The Competition (Open, possibly NSFW)
So here's how it works: 10 years in the future, the male pregnancy movement is in full swing, with medical professionals around the world vying to show the world that with the help of medical technology men are equally fit to bear children as women. As a sort of mpreg olympics, The Competition was created for physicians to showcase their skills and medical advances, with expectant fathers each competing to give birth to the largest child possible.

The rules to The Competition are as follows:
-Each carrying father must be a biological parent of their child. They may be inseminated with any donor's sperm, and any genetic modifications deemed appropriate may be done to the donor's sperm but not the carrying father's egg (medical advances had allowed men to convert sperm into an egg which may be fertilized).
-Each competitor may gestate for a maximum of 40 weeks, or 280 days, as measured from the time of insemination. At the 40 week mark each competitor must be induced if they have not already entered into labor.
-Hormones and supplements to prevent pre-term labor and encourage fetal growth are allowed, but must be discontinued once the carrying father goes into labor.
-Each competitor is to gestate one fetus at a time. Multiples are discouraged as the spirit of the Competition is to birth the largest possible child.
-Birth may be by whichever orifice the competitor my choose but must be natural and without pain medication. Any surgical modification during labor (c section, episiomoty, incision, etc) will result in immediate disqualification from the Competition.
-Finally, each live born child must be "proved." The carrying father must support and raise the child for 6 months following birth to demonstrate both that the child is without any immediate medical complications from the pregnancy or birth and that the carrying father is able to provide for his child. After 6 months should the child be found to be of sound health the competitor who delivered the largest child as measured by birth weight will be chosen victorious. Let the games begin!
A handful of competitors have been housed together at an old health retreat on the shore of a lake in the Rocky Mountains. This retreat has been outfitted with the latest accoutrements of any modern maternity ward as well as a cafeteria with 24 hour on-call chefs, spa, and individual bedrooms for each competitor complete with anything each competitor may need once their child is born for the "proving." The competitors live together much like college students with common bathrooms and common areas, and are free to wander the retreat grounds or even swim in the lake but may not leave the retreat at any time once they've entered the Competition as to avoid misconduct. Furthermore, all competitors are monitored constantly by staff and surveillance cameras to make sure they're healthy and not violating any of the rules.
Alex is one of the youngest competitors. At 22 he decided to forgo graduating from college to compete, mainly to rebel against his hard driving family from the east coast that had always pressured him to take over the family pharmacy instead of doing what he really wanted, which was to raise a family. He also was the only competitor for which this was his first pregnancy: a fact that had almost prevented him from being allowed to compete by the judges and had caused him great difficulty in finding at least one physician to sponsor him.
Alex is 6'5" with a skinny, lanky build, remnants of which still showed despite being with child. His pelvis had been broken and surgically expanded prior to his pregnancy, giving his otherwise fence rail physique rather feminine curves. He had grown out his red hair until it was almost long enough to tie back in a ponytail if he wanted and his blue eyes and occasional freckles had darkened as a result of the hormones that came with being pregnant. He waddled, plodding down the hall heavily using the handrail for support to the bathroom for a shower.....

Take it away guys and gals! Feel free to play as a competitor, retreat staff, midwives/doctors, or really anything you'd please. Hetero+Homo action by anyone involved are both welcomed, however as an FYI Alex is hetero although the hormones have definitely made him a little more willing to try new things, especially as his 40 week mark draws closer and closer.

(Also, if anyone would want to work on this RP in private feel free to pm me!)
Mark had always been quite a chunky guy. To add insult to injury he was never tall either. Standing at just over five and a half feet, he waddled very slowly down the hallway. Due to his size, currently gestating at a healthy 39 weeks 5 days, Mark needed the assistance of the event volunteer staff member to help him get from place to place. He always wanted to be apart of this competition, it just so happened that he got pregnant at exactly the right time to compete. The big deal was that he never though he would make it to the actual competition. Mark felt "labory" for the last few days. His midwife even thought that he should stay back, given the tremendous pregnancy that he had developed. Despite her reservations she still cleared him to go, citing that he's not at all dilated and he's in perfect health. As the delivery deadline nears Mark prepares himself for the next few days of slowly inducing his labor naturally. He begins his regiment today with a small walk.
Alex bumped into Mark outside of the bathroom, Mark's belly dwarfing Alex's despite the gargantuan size of both bellies. "How are you still pregnant?" Alex asked jokingly as they passed in the hall. "You look like you're literally about to burst open!"
"That's a great question." Mark said coming to a halt. He had to adjust his pants to their correct height as they had fallen significantly, down to his hips. "Trust me, that's exactly how I feel right now...any second" he smiled rubbing his belly. His assistant hands him the water bottle upon his request and takes a few sips. "You look pretty full yourself there, buddy"
"Well I've got a full 9 more weeks to go" Alex said with a laugh, pulling in his terrycloth bathrobe under his belly to emphasize its size. "How do you plan on delivering?" Alex asked as he began to follow Mark's slow waddle down the hall as they made their way to the garden outside for a walk.
"Honestly, any way I can," Mark laughed. His belly shook while the man chuckled. "Ideally, it's going to be a natural anal birth. I just hope this big girl fits down there." Mark sighed in a more concerning manner. He began to slow down a bit, as his assistant needed to assist him more in walking, something that was typical of this stage of pregnancy. Mark wasn't worried, he muscled through it looking like a thanksgiving day parade float trying to navigate his belly out of the (for him) tight doorway. "I feel like I'm getting bigger by the minute. I don't remember that door being so hard to get through." He continued "Nine more weeks, you say? Do you know what you're having?"
"I don't know actually, I want to be surprised" Alex replied as he waddled along, holding his belly. "The fertility specialists optimized the genetics for fetal weight, but I asked them to not tell me the intended gender, and I haven't asked at any of my ultrasounds either." The two stopped to catch their breath for a few moments before continuing onward across the garden, a distance of only a few hundred feet but a huge challenge for anyone in their condition. "Are you excited for after the baby comes?" Alex inquired. Never having been pregnant before Alex was less worried about the pregnancy and more worried about what he'd have to do after the baby arrived. He'd never been around babies or even small children, and he hardly knew the first thing to do with them, let alone how to care for them and keep them alive.

Aaron sat on a bench near the garden breathing heavily from the walk. Aaron was 19 years old carrying a 36 week old belly that looked way too big for his fragile body. Aaron had a hard time gaining weight anywhrre else but his belly. he was regretting doing this competition as the weight was becoming too much for him. he had decided to go on a walk but had to sit down and spread his legs wide for his stonach to have enough room. he saw two heavy men approaching and waved at them "hey guys"
"Yes, I'm definitely excited for the baby to come. the first eight months I was really nervous, there wasn't anything I could do that would better prepare me for fatherhood. Now, within these last few weeks, I've calmed down a lot. A peace has come over me me with everything that's going on. The only thing I'm really nervous about is her birth." Mark said putting his hands on top of his belly. He adjusted his shirt and pants over his belly again. "From what I've heard parenting almost comes natural once you give birth. That's not to say it's not extremely difficult, but there are some things that will just click into place once you see your child in your arms." The two continued slowly walking when Mark heard a voice call out. In the distance he sees a man sitting on a bench. "Hey, there's some one over there. Want to go meet him?" Mark asked Alex.
Alex awkwardly lowered himself down beside Aaron on the bench. "How you feeling today Aaron?" he said, noticing that Aaron was breathing hard.
Mark wanted to stand. Sitting for him was very uncomfortable. His assistant helped keep him steady with a hand on his waist and back. He look at Aaron with a small amount of concern given his breathing rate as Alex asked of his condition.
Aaron scooted over as best he could. " l'm good.. I'm ready for this to be over." He looked up at Mark. "Yourr lucky youre almost done"
"I don't think I would use the word lucky to describe my situation." Mark chuckled. "Consider yourselves lucky you're still in the stage of your pregnancy where you can still have a somewhat normal life. I can't even sit for long periods of time without getting uncomfortable." he vented. "...and don't get me started on this labor and delivery. I don't even know how I'm going to get through that." Mark said rolling his eyes.
Aaron shook his head. "I think I woukd rather be in your position than have to wait more. My physician said Im going to grow even bigger but I feel like Im going to literally explode even when I eat a strawberry." Aaron rubbed his huge planet resting in between his legs.
"Well just multiply that feeling by about a hundred, and you have pretty much exactly what I'm feeling right now." he laughed. "If it wasn't for this nice girl over here," he motioned towards his assistant, "I don't think I'd ever make it from place to place. "I think you better sit, Mark, your feet are starting to swell" Mark turned to her "I'll be fine, my feet have been swollen for three days." he played rubbing his over filled dome of a belly.
aaron looked over at marks feet and then his whole figure he couldnt help feeling bad for him. "here you can take my spot". aaron begun pushing himself up off the benxh with much effort.
"No, please, you don't have to get up. Sitting isn't exactly comfortable for me these days. PLus, I don't think I'll every get up from that bench." Mark chuckled. "But thank you for the nice gesture." he said rubbing his belly. Mark's shorts began to feel tight. He whispered to his assistant, and she reached under his belly to undo the drawstring underneath him. Luckily his shorts fit to the point where he no longer needed them to be tied. He feared he would need to buy more clothes as some of his weren't fitting as they did a day or two ago.
aaron stood up anyways. immediately his back flung into an arch. he was exhausted from just standing up and was out of breath. "oh man" he said mostly to himself. he wanted to sit back down but he had to pee
"Oh man, you ok?" I asked as I noticed a grimacing look on your face. My assistant even left my side to help you steady yourself.
i nodded. yeah im ok sorry im just struggling. i put both my hands on my back and took a deep breath

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