08-17-2015, 09:33 PM
Rahu softly chuckled, his back turned to them as the guards did as instructed.
"I'm glad to see there's common sense in some of you..." He flipped his hair a bit before walking away. He could not care what happened to them, truly. For their sake, it was a good thing he was not going to be their judge, jury and executioner because he had all three traits to display on his own. Once they were out of his sight, he began to resume his own tasks for the day and there were a lot of duties to hold for the time being. The male opened two large doors that led into a chamber, awaiting to hear back from a particular figure.
"I'm glad to see there's common sense in some of you..." He flipped his hair a bit before walking away. He could not care what happened to them, truly. For their sake, it was a good thing he was not going to be their judge, jury and executioner because he had all three traits to display on his own. Once they were out of his sight, he began to resume his own tasks for the day and there were a lot of duties to hold for the time being. The male opened two large doors that led into a chamber, awaiting to hear back from a particular figure.