05-30-2015, 09:46 PM
"This isn't a pissing contest, Ryne!" barked Carter and he pounded his fist on the table, making their trays and dishes rattle. "It doesn't matter which of us has more knowledge or experience with Sovereigns! For fuck's sake, you're actin' like a spoiled brat! You know what I remember from last night? I did the best I could to pleasure you and even offered alternative kinks t'get you off again, but you just whined about wanting sex when you know damn well sex is against the rules! Being a good soldier is important to me and that means following the rules! I feel like you don't respect me when you keep pushin' me and pushin' me to do something I don't wanna do! And yeah, fine, I get you're scared of the Sovereign, but it sure as hell isn't fair to use that as a weapon against me. When I tell you the tower is safe because I've spent the last three months out there shooting them down, then give me the courtesy of trusting me!"