06-05-2015, 04:02 AM
The Chimera Rex roared in pain as its heads tried to reach and bite Tsuka but failed miserably. It got on its hind legs in an effort to reach and knock off Tsuka before it fell on its back and died. Shiina seemed interested when Tsuka took off his armour and made a weapon from it. He whispered to the guard beside him before he stood up. The announcer looked to the emperor as Shiina raised his arm and gave a thumbs up. The crowd cheered as the announcer nodded. "Looks like these warriors get to live and fight for another day!" The announcer said as the guards came close to Tsuka and the others. One man looked like some form of cowboy with a full poncho, ammo belt, boots and hat. He pulled out a revolver as he pointed to Tsuka and the warriors. "Come quietly and no one gets shot." The man said calmly.