03-11-2013, 01:46 AM
Clay returned the greeting and after that Claude payed his attention to the growing crowed. There really wasn't much to do but sit and wait. Claude preferred to be in the study but mother wanted otherwise. Claude decided to give his brother a helping hand with bar tending. Towards the beginning it was slow just a few drinks were ring bought but Claude new it would pick up soon. Clay made a quick remark on some of the party goers in which Claude response with a slight chuckle. 'Humans really are interesting creatures,' he thought as a young man, no more than in his late teens, came to the bar and requested drink. Something about him made Claude take a second look at him. He looked like any ordinary human that would come here yet something about him was different. Giving the young man the requested beverage, Claude gave him a slight grin and went to assist the others waiting.
He was starting to enjoy the party. It was becoming very live as the lights darted to dim and the bass grew louder. Daniel was making his way to get a drink a the crowd grew. Sweat plastered his hair over his eyes as got to his destination. "God it's hot in here," he said while fanning himself to get the point across. Daniel nonchalantly pushed his hair out from his face as he waited to be serviced. Daniel fix a smile on the bartender that was waiting to take his order. "I'll have whatever and make sure you come with it," he told with a wink. Standing in front of him a well built man with a slight beard in him. Whoever he was Daniel wanted him tonight. He hadn't had sex with someone for two months. That was a personal record for him and he was not willing to go any longer.
He was starting to enjoy the party. It was becoming very live as the lights darted to dim and the bass grew louder. Daniel was making his way to get a drink a the crowd grew. Sweat plastered his hair over his eyes as got to his destination. "God it's hot in here," he said while fanning himself to get the point across. Daniel nonchalantly pushed his hair out from his face as he waited to be serviced. Daniel fix a smile on the bartender that was waiting to take his order. "I'll have whatever and make sure you come with it," he told with a wink. Standing in front of him a well built man with a slight beard in him. Whoever he was Daniel wanted him tonight. He hadn't had sex with someone for two months. That was a personal record for him and he was not willing to go any longer.