Mythical Ranch (Closed with BabyDaddy)

Name: Adam
Age: 28
Description: Short dirty blond hair, Bright hazel eyes, Tan, lithe build but very strong.

Since His dad had died a few years back he is now owner of this magical ranch out in the middle of a huge forest, where the towns around it never go inside for they think it is cursed, the people who do go in never come back out. The ranch isn't like any other, instead of just regular cattle and animals but mythical creatures. He is now in need of a breeding bitch for his animals. They are in need now that he can't do it so he has to go out to the nearest village and look for a young replacement. He had been going out there for a few days now and had found the perfect bitch for his ranch and today was the day he will have him.

Name: Derek
Age: 23
Description: Stocky, sturdy, Derek was a former high school football player who is currently jobless and down on his luck. He's fairly thick, with sturdy legs. He has short brown hair and green eyes.

A year out of college and Derek still had no job outlook. The economy sucked and this town had no opportunities. Still, he liked to take walks out to the edge of the woods on days like this- it was a good way to clear the mind.

Adam grinned as he sees his new bitch right where he needed him to be. He pulls out the syringe from his pocket and waits for just the right moment to attack. Just as the brown haired boy passes by he leaps out and plunges the needle into his neck and knocks him out. He then picks him up and carries him back to the ranch chuckling to himself about all the fun they will have.

BAM! Everything went to black as Derek fell unconscious.

He didn't know how long he was out, but he awoke and found himself in an unfamiliar place. "Ugh...what the...who...where?" he asked groggily.

Adam smiles down at the bitch who was tied to a post inside a stall in the huge barn. Inside the stall was straw on the ground with no windows a toilet and sink in one corner and a bed in the other. his one wrist chained tot he post he could reach everything except the door witch was locked from the outside. "So my new pet take a could look around for this is your new home."

"What the...Hey! Who are you?! I'm not your pet! Let me out!" he cried, banging on the post.

"I am Adam. You may only call me Sir or Master and no, you are not leaving. This is your new home or haven't you noticed your collar." He leans in close and tugs on the piece of metal padlocked. "And don't even think of trying to remove it for this..." Adam holds up a remote and a gps. "With these you wont even get 10 feet away. This little red button here activates a small shock not enough to harm you but a warning before something else will happen. I will know everything and anything you do."

"I will never call you anything! Let me out AGHHH!" Derek yelped as a shock was delivered. Well, that didn't work...

Adam smirks and pets his head gently cooing softly at him "Don't worry pet you will love it here. You are to be the new breeding bitch of the farm. Now this isn't any ordinary ranch though there are normal animals but you know about those mythical creatures you have heard about well they aren't so mythical after all."

"Breeding bitch?! Hellll no! And bullshit, all you are is a crazed loon," Derek sneered back. He wouldn't believe anything this man said until he saw it.

Adam pushes the button and watches as his pet yelps. "You are my bitch and you will be bred by my creatures. Who shall we start with, we need to teach you a lesson. Oh I think we will start with the Cerberus? No no he will be later but for now how about some eggs in that belly of yours oh yess that would look so lovely. Wait here like a good boy wile I go get your first play mate." He says and turns and walks out of the stall locking it behind him.

Eggs? Pet? What was this man talking about... was this some sort of Craiglist dating ad that backfired? He knew he should've used Grindr...

After a few minutes the door slides open and in walks Adam with a Hippogriff on a leash. "Here is your proof." He says then presses another button on the remote and a tiny needle is injected into his breeding bitch's neck making him go limp.

Derek's eyes widened before his body convulsed and went limp. No...that...that wasn't possible.

"Trust me my pet, this is for your own good. I've been watching you for a whole now. You are broke and have nowhere to go. Here you have a home, a bed, a roof over your head." He chuckles at his rhyme as he positions his bitch on a big breeding stand with harnesses for the arms and legs and a huge hole where his belly would lay. "You are safe here, good food, and beings that will love you and give you so much pleasure. Isn't that nice?"

"Glbhtrrh! Goekfoejje kjsejfoen efkbmepoeh!" Derek attempted to yell, but his paralyzed mouth would not cooperate. He finally realized what was happening as he was placed in the breeding stand. The rancher moved his arms and legs into place and he continued to scream, but to no avail.

"Shhh it is ok my dear, just relax. This serum i made doesn't paralyze you it relaxes all your muscles to the point you have barely any control. It can wear off pretty quickly so lets get this started." Adam coos and pulls out a vial of white liquid and a knife. He quickly cuts off all of Derek's clothes and he pours the white liquid all over his ass and the back of his neck. As he does the Hippogriff stops moving and turns towards the slave sniffing the air excitedly.

"Fkekjcveie! Igrneoif ei feeogoeslh nlgprjk!" Derek yelled, his muscles still uncontrollable as the warm liquid was poured over his back. He hoped to God that the serum would remain active the whole time. There was no way out of this one.

"You are ready now, enjoy." Adam says gleefully as he sits down on a stack of hay watching as the half eagle half horse's cock grows long and thick, It's stomach was large and looked full. The creature strides over tot he stand and sniffs Derek's ass licking it before letting out a shrill cry and mounting the boy. "Now this is the good part." Adam exclaims as he unbuttons his pants watching the Hippogriff rubs his cock against the boy's ass and back as it nips at his neck.

"Gitrjgrji ghsja ohhhhh God!" Derek screamed as the paralyzer wore off. He thrashed against his restraints, but the Hippocriff's strong legs held him down on the breeding stand. He felt the beast's huge cock rub against his poor hole, and he knew he was in it for.

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