Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

He gives a smile and sits with him before giving a soft sigh "Hes a nice guy but..." he pauses for a moment knowing he cant lie to him "He doesnt smell right... take the chemical smell out of the equation and... he doesn't smell human... even Marx can smell it... and thats not a good thing... he doesnt trust him, i dont know how long till he acts on his own... On a side note his mon is a stubborn mule and keeps threatening me to 'leave Eric alone' and 'stop being nosy'" he gives a sigh looking to Chazz feeling guilty.

"Im sorry Chazz... you know how i must be feeling... you know i tend to take responsibility of everyone in the house even when i shouldnt... but i cant feel i trust either of them... we have a house full of Cubs and expectant mons to worry about..."

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"Smell? I haven't noticed anything odd to him. I saw him a little while ago and he smelled fine." Chazz answered though a sigh left him. "Yeah he did warn me about her when I was talking to him on the vid computer. He told me he would try to leave her home but apparantly he failed. Maybe you can just keep a watchful eye on Eric an Marx? To make sure nothing bad happens? I can keep a eye on the others since I'm not expecting anymore."

IT was a shame this was going on ut what smell were they going on about? His new senses were a pain to get used to.

"he has other mons, maybe they can help Mysteria get less stubborn?" Chazz offered. "You should meet em."

he nods and gives Chazz a tight hug and a soft whimper "I...Im sorry i cant trust him" he says whimpering more feeling guilty "I want to... i really do... but my instincts wont let me" he continues to hug him tight, his belly swelling more as he does. However a minute later the door bursts open and Blip rushes in.

"Merin! Chazz! Come quick! its the new guys! Both of them!" he says before rushing out.

(if possible, have Marx attack him maybe? i strangely have an idea for Something)

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( I was gonna do that ^^. What's the idea you have?)

Chazz looked down and he gave another sigh. He was about to speak when the door swung open to reveal Blip.

"What?" Chazz asked though he rushed after em.

What they found was Marx snarling at Mysteria outside with the fire psyhic type standing in front of her trainer, who's arm was bleeding from a bite no doubt. Next to him was a small deddenne that was obviously trying to keep the human calm while Mysteria released a mystic fire on the mightyena.

"What the hell is going on?" Chazz questioned.

(Hehe youll see, just have him go for him directly ;P )

Merin rushed after them as fast as he could. he watched as the fire seemed to just roll off of him.

"Marx! Stop!" the mewtwo calls out once he catches up just in time for Marx to knock out Mysteria.

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(I would like to know since Eric is my character and I did have a idea in mind already but let's see what you've got in mind)

The fight had already gone on for a little bit, so Mysteria was already warn out which resulted in her being knocked out. The deddenne was shocked though the small pokemon went forward and was about to try to attack when Marx merely jumped over her and ignored Merin. Going straight for Eric!!

(Ah, hehe was gonna have Merin get in the way, like so)

Merin watched and quickly rushed forward seeing that Marx was using Take-down "MARX! STOP!" he shouted and stepped into the way eyes closed and arms spread and was promptly hit by the attack in the chest sending him tumbling to the floor in a heap giving off a winded yowl and he coughed hard trying to get a breath coughing up some blood. having not been properly prepared for the attack it had done significant damage to him, including breaking a rib that punctured a lung. he wheezed and tried desperately to draw breath as he clawed a little at the ground unable to get up.

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(Ah okay.)

"MERIN!!!" Chazz yelled, he would've run over to em if he hadn't been stopped by Flare.

Marx was startled by this and he couldn't stop in time, thus plowing into the Mewtwo. Injuried by his own attack Marx stepped back a little bit and stared at the legendary dumbfounded. Even the deddenne was shocked and Eric was stunned as well.

"What the hell are you doing?! YOu agreed with me that this guy is dangerous an you get in the way like that?!" Marx snapped.

The mightyena yelped when he was hit with thunder. They would've used parabolic charge but it wouldn't help Merin out. They scurried over to Eric's bag and dug around for a master potion. Struggling to carry the item over to Merin, they set it down and attempted to use it to help the legenary out.

Merin wheezed and coughed up more blood, having managed to get some breath back and looked over to Marx and flinched when he was struck, pained that his mon had been attacked.

"A...Attacking him w...wont..." he wheezed again drawing a deep breath each pause or stutter being him drawing breath or wincing from pain "Get your answers... a..and w...we dont... dont attack trainers..or the... the pregnant" he finished and coughed again he looked up to Chazz and gave a soft whimper.

"I'm S...Sorry Chazz" he said softly and gave a weak smile "I...I just cant...cant let him injure o...others when hes my r...responsibility"

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The deddene managed to get the potion to work, in which all damage caused would be healed. The rodent gave a kind smile though it weakened and their round ears lowered. Chazz was able to run over to em when Flare released em and he went to help Merin up.

"You know....I'm starting to worry about you." Chazz admitted though he gave a kind smile.

"But you agreed we had to do something to figure out what he is!!" Marx retorted. "I have pups to defend and that smell isn't anything good!"

The deddene had retreated to the bag and got a revive. Just a ordinary one that would restore a bit of healthy an she used it on Mysteria in which the female slowly sat up. A groan left him an she looked down to the small male rodent though she glanced away somewhat unsure and they smiled. Eric on the other hand, was just breathing heavy as he sat there on the ground staring at the grass it seemed.

Merin was still weak even if the potion had worked, it mostly had gone to repair his chest and lung and the rest to help the kittens he was carrying as the tumble hadn't done them any good. he gave a smile and gently nuzzled into Chazz's neck.

"Myself for others" he says softly "Thats how it will always be with me" purring he gave his, mostly human human a tight hug then turned to look at Marx.

"Marx... Your not the only one here to protect your pups" he says slowly "You forget I'm here too, so is Eve, and Nine, Blip, Chazz, All of us, you keep thinking its you against the world... Chazz... please Talk with your friend... Marx, come here, please" he knelt down and motioned for him to come to him.

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"An you were just going to let em keep walking aroun without explaining all because you had something else to worry about?!" Marx answered. "You were ignoring a very possible threat to do what? Talk to the female fox an do what?"

Releasing Merin to let em talk with Marx, Chazz knealt down in front of Eric. He picked their glasses up and set a hand on their shoulder.

" okay Eric?" Chazz asked, the man was still looking down at the ground.

"F...F.fine...just...just fine..." Eric stammered as he tightened his grip on his arm a groan leaving him.

"Here, I think you'll need these." putting the glasses on his front, they still didn't look up at em. "Eric? Come on, what's wrong? Everyone keeps saying something's off about you. I know you don't like letting others into your problems but please, it's okay."

"It's not...okay..." it was hard to notice but Eric's fingernails grew to become claws and he tightened his grip on his bleeding limb.

"Well, at least let me help ya back inside okay?"

Merin sighed and took Marx head in his hands and looked into his eyes "You act like i hadn't already spoken to him" he says "You act like im against you, Even Nine knows im doing my best for you two and your pups, why cant you see that?" he gave another sigh and looked over at Mysteria.

"You could have killed her pups" he says "How would you feel if someone had attacked Nine like you did? Cmon Marx, i know you have a brain, I've been in it, I know its a little messed up and quite frankly, perverted in there, but i know its there and it works. You nearly Killed me, Imagine if you had hit him with that, you WOULD have killed him and then where would we be? without someone to help you" he pauses for it all to sink in and then gives him a soft kiss to the nose.

"I know the Fox is a pain, ignore her ,She clearly is a bit like you, Stubborn and hot headed and clearly, as she took you on while pregnant, Stupid to put it nicely..." he says scolding her offhandedly "Now cmon, Nine is worried about you, and i now have a pregnant injured fox to tend to medically" he gives him a scratch between the ears and then stands up, picking up Mysteria on his way back to the house.\

"Cmon you, lets make sure your pups are ok" he says to her "They are number one priority here"

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"YOu still did nothing about it." marx replied as he pulled his head out of the their paws. "She wasn't here originally, I get the feeling that lab coat can take more than what ya think."

He did get a good bite in and he was nice to use bite since he knew stronger moves like crunch. Besides, his take down was only meant to be a mock charge. A sigh left em as they started back to the house, giving up on the argument. Mysteria rose to her feet though was shocked at Merin grabbing her.

"I need to stay with Eric." She replied as she did a small struggle. "So put me down, they'll be alright."

"Eric? Eric?" Chazz questioned as he felt Eric tense up under his hand and shudder.

THe deddenne's ears twitched and tehy went over to the two humans, though the pokemon's eyes went wide and they quickly dived for the bag.

"Mysteria!!! Where is it?!" The electric fairy cried, causing Chazz to look over to em.

"Where's what?" he asked confused, Mysteria struggled more in Merin's grip.

"His bag!" She called back.

"IT'S NOT IN HERE!!" the deddene shouted as they searched.

"Put me down, now!" Mysteria was very clearly trying to break free from Merin's grasp.

Chazz was confused though he felt something grab him by the throat and he gasped. Flare's wings spread as the flying fire type rushed towards em. What had him wasn't a hand, it was more paw like and a few pained sounds left Eric as he rose before he tossed Chazz at Flare, thankfully teh starter caught em.

Merin complied and then rushed forward "Whats going on!?" he calls turning to see Chazz and Flare "You guys ok?"

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Mysteria bolted past Chazz and Flare, putting her paws onto Eric's shoulers an shook him. She said something along the lines of relax or something though CHazz wasn't paying attention. He gave a cough and rubbed his neck. What the hell just grabbed him? Was it honestly Eric that had? Hearing Merin, he glanced over to em.

"I'm okay though I have no idea what's going on." Chazz answered.

Eric's hand and the other more paw like one where put against the sides of his head, his ears elongated and stood up. Mysteria was still trying to get him to listen to her words while the deddenne bolted for the house to search in the room for whatever they were needing. Sadly Mysteria ended up having to jump back as he swung a paw like hand full of claws and missed due to her moving. His eyes were merely a light purple, the whites of his eyes were gone and there were no pupils.

"Shit, come on Eric." Mysteria muttered though she glanced over to Merin. "Don't you dare try anything with your abilities even if it's help, you'll make it worse so keep out of his head!"

A pained sound left Eric as whatever was happening to him, went full course. The man was replaced by a strange looking creature that around a foot taller than he was previously. Covered in purple fur, he seemed to sport five tails but they were mist like so it was hard to tell how many he actually had. They had a muzzle as well though it wasn't a very long one where the same light purple glow from his eyes seemed to be in his mouth whenever he opened it. IF anything, he looked like a combination of a Haunter and a Ninetails with a misty body that could on command be soild enough to stand on the ground or allow him to phase through.

Merin blinked in surprise "Well Shit" he muttered looking at what had previously been a human "Hiding this from us, what the hell was he thinking!?" he turned and clapped his paws together then pressed them to CHazz and Flare "Barrier" he said firmly encasing them in a bright field. he then turned to watch the new 'creature' carefully and he got in a defensive stance.

"Hes not getting past me..." he muttered

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"Oh God...." Chazz muttered in shock as he saw his old friend turn into something else.

Course he could do nothing due to his shocked state as well as the barrier being up around him. The tall ears twitched and the creature registered Merin's movement, however they bolted for the woods rather than towards the house. A frustrated sound left Mysteria as she went into the bag and released a Pidgetto.

"Follow him!!! Just don't get too close." Mysteria ordered the bird which was quick to take off, Mysteria turned and started towards the house. "That rodent better have found it by now. An you! Don't attack him if you go looking to help, you'll piss it off and it'll be hard to get him to stay still."

He gives a growl "You know Mysteria... this all could have been avoided if you had just Told us!" he snapped back at her then looked to Chazz "I know you well enough, your going to go after him... Flare... keep him safe? i need to rest im not feeling good" he said before he wandered inside, getting quickly to his and Chazz's room and collapsing on the bed

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"He doesn't want others to know! I can see why he doesn't want others to know but he has a good cause for what made him turn out this way." mysteria replied before she bolted in.

"I can't just let him go out there, something's wrong with him an I see it now. Frankly I do want answers but I don't want him to get hurt." Chazz said.

Flare nodded and the two took off after Eric.

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