The Mpreg Birthing Center

"No problem. I'll go ahead and get it filled up." she said, handing him the ice chips.

While they waited for the tub to fill, Elisa filled him in on the phone call. "Josie's fine. Mom said they were getting ready to watch 'The Little Mermaid' again. You know how much Josie loves Ariel. She's getting really excited about meeting her sister though. She said she wanted to be here to see you, but I told her she could come as soon as the baby was born. And you know my mother, she's thrilled to be getting another grand-baby."

By that time the tub was ready, so Josie helped him to settle into the large tub. "Do you want me to get in with you?" she asked.

"Yes, I bet Josie is going to get her little sister hooked on the little mermaid also." Rory smiled and sighing as the warm water felt soothing.

"Yes love that would be nice." Rory nodded as Elisa got in along with him. Relaxing with him, Rory pulled off his shirt throwing it in the floor beside the tub, feeling more better. In the time he had gotten into the tub, Rory had felt his daughters head getting close starting to feel the pressure of her near his opening ready to be born.

"Love, I'm starting to feel pressure." Rory smiled to Elisa happy that they were to meet their daughter soon.

"That's good." Elisa smiled, letting his fingers entwine with hers as she sat in the tub in front of him. Again she was taken back to Josie's birth, how it was just the two of them bringing their child into the world, and now here they were again. "Just do what your body's telling you to do."

Rory nodded entwining his fingers with hers as he moaned through another contraction. Once it passed Rory started to feel the urge to push as he got his body into a kneeling position spreading his legs apart underneath him, waiting.

"Will you be able to see if the babies head is coming? I'm going to start pushing on the next contraction, and I don't want you to miss it." Rory chuckled at his wife.

She grinned. "But you forget, I've been around this block a few times. And I'm always..." she said as she grabbed a handheld mirror from the side of the tub. "...prepared."

Setting the mirror down on the floor of the tub, after a few minutes, she had it placed in the right spot. "There. Now we'll both be able to see."

Rory couldn't help but chuckle, "I should have known."

As the contraction came upon him, Rory grabbed Elisa hand while the other was holding onto the edge of the tub, while he began to push, "Ooohhh..." Rory moaned.

"Don't fight it Rory." she encouraged, her fingers going numb as he squeezed harder. "Just keep bringing her down." After a few tense moments of pushing, his grip relaxed as he leaned his head against hers, gathering his energy for the next contraction. Looking into his eyes, she smiled. "Is it about how you remember it from last time?"

Rory managed a small nod, trying to gather his energy before pushing again, "I believe so."

Rory began to breath in and out as a contraction came, trying not to fight the pain as he allowed his body to push with him, and not against him. Letting out a moan, Rory looked down at the mirror as he was pushing able to see the tip of their daughters head.

"Looks like she has some hair." Rory smiled.

((I'm going be getting off, going bed. Getting tired. Oh and let you know I have to start studying for a huge test next week so wont be able to get on as much, but I wont start until wednesday. So we can have that baby delivered by tomorrow probably :D)))

((Alrighty. And I think you're right, we should probably be able to finish this one by tomorrow. Besides, that'll give me a chance to catch up on some other projects so it works out. :) ))

Hearing Rory say that he could see her hair, Elisa looked down in the mirror just in time to catch a glimpse of dark hair slowly emerging before it slid back out of sight as the contraction ended.

"You're doing so good babe." she smiled, kissing his cheek as he breathed. "She's right there."

(((Yeah I'm supposed to be doing couple projects for christmas. It's presents for couple people but I have to draw portraits of my neice and great grandmother so need to start that soon.)))

Rory panted for a while, before baring down to push hard with his body, making sure to look down to see his progress. Once again he saw the top of their daughters head, before vanishing back inside him. Grabbing onto the edge of the tub, Rory pushed again, this time able to get at least a tip of the head out without it sliding back in.

"You're doing it. She's on her way." Elisa smiled, rubbing her hand across his mass of a belly to help encourage her further down. "Well she has my hair at least." she grinned as she looked in the mirror at their feet.

"But I wonder who's eyes she will have." Rory grinned looking at his wife, knowing they had both been wondering that.

Groaning Rory went back to pushing knowing she couldn't wait to hold her, "Oooohhh!!!" Rory stared down at the mirror spoting his daughters head coming. Panting as the contraction ended Rory waited until the next contraction. As it came, Rory's moans turned into a yell as he pushed hard, as his daughters head fully crowned.

(((Hey question if you don't already have a name for the baby, could I name her?)))

"Blow Rory. This is the worst bit." she encouraged as with a yell from Rory, the baby's head fully crowned. After panting hard for a few moments, he managed some deep breaths giving the muscles time to stretch before the next pang hit. Without even thinking, her hand reached down to feel the solid mass of the top of the baby's head while the rest remained inside him.

"Oh my god..." Elisa whispered, misty tears starting in her eyes as she looked up at him. "That's our baby..." Gently, she kissed his cheek. "I love you, you know that?"

((I had one in mind but you can name her if you'd like. ;) ))

Rory continued to blow through the contraction watching as Elisa reached down to touch their babies head. Rory taking a hand also reached down touching their babies head together.

"I love you so much." Rory smiled at his wife, before a pang hit him as he remembered to push small pushes, feeling their daughters head sliding out.

(((Well we could use both, like one be her name and the other her middle name. I had thought of Rosemary however what is the name you had picked?)))

Feeling more of her emerging under her touch as he gently pushed, Elisa thought her face would burst from smiling. It was an amazing feeling; knowing both of their hands were helping their daughter into the world. And to have it just be the two of them made it that much more special to her.

"Here comes her head. Just a little more." she grinned.

((I was actually thinking about it today and I just couldn't get Ariel out of my head. Especially since it's a water birth... ;) ))

Rory couldn't help but smile also as their daughters head was coming out into both of their hands. Feeling it, Rory felt her head was out to its widest part, knowing only a push or two would get her out. Groaning Rory gave a small but strong push, gasping as she felt her daughters head slide right out into their hands.

"She looks beautiful." Rory smiled looking down able to see their daughters head, "Can you check see if the cord is around her neck?"

Gently, she ran her finger around the babe's neck. "Just a little loose cord around her neck." she said as she gently removed it.

Looking at the reflection in the mirror, she smiled as she studied the scrunched face of her daughter. "She really is." she breathed. "She looks just like Josie."

After a moment, the baby's head slowly turned to make room for the shoulders. "She's almost here babe."

Rory looked down, "Yes, she does look like our little Josie."

Chuckling Rory looked to his wife, "I think if I remember right the first time right about now, I was yelling for you to pull her out."

Moaning Rory gathered his strength as he gave a big push, feeling their daughters shoulders starting to emerge, "She's coming!!" Rory cheered still having his hand down there with his wifes as they were both ready to catch her.

She chuckled at the memory. "Yeah, you were pretty desperate to get it over with last time."

Feeling him tense as another contraction started, she watch as shoulders started to come free as he pushed as hard as he could, ready to get her out and in their arms. As the contraction faded away, she was out up to her chest, her tiny arms moving in the water as their hands supported her tiny body.

"This it is Rory. Just one more push and she'll be out."

Not saying anything, Rory looked down seeing their daughter halfway out of him, before giving a last push as he felt her slide all the way out into Elisa's arms. Pulling her up out of the water, Rory sat back as Elisa put their baby into his arms.

"Hello little one, we are your mom and dad." Rory smiled.

(((What about her name being Ariel Rose?)))

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