Consequence from one night (w/ BubbleBelly321)

Finn wouldn't know how cute he looked chuckling, all trace of bottled up annoyance leaving him that moment - Finn really deserved more time out, instead of being trapped in the house becuase he needed to hide his belly.

The dress fitted Finn nicely, and with his face rounded up nicely, he was effeminated quite a bit and Jared stroked the blush that hhad appeared on his cheeks lovingly. "i like it when you smile." he said. Fishing in his pockets, he produced a popsicle and stuffed it inside Finn's mouth, knowing he'd been a fan of the strong-sour flavor lately.

Finn blushed at Jared's compliments. Before he could respond though, he found himself with a mouthful of popsicle. Removing the frozen treat for a moment, he laughed again, feeling his previous stress slowly fading away. He leaned in giving Jared a quick peck on the cheek, before eating more of the popsicle.

"I swear, you always seem to know exactly what I need. You sure you can't read minds, or something?" He let out a small, contented sigh. "Jared, you're honestly so good, and strong, and just...wonderful. I genuinely mean that. you so much."

"I would be lying if I tell you I dont know any tricks to read minds, BUT I can assure you that's a way too complicated spell to be used lightly." Jared chuckled. "So I would rather safe the energy, spending it instead of learning from.your body langauge. I do think that made things a tonne easier..." he melted at the loving words Finn murmured to him, responding with a sweet kiss on his lips. "And you too... I had never thought I would fall so.deep in love with someone, so quickly... but that's exactly what happened with us." He smiled. "Not to mention there are bonuses bundles of love on the way!"

In no time Jared produced another popsicle and licked on it himself, with a flavor that's much more "edible" by common standards, and went on to watch the children playing around the meadow, spending the time enjoying the outdoor atmosphere.

"Ready to go?" After some decent rests, Jared suggested and helped Finn up, taking his hand, he led the way to the weekend market within the open area of the park. There were hand made products and in no time, Jared was attracted to some tiny little toys suitable for babies. "Look finn! That's... adorable!" Jared's eyes sparkled with intrigue.

Finn looked on at where Jared was pointing. He hadn't expected there to be a market there that day, but everyone there seemed pretty relaxed, so he didn't mind. The toys he saw were very cute, and he smiled gently at the stall, as well as the wizard's excitement.

"You think we should get them?" He asked, holding up a few of the plush animals on the table. "I mean...they would look pretty cute in the nursery."

“And watch this…” Seeing the seller had turned away from them, tending to other potential customer’s needs, Jared quickly fished out his wand and performed a quick spell. Immediately the stuffed elephant started dancing no its own, swirled in mid air before landing gracefully on Jared’s palm again. “Isn’t that cool?” he said, having not used that magic trick for a long time already.

Not to mention, seeing the incredulous look on Finn, that brought him even more satisfaction. Juvenile, yea, but what’s wrong with feeling good from seeing your lover impressed by you?

“We could get our very own zoo for the babies…” he smiled, pulling Finn closer to him and pressed their foreheads together.

“Of course! These would be perfect for the nursery… and they’re perfect for newborns as well, I stitched them myself, it’s of absolutely high quality. No chance of causing any allergies.” The pompous lady animatedly turned to them to sell her products, already fishing out a bag for them. “SO all of them? It’d make a great collection… and do be prepared they’d start biting into them, give them 6 months, and a lot of them would become the greatest grinding toy.” She smiled knowingly at them, having spotted Finn’s big bump. “So, how many weeks?”


Finn looked on in wonder, as the small toy began to move and dance with Jared's magic. He then let out a contented sigh, as the wizard held him close, only to jump a bit at the excited seller's energy. However, Finn simply blushed, and soon replied to her questioning with a quiet whisper.

"'m 32 weeks." He then turned to Jared, debating on getting the toys. "What do you think? Should we buy them?"

"32 weeks! Is it twins?"the lady said goodnatiredly, looking at them with a motherly look. She smiled knowingly at how close the couple were pressing together.

Jared smiled and pulled Finn closer. "Please dont tease us, it's just one baby." He pressed a kiss on Finn. "It's just that mommy's carrying the baby low."turning to Finn, Jared smiled and whispered. "Let's buy them. What animal do you want aside from this elephant?"

Finn simply blushed deeper, nodding his head in reply to Jared's statements. He had no idea why his boyfriend was telling the salesperson that he wasn't having twins, but decided to go along with it regardless. It was likely just to make her feel a bit embarrassed about asking too many personal questions, and being a bit pushy. Still he looked over the other toys, and smiled as he pointed out a few that he thought would be good to Jared.

"How about...the giraffe, and the monkey..." He beamed as he looked over the small toys, picking up a few others until they had quite a few ready to be wrapped up in a small bag.

(Oh bugger, I felt so stupid. I genuinely forgot they’re having twins, hence thee stupid mistake =______= so sorry…)

Jared smiled and thanked the lady as he took over the bag. Fingers still interlaced, he waved goodbye to the lady with their joined hands. Finally they had something other than clothes to put in the nursery. “Are you feeling alright? I do still have another place to visit if you aren’t too tired…” Jared looked at Finn, pressing closer to him holding his waist. “I have some supplies I need to replenish. Some potions that I had been running low…” he whispered to Finn, being alert of the people around them to make sure no one else could hear.

“Though if you are tired, we could get them next time. I want to introduce you around to some things… and maybe, get some inspiration on how we could decorate our nursery in some… ‘special’ way.” His eyes twinkled, only too excited to see the options they could get from the wizarding world – alternatives to baby monitors and all.


(It' all good! It has been a while, and it seems things worked out. You have nothing to apologize for!)

Finn only responded after thinking quietly to himself for a few minutes. He shrugged his shoulders with a wide smile. "I'm not feeling too tired right now. If there are things you think we should check out, I'm certainly up for it."

He had to admit, he was pretty curious about what sort of 'special' nursery decorations Jared had in mind. The doctor had been pretty careful not to show off his magical side to others too much. He had taken the time to slowly introduce Finn to his abilities, and didn't seem to talk about any other magic users, or any places where such people got together. Needless to say, Finn was actually feeling a bit excited at the idea of seeing this aspect of Jared's life.

(haha yea, it’s been some time LOL and I got the memory of a goldfish – i.e. 5 seconds. =______=)

“Great… and I might bump into a few acqaintances who could be quite curious of you.Though don’t worry, they didn’t mean any harm.” He said looking around and went to one direction. “Hmm, it could feel strange for the first time we do this, just hold onto me. It’d be just fine…” He said as he escorted Finn towards a quiet corner, then performed the apparition holding his pregnant mate close to Diagon Alley.

As they arrived, he held Finn close as he looked quite shocked with the first experience. “Ah, sorry, should have practised this with you first before doing this long-haul travel…” The wizard said apologetically, rubbing along the pregnant man’s back to help him overcome the nauseating feeling.


Finn clung to Jared closely. The next thing he knew, everything was spinning and moving and all over the place. Then they were back together in one piece, standing as if nothing had happened. The pregnant man was suddenly dizzy, and he leaned in closer to Jared before he moved to lower himself. His hands touched his knees, and Finn looked down, breathing slowly and calmly, until Jared's back-rubs seemed to help the strange feeling pass.

"It's...I'm okay. I just wasn't sure what to expect." He chuckled breathlessly. "M-maybe we should sit down again for a moment."

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