04-05-2017, 06:18 PM
There wasnt any response from thr phonr snd Philippr was pressing the mobile tightly against his ear, thinking if it was Reese speaking too softly that he missed it. He waited for awhile and turned up the volume, but all he could hear was sobbing that seemed even more frustrated than before. He quickly stridr through the corridor to get to 404. He was about to bang on the door whne Reese's broken voice once again came through. He listened intently to piece together what Rese was attempting to say through the tears, but all he could get was some broken fragments. "I am comin in now. Reese? I'm in! Where are you?" He turned the knob and just as Reese had said, it wasnt locked. He barged into the flat and found himself looking into a ten times messier place than he last saw. He lookrd around and saw rubbish and.clothes everywhere. The baby's crying nonstop at the corner, but Philippe's priority was given to Reese. He saw the tightly closed door of the toilet and tried the knob. It was locked. "Reese? It's me. Open up?" He said into the phone as he knocked on the door.