Chosen Ones (open to all, nsfw)

Long ago, in the ancient world of Vangra, peace swept the mortal realm, creating an age of prosperity for all the mortal races. One day, all of that changed. A powerful being of pure chaos walked the lands and destroyed everything in its path. The First Gods descended onto the realm to protect the mortal races from extinction.

For 1000 years, the gods fought the being known as the Chaos Emperor. With the last of their strength, they banished the Chaos Emperor away to a different dimension, caging the monster for the rest of time before they returned to their respective realms. Vangra was changed forever from this battle and its people built the ancient city of Aura to memorialize the god's victory. But a prophecy was spoken that said that the Chaos Emperor would return.

10,000 years later and an war has erupted on the continent of Element. Malik is an evil man who wants to rule Element. He controls the Dark Legion, an army consisting of various races and using dark magic. The Imperial Court seeks to stop the Dark Legion, but they are aware of the Prophecy and has seeked out heroes and warriors to enact their plan.

Races from both major continents of Vangra:

Element Races:

Humans: basic people who live in Dragonrock, a mountainous northern province. They can be warriors, archers, and even mages. Many different characteristics

Light Elves: a kind hearted people who value nature and have a high affinity with magic. They live on a island off a Element. They usually have fair skin, and pointed ears, along with long hair.

Werewolves: a nomadic people who stay in the wilderness and usually face prejudice from others. Can shift between their original race and their mutated form. Their werewolf form will take after their original race (eg. A elf werewolf will be smaller while an Orc werewolf will be physically larger.)

Orc: a large brutish race, known for being very tall with light to dark green skin. They are excellent warriors, using heavy weapons over magic. They live in Shadowforge, the dark elf homeland since their home Hell's Gate was destroyed from a massive dragon attack.

Phoekin: a race that appear as humans but can change into powerful fiery phoenixes. They live in the mountainous province of Zephyr. They are a mostly female race, resembling beautiful human women or handsome young men. They stay frozen in their age around their twenties or thirties.

Dark Elves: a race that resemble a complete contrast to the Light Elves. They have a great grasp of magic and are capable of summoning familiars to aid them in battle. They live in Shadowforge, a battlescorn province. They have various grey skin and strange eyes colours.

Raptors: reptilian creatures that are excellent predators. They resemble earth Utah raptors but have longer arms with clawed hands. They have sharp teeth, have different coloured scales that show their heritage, horns and even feathers. They live in The Black Swamp, a massive jungle and marshland teeming with large predators and dangerous plant life.

Shoriban Race's:

Changelings: human like beings that change shape easily. They have faceless, grey armoured forms with no true distinction. Some changlings are visibly different from the way their bodies take shape, some being large and bulky or small and curvy. They are nomadic but they hide among populations and take their forms after any species they prefer.

The Phalanx: an all female warrior race that resemble humans. They live in the frozen tundra of Arsis. They can mate with any races but they will always be a Phalanx. Only one male is born every 300 years. The only boy is named after the God of Darkness Kurai and is named ruler.

Dragokin: a powerful race that can change into dragons. They live in the volcanic province of Firestorm but some live in different environments depending on their descent. They resemble humans and they age quickly until their age freeze around 18.

Vanguard: large bizarre like beings. Their appearance are the most alien of all races, having long hunched necks, four eyes on the front and side of their heads, six mandibles where their cheeks would be, 4 jointed legs. They have a strict honour system, fighting for justice and never harming a innocent. They live in the Great Desert, living in tribal areas.

(i wanna join, it be Ok if i play a werefox who lives close to a town alone having been ousted from his tribe/pack?)

Available for conversation, pm me.

(I would like it if people try out the races I made.)

(Would you mind sending me some more information on the Dark Elves? I might want to play one, they sound pretty interesting but I don't want to screw it up in case they're not like what I think they might be.)

Name: Ricardo Bonet

Race: Dragokin

Age (human): 18

Age (dragon): Lost track

Human Appearance: Long, navy blue hair (is most commonly mistaken for black); ice blue eyes; fair skin; is just under 6 feet tall (5'11.5"); is rather fit looking for all his travels; wears a sword around his waist whenever he travels to Element as he has yet to find anyone trustworthy enough to go without it around; and wears important-looking clothes as he is the only merchant coming from Schoriban to Element. His hair and eyes are the only things that give away his Dragokin heritage.

Dragon Appearance: Navy blue wings, ice blue eyes, sea blue scales that change colors depending on the surrounding waters, and can control water currents to help his ship sail from Schoriban to Element faster, has control over water period (even in his human form), and has a unique ability to regulate his body temperature in order to live in any climate. He can even cause massive flooding and destruction when enraged enough


"Ahhhh, Element. What interesting things have happened since I last visited you?" Ricardo asked himself as he stood on the bow of his ship, slowly approaching Element's harbor. " 'Tis a sad, sad thing we're separated so far apart from each other and I can only come once a year."

He sighed as a crewmember came running up to him.

"Sir, we're approaching the harbor," the crewman said. "We're ready to be slowed down whenever you are."

Ricardo nodded and slowed the currents that were pushing the ship toward the harbor while the rest of his crew readied the ship for docking.

While his crew was scrambling about, Ricardo turned away from the harbor to watch his crew prepare for docking. 

"Sir, we're ready for docking," one crew member, his second in command, said to him upon approach. 

"Good," Ricardo said and turned back to face the harbor. He then directed the currents to guide his ship into the harbor and to an open dock. Once lined up, his crew began tying the ship to the deck to prevent it from floating away, which it wouldn't anyway thanks to Ricardo making the currents keep the ship in place anyway. The crew then lowered the plank down to the dock and Ricardo walked down it to ensure everything is in place and secured. And to talk to the dock worker to ensure all the paperwork is in order.

Once all of that was done and he realized he had some extra time till he had to get his stall set up for market day, he told his second in command to do an inventory of the items to make sure none of them were damaged. 

Leaving his second in comman in charge, Ricardo went to the nearest tavern/inn to get caught up with anything that had happened since last he was in Element. And to sample the local cuisine and drinks as well, of course.

(Hopefully this is okay. Would have had it posted sooner, but ended up coming up blank on occassion, had stuff to do in real life, and other stuff like that that prevented me from posting sooner.)

Name: Vasilios Orionis, will accept Vasil or, if you're in the Shadowforge military, Lieutenant
Race: Dark Elf
Age: In human terms he's around 27
Appearance: About five foot nine, with the standard charcoal skin and silver hair, usually worn long and tied up in a high ponytail. Very fresh scars mar his right cheek and jaw, and he limps, the consequences of the same fairly recent fight. (You should see the other guy.) He generally keeps his light armor polished and well-cared for, and has a vicious-looking sabre as a sidearm, which may or may not be enchanted but has worked fine for the past four generations of his family in any case, thanks to the favor of the Great Kurai.

The idea of an embassy from Shadowforge in Element would probably have struck anyone who was actually from there as a laughable idea- the inhabitants, Orc and Elf alike, liked to resort to duels, brawling, or explosive channeling of magical energy to settle disputes. However, even the most devoted adherent of Kurai the Fury in the Night occasionally had to practice the fine art of diplomacy- after all, nobody could fight everyone else at once.

It still wasn't seen as a particularly honorable posting for a Dark Elf swordsman, although it was probably the best thing a young officer who had had to kill his commander could expect. Compelling extenuating circumstances aside (Captain Berkant had been mostly giant spider at the time under the influence of Chaos magic and had been fully intending to eat anyone or anything too slow to get out of the way), the man was a member of a powerful noble house, and Vasil had received no less than four challenges from various relatives who thought that the official investigation had been lacking, even before his wounds had healed.

So, here he was, acting as a glorified courier to the embassy in the Imperial city, sealed bag slung over his shoulder, waiting for his pass to be checked at the gate by a harried-looking human girl he suspected was a stand-in for someone on lunch break.

", it looks like it checks out," said the girl after tilting his pass in several different directions.

Vasil nodded. "Good. I'm going to need to apply for residency, so if you don't mind-"

The girl gasped as something around his neck began to move sluggishly. "It's alive!"

"What is-" The elf turned to look over his shoulder, apprehensive about more spiders, and then realized what she was talking about; he stroked the ivory cave serpent hanging around his neck and shoulders. "It's all right. It's a familiar, see?" A faint runic pattern appeared on the snake's skin as it peered at the checkpoint desk with beady red eyes. "Well-trained."

The employee didn't look terribly convinced but he got his pass stamped, got the address of a few places he'd probably need to be in the next few days, and headed into Element to find some temporary accommodations before trying to figure out just what his new superiors had in store for him.

Name: Ryne Ryu
Age: 18
Race: human
Appearance: 4ft 6in tall, pale skin, bright blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, petite figure and wide hips.

Ryne was walking through the city, holding onto the bulky cloak he wore as he searched the streets for the ones he was looking for. He bumped into Ricardo as he walked through the docks, stealing a bag of coins before he stole another bag of coins from Vasil. He then started to run.

Name: Bevin
Age: (to humans looks around early 20's) Actual age is unknown to anyone
Race: Light Elf
Appearance: Light skin tone, pointed ears, blue eyes, long light blonde hair that is usually put up with two braids extending to where it is tied. Most from afar would believe him to be a young female elf, but once meeting him for the first time then people come to realize that he is indeed a male light elf.

As a child who grew up off of Element on an island surrounded by the strong tides of the ocean that kept them apart, Bevin lived one with nature with only his devoted father, who passed of sickness and left him alone. Something told him in a recent vision he had that he needed to go to Element no matter what, as if something was calling and drawing him there.

And so, hiding underneath the deck of a merchant ship from the island he was from, Bevin peeks his head out of a barrel and looks out towards Element, and finds himself in a trance, having a feeling that what he was looking for would be found soon. Adorned in a dark cloak to hide himself away, be managed to sneak off the vessel once docked and then started to stride off quietly into the bustling continent. It would be his first time there, and the light elf was used to the quiet sounds of the trees and plants around the island, and the busy streets of Element were a drastic, and rather overwhelming change.

Walking smoothly and gracefully through the crowds of people and all sorts of races, Bevin stops dead in his tracks and freezes, sensing something rather eerie and foul afoot. Cautiously the elf turned around and spotted nothing, but felt he was being watched. Shaking off the feeling soon after again he began his walking again and found himself led to a quiet area that was away from the hustle and bustle, and held some grass and even a few trees scattered around. Settling himself down and placing his dark cloak as a blanket on the ground. The clothes on his back were adorned with hand woven patterns that symbolized nature and beauty and crinckled slightly as he took a seat to rest a bit after the tough journey. A brown satchel was on his hip which he too placed down beside him and pulled out a flute like instrument, which then he put to his mouth and began to play beautiful and breathtaking music.

(( I hope this is good enough. ^^;;; I would love to join if you will have me. ))

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Ricardo practically growled at whoever bumped into him. Something he'll have to get used to while he's in Element. He walked a few steps before he realized something: he's money pouch was gone! That was all the money he had for his entire stay at the moment! Until he started selling his good that is. 

He looked around thr crowd, looking for some evidence of who had stolen his money. He didn't have to look long as he quickly spotted a human running away from him; easily out of place with all the other people/elves leisurely wandering the streets of Element. 

"Thief!" Ricardo yelled and started running after the thief. "Stop that thief!!"

(It's awesome)

(( Thank you. ^^ ))

It wouldn't take long as Bevin played that yelling intrupted the melody he had heard from his childhood and blue eyes glanced up towards a commotion and shouting taking place. The light elf stood after placing his things quickly in his satchel and began to scan through the crowd that was forming as the shouting grew louder.

As a human came into view who seemed to be running fast as if trying to escape some sort of danger, soon his eyes gazed upon a creature he was not familiar with, seeming to Chase after said human and yelling 'Thief!!'. Since coming to the continent, it was the strangest event he had seen before, but he heard sometjing in his body telling him to follow after them, and soon he was not far behind and running as fast as his slender legs would take him to catch up.

Ryne ran as fast as he could through the city. He managed to lure the three into the castle grounds and into the castle itself. He stopped in the foyer, catching his breathe as he seemed cornered.

"Get back here you little...," Ricardo growled as he ran after the thief, stopping once he saw the thief was entering the castle grounds. He hesitated only for a moment before he ran after the little pouch snatcher. He needed that money or else he wouldn't be able to do his normal business.

He followed the pickpocket through the castle grounds and into the castle itself, feeling claustrophobic without being used to not having the open sky directly above him. He stealthfully walked the corridors of the castle until he came upon his prey and, grinning while breathing heavily from his run through the city, he approached the little bandit. 

"Alright you sly little devil you," Ricardo practically growled out, orbs of water appearing over his hands as his anger starts to get the best of him. "Give me back that coin pouch you stole from me and no one gets hurt."

(( Sorry. We just moved and we still dont have internet. X.x Hopefully in a few days we will. ))

Being lead to stone walls and one large structure which Bevin had to of figured it was the Castle he had heard stores about from when he was a child, he also was hesitant as it seemed to bring a sense of danger, but knowing there was a thief running around inside and with that creatures' hard earned money, he couldn't just walk away. So, sneaking with the other and using his graceful footwork he took advantage and helped him to locate the thief and corner him.

It wasn't just Ricardo that was out of breath, and the stone walls made Bevin rather nervous as he also was used to seeing blue skies, green trees and foliage and feeling the ocean breeze against his pale skin. While bent over slightly to regain some breath, blue eyes gazed over and he frowned lightly. "That wasn't very nice. You shouldn't steal from others, work hard and earn your own money the right way. Not by swindling the poor people of this city..."

Before any of them could get their money back, men in armour came in and surrounded the three. Archers pointed arrows while mages readied magic around them.

(08-07-2015, 02:27 AM)DragonKnight Wrote:  Before any of them could get their money back, men in armour came in and surrounded the three. Archers pointed arrows while mages readied magic around them.

The sounds of amour clashing caught Bevin's sensitive ears had the Light Elf turning around to see them all surrounded by suits of armour, archers and mages on all sides, leaving them defenceless. "There is no need for such actions..." The blonde hair male tried to come forward and prove himself and the others harmless, but they had other ideas as one mage chanted an incantation and sent him flying back into a wall, knocking the wind out of his lungs and sending him sliding to the ground, holding onto his chest gently and coughing, a faint trickle of blood spouting from the corner of his mouth. By then, he knew they were not playing around with them, and this was a serious and sticky situation the three of them were in.

Ricardo heard the clanging of armor coming and relented with a sigh. 

'What now??' Ricardo thought to himself as he held his hands in the air in surrender. He didn't want to make the situation worse than it already is....and wanted to be able to come back to Element in the future. If they're here because of him and the elf--who had unwisely tried confronting themand thus paid the price--being in the castle unexpectedly, hopefully they--the archers and mages--would listen to his side of why they are in the castle and give Ricardo his money back from the thief and throw said pick pocket in jail for a while. 

Following suit after he gained back his breath and wiped the blood from his lip, Bevin raised one arm and held the other against his chest, looking to the mages and arches and staying still as he didn't want to be hit by magic again, or attacked once more.

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