charlie. I will always find you beautiful" he assured the younger man "in bed os really cute when you use your night gown though" he blushed as it also made love making easier for them.

"tell me then, what do you actually like wearing. I asked you when we got married how you prefiered to be adressed but you didn't gave me a real peoper answer then" he said looking up at Charlie

Charlie blushed at hearing such honest words from Edmund. He turned his head slightly, embarrassed by such a confession. Eventually, however, he overcame his embarrassment in front of his spouse.
"I like my nightgown too... It's so flowy and comfortable," he whispered at first.

The wind blew gently and the branches swayed slowly. In the sky, a flock of birds flew towards the north.
"Since I was a child, my face resembled a girl and... Then, when my uterus was discovered, I even started liking women's clothes and... I'm your beautiful wife. So you can call me that," he chuckled.

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