03-13-2015, 03:10 AM
Keith nodded.
"I won't wake him..." Though he probably still would check in on the recuperating figure. He headed inside Len's room and glanced down at the sleeping figure. "Uh...thanks a lot for everything." It would be a bit dumb to tell him if there was anything the leader needed in return, he'd be there, seeing as he was asleep. Instead, Keith felt a bit bold, probably because of the fact that he was already drinking mixed with him seemingly developing feelings for Len at an alarming rate. His lips planted on the liger's forehead, wishing the male a better recovery as he headed over to the other side of the room he slept at last time. With that, he began to close his eyes all while wondering how the next set of days would unfold.
"I won't wake him..." Though he probably still would check in on the recuperating figure. He headed inside Len's room and glanced down at the sleeping figure. "Uh...thanks a lot for everything." It would be a bit dumb to tell him if there was anything the leader needed in return, he'd be there, seeing as he was asleep. Instead, Keith felt a bit bold, probably because of the fact that he was already drinking mixed with him seemingly developing feelings for Len at an alarming rate. His lips planted on the liger's forehead, wishing the male a better recovery as he headed over to the other side of the room he slept at last time. With that, he began to close his eyes all while wondering how the next set of days would unfold.