06-26-2014, 05:46 AM
There are two famous singers; one nearing his prime and another who's career is beginning to blossom. At a music festival in the summer, in the midst of.chaos, one thing leads to another
JaĆme walked around the beach while the concert was well underway. It was the last performance and the younger male was on stage performing. The slightly older male could not see what the younger generation saw however. He was a bit.jealous to say the least. He drunk some of the beer while enjoying the sunset from afar, contemplating on what to do once his career was completely over with. He had the grammy's, the six figures and even a house in the nice country set of Cuba, that of which he was heading out to for his tour break. His green eyes glanced at the male on stage, letting a weird thought of capturing the young man so his.career could continue play out. He chuckled thinking he wouldn't dare do such a thing.
JaĆme walked around the beach while the concert was well underway. It was the last performance and the younger male was on stage performing. The slightly older male could not see what the younger generation saw however. He was a bit.jealous to say the least. He drunk some of the beer while enjoying the sunset from afar, contemplating on what to do once his career was completely over with. He had the grammy's, the six figures and even a house in the nice country set of Cuba, that of which he was heading out to for his tour break. His green eyes glanced at the male on stage, letting a weird thought of capturing the young man so his.career could continue play out. He chuckled thinking he wouldn't dare do such a thing.