Have My Baby [FINISHED!] Hockeypreg2xSazzyP260

Silas helped Sidney out of the bed slowly but quickly, "First contraction, at..." he glanced at the clock on the nightstand "11:23 PM... got it." he carefully got Sidney over to one of the straight back chairs in the bedroom - it was the easiest chair to place him in and get him out of since it was one of the dining chairs and had no arms on it.

Silas went to the closet and pulled out a pair of soft sweats and shirt from Sidney's side of the closet "I will strip the sheets if you think you can get at least halfway dressed... And then when we leave I will take Duke to the neighbor... It is a very good thing that he is always awake right now, or I do not know what we would do with our boy." Silas said, glancing over at the pup in question.

Duke was wide awake, looking frightened as the actions in the bedroom were frantically paced. He stood up from his dog bed - he was now nine months old and getting big, but he was still not done growing yet -- He easily reached Sidney's hip now when standing on all fours, but on two legs he was easily capable of putting his paws on even Silas' shoulders. Duke trotted over to Sidney and licked at his daddy's hand, whining and trying to figure out what was going on.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney took the clothes from Silas before petting Duke soothingly. "It's okay, sweetie. Everything is fine. Daddy and I are just going to go away for a bit and when we come home, we'll have your little brothers with us."

Duke nudged his head against Sidney's side as Sidney pulled his shirt off, revealing his enormous stretched stomach. He had stretch marks spidering all over and his belly button had popped months ago. There was a definite bulge of a foot up near his ribs that just seemed to be permanent these days. Even his nipples were swollen and puffy. No part of him wasn't swollen from the twins at this point.

"I can't do the pants without you. And I need a towel to dry off," Sidney said, rubbing his side. His ribs were aching. The lower ones had been popped out twice by the twins and now they ached all the time. One good kick and it would happen again. He really hoped they wouldn't do it during labor. That would not be a fun thing to have happen. "Oh, we need to fill Jasper's bowl and make sure he has plenty of water as well."

Silas wrapped the sheets up into a ball after tugging them off of the bed. He dropped them into the shower and walked back out to the bathroom with two towels in his hand. Silas helped Sidney up to his feet and crouched in front of him, he helped him out of his soiled pants and then proceeded to dry his thighs and buttocks with one towel "We will bring the second towel with us, just in case..." Silas said then grabbed the sweat pants to help shimmy them up Sidney's legs.

Once Sidney was properly dressed, Silas stood up and kissed Sidney fiercely "We are going to be father's soon... Are you doing okay?" Silas asked, setting his hand on Sidney's taut stomach. He could even feel the rippling of the skin as contractions moved through Sidney's body at a relatively good pace.

"I will deal with everything that needs to be done... You just focus on your breathing and walking toward the elevator." Silas said, he grabbed their to-go bag that was by the door and set it in Sidney's hand "Be careful and take your time." Silas said before he went out of the bedroom; he quickly refilled Jasper's bowls - he knew one thing about cats, and that was that they ate little, so he put enough food to last a few days and then proceeded to collect Duke.

Silas stood at the neighbors door and was smiling as Duke stood at his heel; Joshua - their neighbor - opened the door and greeted Silas "I am sorry to drop by so late, but Sidney has gone into labor... Duke has his bag..." Silas said, holding out a small bag with Duke's food and favorite toys "I am very appreciative of you for watching our boy while we bring our sons into the world." Silas gave a slight bow at his waist and turned to leave quickly, needing to catch up with Sidney and get him to the hospital quickly.

((So sorry... I thought I had posted this already but something happened between here and there >_>))

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


(no worries!)

Sidney had a hand on the wall next to the elevator as he breathed through a stronger contraction. His hips ached and honestly he just wanted to lie back down. Bedrest had worn him out and he was so out of shape. The walk to the elevator had tired him out especially combined with the added weight of the babies and the contractions.

"Mmmm..." Sidney pressed his forehead against his fist as the pain traveled down to feel like a spike at the base of his spine. He took a gulping breath when the contraction ended, his legs feeling shaky and looked for Silas, who thankfully was hurrying over to him. He was going to need him to help hold him up until they got to the car. "'nother one just ended. How long?"

Silas wrapped strong arms around Sidney's body and looked at his watch "Twenty minutes... they are far apart enough for now - Plenty of time to get you to the hospital. You should call Marc once we get down to the car." Silas jabbed the call button repeatedly until the doors slid open.

He guided Sidney onto the elevator and backed him into the corner wall, holding him up and pressing the button for the parking garage "Just keep breathing, love... Just keep breathing." Silas said softly, his hand resting on Sidney's stomach and rubbing soothingly - trying to erase the pains of contractions, although he knew it was a fruitless effort, he was still trying to be as supportive as possible to his boyfriend.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney slung an arm under his belly, trying to hold it up as he waddled towards the car. He needed Silas's help to get in, unable to climb up. The twins were pushing against him, clearly unhappy that they were being evicted. Sidney propped his phone up on his leg and put it on speaker to dial Marc. That way if he had a contraction, Silas could talk to him.

The phone rang a few times as Silas pulled out of the parking garage. Marc finally picked up with a sleepy hello.

"It's me," Sidney said, trying not to sound crazed. "So my water broke and contractions are about twenty minutes apart. We're heading to the clinic."

"Tonight's not good for me," Marc said even though they could hear him getting up. "Can you hold them in a little longer? Just cross your legs."

"I hate you so much," Sidney moaned as one of the twins stuck a foot in his ribs. "I'll see you soon."

"You bet. No fainting on us, big guy!" Marc called out before hanging up.

Silas swallowed thickly, hands white-knuckled on the steering wheel as he drove through the city - It was a godsend that it was midnight and a Wednesday, hardly any traffic which usually was rare for a city as large as New York City - the one who never slept.

"Don't pass out... He say's don't pass out, and now that's all i am thinking of!" Silas wanted to shout at Marc for being an idiot - they all knew by now that, even after trying Xanax, that the clinic still caused him to be even more anxious, the Xanax helped little, possibly even worsening his anxiety more than before.

Silas tried taking steady breaths, focusing on the road before him - it didn't take long at all to get to the clinic and he was quickly unloading Sidney from the SUV. They waddled and shuffled together up to the floor that they needed and Marc was already there waiting for them - leading them straight back to a delivery room.

Since it was not a normal hospital, there was no wait period, no other patients at midnight, and Silas seemed completely at ease as he helped Sidney out of his clothes and into the gown.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney bent over, holding onto the bed as a contraction worked its way over him. He hadn't even managed to get on the bed yet, both Marc and the two nurses who had been on call hovering nearby to help him as well as Silas. He groaned and his knees bent as the pain deepened as it went on.

"Silas..." Sidney waved a hand towards him blindly, needing him closer.

"I need to check your progress and see if we can get monitors on the babies and you," Marc said calmly. "So we do need to get you on the bed. Do you think you can do that for me?"

"I can't lift my legs," Sidney protested, not even trying because there was no way it was happening. They were going to have to haul him on the bed somehow because his body was not doing it. "Silas can do it."

Silas knew, even as big as Sidney was with their twins, he could still lift him - yes, it would hurt his back a bit, but he was strong and built like a mountain - as Sidney always said anyway.

Silas walked over to Sidney and rubbed his lower back slowly "Just breathe with me." Silas said calmly, he was completely calm and it was rather shocking, even to himself.

Silas bent at his knees, slipping one arm around Sidney's knees and one supporting the entire length of Sidney's back - with a deep grunt, Silas lifted Sidney up entirely and carefully laid him on the bed. Silas bent over once Sidney was adjusted and kissed him firmly on the lips "I love you, Sidney Forbes. You are going to do amazingly, bringing our big babies into this world."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Impressive," Marc said as he and the nurses got to work. One of the nurses pushed up Sidney's gown to strap a monitor around his belly, checking on a screen until they found what they were looking for. Marc and the other nurse helped Sidney get his feet in the stirrups. "Okay, Sid. Now comes the really fun part. Just take a deep breath. I might only be able to get an internal monitor on twin A since he's first in line according to your last ultrasound. We can monitor twin B externally."

Sidney reached for Silas's hand as Marc pressed his fingers inside of him to check his dilation and try and place the monitor. He groaned at the increased pressure and tried not to push against it to get Marc's fingers out.

"Good job," Marc said, sitting back and stripping his gloves off. He put on a new pair before helping Sidney take his feet out of the stirrups and tugging a sheet over the bottom half of him. "You've probably been in labor longer than you realized because you've already made some good progress. You're already halfway there."

"What?" Sidney looked upset. "Only 5?"

One of the nurses put a blood pressure cuff around his arm as Marc tried not to laugh. "It's your first pregnancy, Sid. Kris was in labor for 2 days with Kody."

Silas blanched at the thought of Sidney being in this much pain for two days. He squeezed Sidney's hand and looked down at his boyfriend... He sighed and then looked up at Marc and the two nurses "Could... Could you give us a few moments?" Silas asked a little nervously.

Marc and the nurses both nodded, leaving the room and pulling the door shut behind them. Silas let out a breath slowly and turned back to Sidney "I cannot, in good consciousness, let you go through labor for that long, Sid... Are you sure that you are not willing to do a C-Section?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney shook his head and tried to shift a little on the bed so he was more on his left side. "I don't want a c-section unless it's medically necessary. If the babies are in distress or Marc is positive they won't fit, then yes. Otherwise, I can do this. I know I can."

Sidney pressed a kiss to Silas's knuckles. "Kris was in active labor for like 15 hours with Kody. I was there for most of it so don't let Marc scare you. And like, Estelle practically fell out so it gets shorter with each one."

Silas nodded and squeezed Sidney's hand "If you are sure, then okay." He released Sidney, but only long enough to call Marc and the nurses back in. He was right back at Sidney's bedside, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking directly into Sid's eyes, their hands clasped together.

"Let us hope that we can get to ten quickly, I am ready to meet our boys - even if we have not officially picked out their names... Although our list has grown smaller... We still must choose their names properly."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney made a face as his back tensed up, not a contraction, just a spasm. "I want to meet them first. We'll know when we see them."

"Blood pressure is a little high," Marc said, looking at the reading. "We're going to keep a close eye on that like we discussed. Any changes to the previously discussed birth plan?"

Sidney shook his head. "I am allowed out of the bed, right?"

"We have portable monitors that I can hook you to but if you do, I want to put you on some oxygen." Marc looked over at Silas, taking in how he looked. "How you feeling, big guy?"

Silas nodded, his eyes still laser focused on Sidney "I'm fine." his voice sounded a bit weak and shaky, but at least he was speaking in full sentences.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Marc looked skeptical but he let it go for now. They got Sidney hooked to the portable monitors and on oxygen. The next contraction came quicker than the last and Sidney stay on his side, clutching at Silas's hand as he tried to breath through it. Marc followed it on the monitor, nodding. "Good contractions. Very nice."

"Great," Sidney said weakly. They worked together to get Sidney back on his feet. The best thing he could do was try to walk and move around. Anything to speed labor along.

Sidney and Silas shuffled around, stopping during the contractions. Silas was slowly taking more and more of Sidney's weight as they went along, the contractions getting closer together and Sidney's ability to move lessening as time passed.

Silas rubbed and held onto Sidney as they moved through the clinic at a slow shuffle, he kissed the top of Sidney's head as the last contraction hit him "I think we should go back to the room... They are getting closer together and you are not walking as much anymore..." Silas said quietly, rubbing his knuckles slowly into Sidney's lower back, hoping to ease some of the discomfort his boyfriend was experiencing.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney rested his head on Silas's chest, panting softly. The idea of walking all the way back to the room seemed daunting, the weight of the babies seeming to pull him down now. Silas was right though. The contractions were only 5 minutes apart and he was barely moving at all, Silas propelling him forward one foot at a time.

"Why aren't they out?" Sidney whined as Silas turned them towards the delivery room.

Silas chuckled as he kissed Sidney's sweat soaked forehead, pushing his hair back lightly "Because you have not started pushing yet, I think... They will be here very soon though, you have got to be much closer now than you were five hours ago..." Silas said as he lowered the bed rail once they were fully in the room.

"Just sit on the edge, breathe and relax, Sid. This is all almost over." Silas grabbed a cup of ice chips and held them out to Sidney "Suck on those."

He didn't mean for it to sound so bad, but... He had no other way of putting it, and he blushed darkly - it was still slightly daunting to make innuendo's, even after a year of being with Sidney.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Marc snored in the armchair in the corner, well-versed in the habit of sleeping at the drop of a hat. Sidney glared over at him as he sucked on an ice chip, his whole body feeling like it had been put through a grinder. "I wish I could shower," Sidney moaned and then let out a sob as another contraction began. He clung to Silas, rolling his forehead against Silas's chest as he tried to breath in time with Silas but he couldn't do it this time. He held his breath and tensed his body against the pain, gasping in a breath when he started to feel lightheaded.

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