Have My Baby [FINISHED!] Hockeypreg2xSazzyP260

Ten minutes seemed like a long time to Silas, but he would trust Marc in this decision; he was after all the doctor in this situation. Silas helped Sidney through the pushes, coaching like he had been for the entire time. His hand was throbbing painfully with how hard Sidney was gripping it, he was sure to have a broken bone or two, but it was nothing compared to the pain that Sidney had endured for the past few months.

Silas sucked up his own pain and... finally there was more movement. Marc was encouraging Sidney to push harder - the screaming was getting loud as the epidural started wearing off and Silas was trying to keep Sidney calm through it all.

It seemed to take longer than ten minutes, but finally Twin A had made his descent and he was very close to being birthed into the world - Marc had asked if Silas wanted to feel the baby's head, but... that idea was immediately retracted with an 'I'm just kidding' -- Silas had blanched pale white and looked like he would pass out just from the question, let alone the action.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Marc kept one hand on the baby's head, reaching with his other hand for an absorbent pad. "I want you to give me small little pushes now, Sid. We're just going to ease him out now."

Sidney cried out as he tried to listen to Marc but the burning pain was so strong. All he wanted to do was push as hard as he could to get it to stop. The epidural hadn't worn off completely- he wasn't feeling the contractions that strongly but he definitely was feeling the baby stretching him and drowning.

"Get him out!" Sidney cried out, panting as the contraction ended. His legs were shaking and he felt like he was going to throw up. He was just a mess of pain and burning.

"Just about there," Marc said as the baby's head eased its way out completely. "Okay no pushing, Sid. His head is out but he's got to turn into position before we can start on the shoulders."

Sidney clutched at Silas's hand, fighting his urge to push as his body wanted to do just that. The baby felt absolutely enormous and Sidney had to do this again before he was done.

Silas bit back a groan of pain on his own as Sidney squeezed his hand "He's almost here, Sid... Just a little bit more and we'll have our first son..." Silas whispered against Sidney's sweat covered forehead.

The baby would be in an awkward position for sure, pressing heavily against Sidney's prostate.

"Just a little longer sweetheart." Silas said as he grabbed a cool wash cloth, dabbing the sweat away from Sidney's face, neck and chest.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Okay you can push on the next one. I'm going to help guide his shoulders as we go," Marc said supporting the baby's head. "This one has a full head of hair here."

Sidney laughed a little weakly, feeling strangely euphoric. The next contraction started and he leaned forward, pushing as hard as he could to get the baby out. He felt the bulk of the baby shift and he gasped as the shoulders pressed against him and if he thought the head was bad, the shoulders were even worse.

"Oh god!" Sidney screeched, arching his back as he felt a shoulder pop free and a moment later the rest of the baby slide out. Marc rubbed the baby down and a cry filled the room.

Silas gasped in surprise when his first born son's cries filled the room. Watching, transfixed, as Marc cleared blood and clamped the umbilical cord. Marc seemed focused, and then he was looking at Silas "Do you want to cut the cord, big guy?" he asked, holding a pair of surgical scissors in one hand and the baby in the other.

Silas' eyes widened and his face paled considerably, shaking his head frantically - he felt extremely lightheaded, swaying in place "N-n-n-no-o." he stammered out, his body felt like it was growing heavier and sure enough, Silas' large body was crumpling like a wet noodle to the ground. Out cold.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney looked down at Silas on the floor in shock. "Is he okay?"

"It happens," Marc said as the nurses went to Silas. Marc cut the umbilical cord and settled the baby on Sidney's chest. He kept one hand on the baby's back until Sidney brought both hands up. "Hold onto him. I have to check down below."

Sidney's eyes filled with tears as he looked down at his son. He was still crying but it was slowing down as Sidney ran a soothing hand over the baby's back. His hair was matted to his head, but he had so much of it. And he was so big and long. "Hi baby. Look at you. You're here and you're so beautiful."

Silas groaned as one of the nurses slapped at his cheek, he blinked his eyes open and stared up at the tiled ceiling of the delivery room "Christ... what happened?" Silas sat up slowly and rubbed at the knot that was swelling on the back of his skull, hissing as he kept touching it and poking at it.

Marc, nonchalant as ever as he worked between Sidney's legs, laughed "You passed out when I asked if you wanted to cut the umbilical cord -- I know now, do not ask you anything involving blood, body parts, or... pretty much anything medical." Marc said, glancing up from over the sheet that was still draped over Sidney's knees, staring at Sidney who was holding the newborn and sharing a smile with the new father.

Silas huffed as he slowly pushed up to his feet and stumbled into the chair that was by the bed, his head was killing him, but he couldn't help staring at the long length of squiggling child resting on Sidney's chest. Silas shot up slowly, standing next to Sidney's bed again "Is that... oh wow..." he whispered, setting his hand across the newborn's back -- his entire hand engulfed their newborn son's back easily.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Meet your son," Sidney said softly, unable to tear his eyes away from the baby's face. His contractions had stopped for now and he was able to just enjoy his son. "He's so beautiful."

The anesthesiologist came back into the room to get the epidural going again so that Sidney could relax until it was time to push again. Marc settled the sheet back down over Sidney's legs, checking the monitors. "I have the internal monitor on twin B. Hopefully he'll get into position quickly. It's normal for contractions to slow down in between babies so just relax."

Sidney nodded, barely hearing Marc. He traced a finger over his son's chubby cheeks, staring at his pink mouth.

Silas played with the hair at the back of their son's head "Is it normal for them to be born with so much hair?" Silas asked curiously, gently stroking the long locks between two fingers.

Silas looked down at Sidney and smiled - his boyfriend seemed like he was very much in love with their son, and Silas couldn't blame him - he too was feeling an over abundance of love toward the little chubby pound of flesh resting against Sidney "He is not beautiful. He is handsome." Silas stated indignantly - no son of his would be beautiful, that was for girls.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Baby boys can be beautiful," Sidney said as the baby tried to mouth at his chest, his eyes barely open. Sidney still hadn't decided on nursing but he had a feeling the babies were going to make the decision for him.

"I need to steal him for a minute," Marc said, taking the baby from Sidney gently. "I need to just weigh him and do a few things then you can have him back."

Sidney relaxed back on the bed, the epidural kicking in again and everything going numb. "How's your head?"

Silas had momentarily forgotten that his head was throbbing mad, in favor of seeing their son for the first time - although the pain in his head was nothing compared to the pain that was radiating through his index and middle finger "Its better than my fingers..." Silas said as he sat down and lifted his hand up.

Both digits were barely moving, and slightly bent "I suppose I have learned my lesson, you are no longer holding my hand while birthing our children..." Silas shook his head and smiled slightly - the pain was bad, but he was used to a lot of pain in his body, had broken bones before and he knew how to deal with the rush of it all.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney's eyes widened in shock. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize I did that." He tugged Silas over to kiss him gently. "I bet Marc can fix them up so they're at least stabilized."

"Oh sure," Marc said as he brought the newborn back over. "Way to be an overachiever, Sid. He's 7lbs 6 oz and 21 inches long. Definitely big for a twin." He handed him back to Sidney, all bundled in a blanket now and dried off. "He's got a huge head though so that's really what was causing the problem. Now that he's forged the path for baby #2, it should go faster."

Sidney took the baby back, pulling him close and rubbing a finger over his chubby cheek. The baby immediately tried to latch on and Sidney made a face. "I guess he wants to eat."

Silas returned Sidney's kiss easily, holding his fingers close to his chest so they wouldn't get jostled any further "We will deal with my fingers after number two." Silas said quietly as he watched Marc lay their son back into Sidney's arms -- He looked so much better without all that blood and gunk on him, and Silas looked a lot less pale now.

A nurse noticed Sidney's discomfort and frowned as she came over, setting her hand lightly on Sidney's shoulder "Mr. Forbes, we know that not all first-time birther's are comfortable with the idea of breast feeding, but you know that we encourage at least a few times so that the newborn can build up his immune system." she squeezed Sidney's shoulder lightly "I'll make sure to order donated breast milk for you, a year's supply - what you don't use can be returned to the clinic here, you know all of this though, of course..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Thank you," Sidney said, nodding. He had actually forgotten about that but would definitely take advantage of the donated breast milk. Even if he did end up breastfeeding them, he was going to need it anyway because there was two of them. The nurse helped him take down the top of his gown and get the baby to his chest so he could eat. Sidney felt so awkward, holding him there as everyone watched.

"Give me your hand," Marc said to Silas, holding a tongue depressor and some tape. "I can at least splint them for you." It only took a moment to get them straightened out and splinted. "We can get them taken care of for real after number two is born. You're having contractions again, Sid, which is good."

Marc pressed on Sidney's belly, feeling around for the baby's position as Sidney nursed the first baby who was apparently very hungry and had no problem figuring out what he was supposed to do when presented with a nipple. He ducked under the sheet again to check internally as well. "Shouldn't be long. His head is in position, but you've got to dilate back to 10 again."

Silas hissed when Marc straightened his fingers out, but otherwise made no sound of being in pain - they were swollen and red, and looked like they were killing him. Silas brought his hand back to his chest after Marc was done and they all returned their attention to Sidney. Silas set his hand on the top of Sidney's head and bent forward, kissing him lightly.

"You are doing so great babe. Our next son will be here in no time, and then you can sleep and I will watch them." Silas looked down at their son suckling on Sidney's nipple "Although... they may be more inclined to suck my chest than yours..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"It feels weird," Sidney admitted, cupping the back of the baby's head as he ate. "He seems to like it but I'm not sure I do."

"Get him nice and full so he naps when you're pushing," Marc advised. He was between Sid's legs again. "It'll be easier if he's sleeping. You can close your eyes while he eats if you want. We'll keep an eye on things."

Sidney nodded and kept his hands where they were but took Marc's advice and closed his eyes. He could kind of feel pressure between his legs again, but no pain and no contractions which was a nice change. And he was exhausted.

"It looks weird." Silas teased and kissed Sidney's forehead again. "but what's best for baby is to eat, so we'll let him..."

Silas sat down in the faux leather reclining chair again and rubbed the back of his head slowly, the knot was completely formed and very tender, he hissed as he touched it "I fell too hard, I think." he said quietly, watching as Sidney closed his eyes - they still had a long road ahead of them and Silas was exhausted too, he didn't even remember closing his eyes and falling asleep.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Marc let them rest for about a half hour, taking the baby when he was finished eating and putting him in a bassinet to sleep. Sidney was fully dilated again and he didn't want to wait much longer. Baby #2 was ready to be born and the longer they waited in between the more chance of an infection for Sidney.

"Wake up," Marc said gently, shaking Sidney's shoulder. "Time for number 2."

Sidney woke slowly, immediately looking for the baby. Marc showed him where he was comfortably sleeping before he had Sidney wake Silas so they could get started. This time, the baby moved down quicker as Sidney pushed, taking only twenty minutes to get to where he was after almost two hours of pushing with the first baby.

Sidney panted and leaned back when it was time to take a break. He looked over at Silas, his eyes half-opened. "I'm so tired this time."

Silas stood at Sidney's bedside - broken fingers tucked far away from Sidney's hand. He kept a constant hand on Sidney's head and back though and he leaned over too kiss Sidney lightly on the lips "I know you are baby... It took a lot of effort to push the first one out... This one, he is coming much quicker now... It should not be too long before he has arrived."

Silas gently helped Sidney take a few sips of the melting ice chips, dabbing his sweaty face and chest with the cold cloth and then sighed "I am sure we will have number two very soon."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Marc was frowning between Sidney's legs, glancing at the monitors and at the progress he was making. "Sid, I need you to push really hard for me. We need to get him born. His heart rate is slowing down with each push so we need him out as soon as possible. So really big push even when there's no contractions now."

Sidney's heart thumped in his chest and he tried to grab at his legs to sit up and push, but his hands slipped in exhaustion. Silas was there immediately, getting him into position as he pushed as hard as he could. He kept going and going, Marc shouting at him now. Everything got hazy and confusing, the room spinning, but he kept pushing until one of the nurses told him to stop pushing.

A moment later, a thin cry filled the room and Sidney closed his eyes, passing out.

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