The station
Jace rubbed Gears hand gently "You're doing so well my darling, just keep pushing, you're so strong" he said softly kidding his head again. He put his arm around Gear to help him push forward when he needed to push

Dr White moaned as another short contraction ran through his stomach. He refocused on Gear "The heads at your entrance now" he said and inserted a finger running it around the child's head to see how much room there was
Gear gasped he took in a few breaths and began pushing again when the pain hit the burning only grew worse but for once it wasn't the head he was worried about, it was the wings, he could feel them, they weren't extended but they wrapped around the body making the shoulders much wider then average. Gear cried out in pain gripping Jace's hand "ahh.. get it out!"
Jace looked at Gear worriedly "You're doing so well, just keep pushing babe, you can do this, I believe in you, you're so close to this all being over" he said running his free hand through Gear's hair gently.

White held the head of the child steady "You have half the head out, let's keep going Gear" he said shaking his head at how dramatic he believed that Gear was being.
Gear caught the expression.. white would see soon enough wouldn't he? Gear was going to make sure he understood exactly how badly this was. he arched his back and pushed again managing to free the head the rest of the way he felt the baby move foreword and the shoulders starting to come already. He cried out feeling the wings around the otherwise 'human' child.
Jace rubbed the back of Gear's hand gently "Just breathe for a few seconds Gear, you need to take in some deep breaths so you can put a lot of effort into getting the wings and shoulders out, once they're out the baby will slide out and you'll only have one child left"

White hid a smirk listening to Jace's words and held the child's head steady, he couldn't help himself, he pulled the child forward a bit without the contraction, loving the way he could cause pain like that.
The wings weren't natural the shoulders weren't supposed to be this wide. "STOP! AHH!" He felt white pull on the child without a contraction Perhaps it was that move that triggered the next pain it was the strongest one yet he pushed hard both wings forcing themselves threw at once Gear was vary close to tearing he was shaking gripping Jace and struggling to take it slow. The shoulders were worse then the head had been and took longer for him to get out but after a good 30 minutes or so both shoulders and wings were free.
Jace wiped the tears from Gear's face and grabbed a cloth wiping his face gently "You're so strong my darling" he said softly kissing Gear's cheek gently, he turned Gear's face to him and kissed him softly "Not too much more and it will all be over for you" he said smiling encouragingly

White held the child "Just another big push and this child will come free" he said, his contractions had started to come closer together and he didn't like it.
Gear gasped for air he was exhausted but he managed to get in one more push freeing the rest of the first baby before laying back again. "One more." He said closing his eyes for a moment. Gear knew vary well that white was in pain, that was good, he deserved it.
Jace brushed the hair out of Gear's face "Yes my darling, just one more and you're done, so just save the little energy you have left up for the next few minutes and then we'll get this baby out of you and you'll be done forever" he smiled gently at Gear stroking his cheek gently

White put the child down on the other side of the room groaning as another contraction hit. He straightened up and walked back over to them acting as if the contraction hadn't affected him
Gear smiled "Then it'll be you're turn... then we can go home." He opened his eyes looking up at Jace for a long few moments. After awhile he dozed off he actually managed to sleep about half an hour before a harsh contraction woke him and he felt the baby starting to drop the pain in his lower back and hips returning just as it had before.
Jace smiled and just watched him sleep for the short period "Hey, you're okay, you're going to be okay, I'll just be right here my darling" he said smiling gently at Gear and stroking his cheek gently grabbing onto his hand again "Squeeze as much as you need to" he smiled confidently at Gear

White sighed a little and moved back into in front of Gear's anus and rubbed his hold massaging the muscle gently
Gear griped his hand tightly and began bearing down once more this one was slightly smaller then it's sibling at least. Gear was happy for that he wouldn't have as much to deal with. However it still hurt and he found himself breathing hard between pains and when the contractions returned he was back at it leaning foreword and moving the baby foreword until he began to feel the burning pain starting to return.
Have rubbed his back as he pushed "Yes Gear, that's the way, nice big pushes, let's get this last one out of you" he said smiling encouragingly at Gear. He leant in kissing his cheek gently "You're going so well my darling"

White saw the child's head start to emerge and frowned, a bit disappointed that it wasn't the same size as its sibling, maybe the third one would be, he was quite excited for this one to be born and see the horror on their faces when another contraction hit and he felt the third one. He ran his finger around the head yawning a bit bored as he did so
Gear groaned feeling the head starting to crown the burning pain returned he held tightly to Jace he was shaking tired and in pain he just wanted to be done, he wanted the child out of him and he never wanted to deliver anther baby again. He breathed for a moment and repeated the processes feeling the head reach it's widest point two contractions latter.
Jace helped Gear sit up a bit whenever he needed to push "I know you're tired Gear but you're so close, so close" he said rubbing Gear's back gently holding him close kissing his hair gently.

White held the child's head steady and pulled the head a bit further out making sure not to rip him but still cause him some pain, he loved hearing them scream and he knew they still needed him so they weren't going to really do anything to stop him
Gear let out a cry as he felt white tug on the head it wasn't enough to make him tear but it hurt a lot Gear was back to pushing he freed the head and began working on the shoulders. gasping and groaning as he felt him self stretching to accommodate them. the contractions were one right after the other and despite the fact that he was 'almost done' Gear noted they didn't seem to be letting up in the slightest.
Jace rubbed his back gently "So close Gear, just a few more contractions and pushing and you will be free, your body will be yours again" he said smiling brightly at Gear "You're so strong and brave, you can do this my darling"

White couldn't help a small smirk crossing his face as held the child's head gently watching as the young man stretched for the shoulders and wings. He could see how tired Gear was and was quite excited for the third child believing it would kill him and he was going to make sure it was the most painful birth he had ever had
Gear was exhausted his whole body ached he just wanted to be done but he couldn't, not yet. "Get out!" He gasped when the shoulders stalled for a moment. He was able to free them on the next contraction, he was almost done. Gear tried to steady his breathing, they didn't have an oxygen mask on bored so he really had to try.
Jace rubbed his cheek gently "Here, breathe with me" he said breathing deeply with Gear "Your so close, one nice big push and you're all done" he said smiling gently at him

White held the child steady waiting for the last push, he hoped that like when the first baby was born Gear would have a half an hour rest and then get a nice surprise when he found out there was another one. White groaned and grabbed his stomach as another contraction rippled through his stomach, he breathed deeply and sat back up
Gear managed to gather the rest of his strength into what he assumed would be the last push when it was over he practically fell back against Jace he was exhausted and sore "We.. did it.." Gear said looking up at Jace He was smiling despite how tired he was. Gear tried to stay awake, he really wanted to but he ended up falling asleep it seems White would get his wish Gear got just about a half hours rest before his eyes snapped open and he let out a groan.

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