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Kross smiled moving into the living room and kneeling on a cushion in front of Stan. He carefully rubbed the cocoa butter over that round tummy. Kissing the little lumps there as a foot pushed out here, or a hand there. He whispered and cooed to the moving babies.
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As Kross rubbed stans belly Stan felt a connection with kross that deepened. Stan just laughed as the babies started shifting. "Would you like some too before we leave." Stan asked. Stan felt guilty seeing Kross kneeling there his own bumb being unattended to.
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"Mmm no, but thank you, I'll be taking a shower when we get back, it would just all be washed off." he hummed he was comfy on his pillow. In fact he was really comfy, so much so he found himself leaning and resting his head on Stan's thigh, not even realizing when he had laid down. It was seconds before he was softly snoring.
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Stan noticed Kross had fallen asleep. Stan just leaned back and with one hand rubbed his giant belly while the other hand reached over and was placed on Krosses belly as he slept. Stan began to think about all three of there children and how good of parents they would be. Thinking of go they would raise all three if they would have enough money or even if they were qualified to be parents. With all this going through his mind Stan too began to get tired and layed his head back and fell alseep.
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It was some time later, that Kross woke up. His joints hurt from staying on the ground too long. he blinked sleepy eyes. "nnng, oh," slowly he stood, His legs where numb and his belly sore. He couldn't get up. He was trying to be as quite as he could be and not wake up Stan, but he felt so helpless. He shifted again till he was sitting flat on the floor, crying silently.
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Stan awoke as his head fell off his arm as it was propped on the arm of the sofa. He looked down to see Kross laying flat on his back crying his bump sticking up in the air his shirt barely covering it. "Are you ok?" Stan asked as he held his belly trying to scoot to the edge of the sofa to help Kross.
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He tried very hard to compose himself, quickly wipping away tears but they just weren't stopping. He rubbed his belly trying to calm. "Yeah...." he gave a big sniff. "Yeah i'm fine..." The tingling in his legs was going away slowly, but he still remained on the floor hesitant to move.
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Stan carefully pushed himself off the couch holding his belly with one hand and outstretched his other to help Kross up off the floor. "Give me your hand I will help you up." Stan said concerned.
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Kross didn't like the thought of stan lifting him up, but they where in a right predicament. "Just, becareful" he sniffed. Taking one of Stans hands, and gripping the catch he carefully worked to get up off the floor.
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As Kross slowly got up Stan helped Kross sit in his lazy boy recliner gently patting his bump. Stan then went behind and began massaging Krosses shoulders. "Is everything feeling ok?" Stan said his bump pressed against the recliner as he massaged Krosses tense shoulders.
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Kross nodded swallowing. "I just fell asleep in a bad position and i couldn't get up." he finally explained. He melted into the massage. Truth be told, Kross was absolutly /horrible/ about taking care of himself. Now doing things to make sure his baby was ok, he would do all that first thing, but little things, like asking for a rub, or help lotioning his belly....he was very very bad about. He always ended up putting others needs first.
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Stan finished rubbing Krosses shoulders and moved slowly into the kitchen moments late he emerged carrying to huge bowls of ice cream with pickles in them. "Here you go I'm sure your baby is just is hungry as mine are." Stan smiled handing the bowl to kross. Stan moved one of the rolling chairs next to kross so they could eat next to each other as Stan turned on the tv finding a movie to watch. "How is the ice cream?" Stan asked hoping Kross was feeling better.
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Kross hummed nibbling at his ice cream. He curled more up in his chair his body was sore, if his was sore, "how are you holding up? did you still want that walk? Or a good rub?" he hummed pulling the now cleaned spoon out of his mouth.
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Stan took a bite from his pickle with a loud crunch. " I'm much to tired for the walk now. How about you lay next to me on the couch. We can watch this movie together if you like." Stan said moving to the couch to sit.
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Kross hummed and fallowed stan to the couch. He let Stan decided how they were going to snuggle. He stood waiting for Stan to get comfy resting his bowl on his belly, nibbling and enjoying the sweet and tart taste of ice cream and pickle juice. Once they were all settled in, Kross found himself quietly humming as he continued to enjoy his snack.
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Stan finished up his ice cream setting the bowl on the table next to the couch putting his back against the arm of the couch. Kross leaned against Stan as Stan rapped one arm around Krosses shoulder as Kross ate his ice cream. Stan could feel Krosses back against his big belly as the watched the movie. As Kross continued to eat Stan used his right arm to rub the side of Krosses belly which was sticking out of his shirt.
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Kross was very content like this, it felt good being held. "Oh!" he hicked. "Ok, ok," he mumbled taking Stan's hand and moving it over his belly till against Stans palm, there was a press coming from the inside. "nnng, Yes, that's your daddy"
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Stan couldn't help but get excited feeling his child kick. "That is so amazing i...." Stan trailed off quickly grabbing Krosses hand and putting it on his belly. There were a few moments where nothing happened then a series of kicks. Stan looked a Kross "those are your active little ones." Stan smiled
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Tears where streaming down Kross' face again, however he was smiling ever so brightly. He only had eyes for Stan's belly at that moment. Keeping Stan's hand pressed to his own belly where his baby moved about, he turned, maneuvering, till he could get in the right position. Once comfy again, he was able to bend just enough to press a kiss to the top of Stan's belly.
"Hello babies, I'm very excited to meet you, I'm....." He whispered pausing. Did he tell his babies he was their daddy? How would Stan feel about that....He sighed, sitting up he looked at the other man.
"I think its time we had another talk. I know we are going to be raising our babies together, but, well," he rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess I want to know, what rolls in our children's lives would we have. I mean no matter what," He pressed Stan's hand tightly to his full belly. "You're its dady,"
He tentatively reached out again, gently resting his hand on Stan's belly. "But how big a part am I too them? Am I just Kross?" his hand moved to where he could see a slight bump on the side of Stan's belly, "Am I their uncle?" he didn't push with being presumptuous with giving himself the label of pappa. It seemed silly, but setting his title would set his boundaries. It gave him some idea of how far he could pursue Stan. If he was going to just be Kross to the babies, then maybe they could be good friends. If he was Uncle, there was a glimmer that he could be something more. He was nervous. After all his sleepless night coupled with the overabundance of hormones, had him second guessing himself so horribly he was ready to all but bolt up to his room and hide.
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Stan thought about it a minute. He never considered the idea that he might be a mom but he was also a dad. "I'm not sure about titles I guess I would be the father?" Stan said "either way I will be here to take care of all our children." Stan said patting Krosses belly. "Do you think we will be good parents?" Stan asked