(Set in a world that contains Both Pokemon and Digimon. It was discovered that Trainers and their respected companions can become pregnant regardless of gender. Digimon and Pokemon are like pets, bonding to a trainer of their choice (Pokemon can be understood by their owners but not other humans). Legendaries are permitted, but are not immortal nor all powerful, they are just extremely rare to bond with and have Small litters when pregnant. All Mon can have Live or Egg birth depending on the species. (A Lizard like Agumon would have eggs, a Mammal like Pikachu would have live.) What I'm looking for, Trainers or Mon, male or female (all is welcome). This is not a One-on-One it is a Group RP. If you have questions Please PM me)
Name: .
Gender: Male/Female
Age: .
Species: .
Description: .
Extra Info: .
Pregnancy Length/Numbers: .
Name: Merin
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Species: Mewtwo.
Description: A 'shiny' Mewtwo, he has snow white fur with a green belly, tail and blue eyes. Has been 'feral' living in the wild for most of his life deciding that it was preferable over being owned, his fur is messy and unkempt.
Extra Info: Has a distrust of Humans and other Mons alike, is in need of some extra love and attention.
Pregnancy Length/Numbers: Not Currently Pregnant.
Merin 'mew'd out weakly and whimpered loudly looking around for something to help him in his latest predicament. He had been searching for food when he slipped from a cliff, landing a dozen feet bellow on his tail, breaking it, his leg, and his arm at the same time as well as cutting himself up on the fall. he was in too much pain to focus on levitating home, so was stuck where he was and hoped that no predators would stumble across him and take advantage.
Name: .
Gender: Male/Female
Age: .
Species: .
Description: .
Extra Info: .
Pregnancy Length/Numbers: .
Name: Merin
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Species: Mewtwo.
Description: A 'shiny' Mewtwo, he has snow white fur with a green belly, tail and blue eyes. Has been 'feral' living in the wild for most of his life deciding that it was preferable over being owned, his fur is messy and unkempt.
Extra Info: Has a distrust of Humans and other Mons alike, is in need of some extra love and attention.
Pregnancy Length/Numbers: Not Currently Pregnant.
Merin 'mew'd out weakly and whimpered loudly looking around for something to help him in his latest predicament. He had been searching for food when he slipped from a cliff, landing a dozen feet bellow on his tail, breaking it, his leg, and his arm at the same time as well as cutting himself up on the fall. he was in too much pain to focus on levitating home, so was stuck where he was and hoped that no predators would stumble across him and take advantage.
Available for conversation, pm me.