06-26-2014, 06:06 AM
Jaíme watched as Cole finished his little performance. "He would so much better if he sung in the key of shut the f**k up" he hissed lowly as the male even wore ridiculous clothing in the summer. Jaíme stood dressed in a teal large tank top and khaki cargo shorts. They were on a beach, so the sand and cool waves brushing up against felt better than wearing shoes.
When Cole left the stage, the same.thought played into his mind. "What if I invited him to the after parties out here." he thought all the while walking to where he left out at from the backstage. It was a music festival. Surely Cole had to love those kind of things. Walking towards the area, the Cuban knocked on the makeshift dressing room.
When Cole left the stage, the same.thought played into his mind. "What if I invited him to the after parties out here." he thought all the while walking to where he left out at from the backstage. It was a music festival. Surely Cole had to love those kind of things. Walking towards the area, the Cuban knocked on the makeshift dressing room.