The Mpreg Birthing Center

((That's fine. That's actually what I was going to say it was unless you said differently. See! Great minds think alike! :D ))

"It happens sometimes." she explained, trying to keep him calm. "Sometimes twins hide on us." She moved the wand around some more, trying to see the baby's position. "Baby B's head down and the heartbeat sounds good... Let me go ahead and check you to see how far you're dilated."

After cleaning the gel off his stomach, Elisa pulled on a pair of gloves to do the exam, nudging his legs apart. Noticing a contraction starting, she encouraged him to breathe.

"Try to relax Jason. I'm gonna try to be quick."

Jason tried to take deep breathes as Elisa was checking him to see how dilated he was. The contraction was a strong one however Jason grabbed the sheets breathing in and out.

"How far am I?" asked Jason wanting to know.

"You're fully dilated. The head's right there. Let's get you set up for delivery." she said, pulling off her gloves before calling for another delivery kit for the next one.

Jason nodded as Elisa called for a delivery kit, glad that at least he would be able to push soon.

Groaning Jason felt an urge to push, "Oooohhhh...I feel like I got to push..."

"That's fine." she said. "If you feel like you need to push go ahead. Are you wanting to stay on the bed?"

Jason nodded pushing some before the contraction ended.

He shook his head to her question, "No, I want to be able to get on my hands and knees. I can't stay on my back."


Nodding, once the contraction was over, she helped him to turn over on his hands and knees, letting him grab onto the back of the bed for support. It was only a few moments before the next contraction started, causing him to cry out.

'Don't fight it Jason. Just do what your body's telling you to do.'

Jason nodded knowing if he had already pushed out one baby, he could do the same with this one. Grabbing onto the bed, Jason held on tight as a contraction came over him.

"Aaaahhhh!!!" Jason shouted as he pushed hard.

Having delivered one baby already and with gravity helping out, the next one was coming down quickly and within a few pushes, the top of the baby's head was becoming visible.

"You're doing great Jason." she smiled. "I can see hair."

((I think I'm getting my ideas together for Elisa's husband's delivery. Do you want me to just post the info here after this one, or do you want me to PM you?))

(((If you want you can PM me, that way I can look over it and be able to post it and such.)))

Nodding Jason knew this baby would be coming quickly having already delivered the first. Pushing hard, Jason felt the babys head pushing against his opening, as it burned just as the first did but not as much.

Jason bared down hard, pushing hard, "It's coming...ooohhh!!!" Jason groaned feelng the head starting to already crown.

"It's right there. Keep going!" she smiled as more of the head became visible as he pushed. Sensing that the head was crowning, he quickly shifted to panting as Elisa had showed him during the last delivery. He couldn't hold back the scream as the widest part of the head emerged.

"I...I don't want to do this anymore..." he yelled. "It hurts!"

"I know it hurts." Elisa said, trying to comfort him. Gently taking his hand, she moved it to feel the tiny head extending out of him, to which she heard him slightly gasp. "But this baby's counting on you. You can't give up yet."

Feeling the babys head, Jason knew he couldn't give up on him or her. Putting his hand back on the bed, Jason bared down pushing slightly feeling the head sliding out the rest of the way.

"Come on..almost baby." Jason panted as the baby began to turn for the shoulders. Once the baby was ready Jason groaned pushing again hoping the shoulders would be easy to get out as the first was.

((Gotta go for a bit. I'll be back on later but if you're not here, I'll PM you with details for the next one. ;) ))

"That's it Jason." she smiled, knowing that he was coming back with new determination. Pushing again, the shoulders moved easily into Elisa's hands. "It's a little girl!" she smiled as the tiny newborn's features scrunched up and let out an angry cry at the feeling of cold air on her skin.

"If you get on your back Jason, I'll go ahead and hand her to you."

(((That's alright, I might be on depends. I don't have to wake up early tomorrow but am tired from working today. But yeah just PM if I'm not on and we can continue tomorrow night)))

Jason let out a sigh feeling the baby slide out of him, then smiled hearing it was a little girl. Turning over, Jason reached out his hands as Elisa placed the girl into his arms. Looking down at her, Jason knew both she and her big brother needed names.

"You my little girl I shall call Rose Elisa Borden. As for your big brother I shall call him Erik Tommy Borden. Thank you Elisa, I couldn't do it without you." Jason smiled as she took Rose to get cleaned off.

((Ok. I'll PM you with details soon.))

Wrapping up little Rose as another nurse brought Erik over to Jason, Elisa thought her heart would burst when she heard that he had given his surprise daughter her name as her middle name. Staring at the baby girl in her arms, Elisa felt her eyes mist over.

"I...I don't know what to say..." she stammered as Jason smiled at her reaction. "Th-thank you."

"Your welcome. Steve and I had talked about it and had decided if we have a girl, her middle name would be your name. You have helped us through all of this and brought these two children into the world."

Jason couldn't help but smile as Erik was placed in one arm, while Rose was in his other. Feeling some small contractions, Jason informed Elisa, as she stated it was the placenta. It wasn't long before he delivered that, his two babys sleeping in his arms. Jason couldn't wait to get them home and send a picture to their father.

It really hurt - i yell loud

A few hours later, Jason was able to take a shower before getting himself and the babies ready to go home. Thankfully to Jason, Elisa gave him an car seat which they had at the center that he could have. Once the car seats were put in his vehicle, Jason was wheeled outside to it, both babies in his arms. With Elisa's help the babies were strapped in safelty and him waving goodbye headed for home. Thanking of the look on Steve's face, Jason couldn't hide his surprise when he pulled up to find Steve standing in the driveway. Getting out they hugged as Jason took Steve to the car showing him the babies, stating little Rose was hiding.

"Don't worry love, I love them both. We will love them and live happily forever." Steve smiled and they hugged before taking their babies into their home.

Name: Rory Sage

Age: 27

Midwife/Assistant/Patient: Patient

Description: Rory is Dr. Elisa's husband and reason for her founding the Center when no one was willing to let him deliver naturally (every Doctor they went to refused to deliver him without a c-section) Their daughter, Josie, was the first baby born at the Center. They are now 3 weeks away from welcoming their second child, but Rory shows up now in early labor, wanting to be there on time since labor with Josie went very quickly. He has sandy brown hair and brown eyes.

(If Patient) How many children: one baby girl (name still undecided...)

Delivery Plan: Kneeling water birth with as little intervention as possible. (Think unassisted childbirth)


It was only a few minutes after seeing Jason and the twins off that Elisa was surprised to see her husband Rory making his way inside the Center. Despite being tired after delivering 5 babies in the past few hours, she still managed a smile as she came around the desk to give him a kiss.

"Hello sweetie." she smiled, giving him a peck on the cheek. "What are you doing here? I was just getting ready to clock out and head home."

Rory could tell his wife had had a long day delivery babies however knew she would find out sooner or later, "Hello darling. I have a little surprise for you."

Elisa looked at him curious as to what the surprise was as Rory took her hand placing it on his stomach, just as a contraction came letting her feel it, "Our daugther wants to come out."

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