Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

"Hiring in what way?" Amon adked before he could stop himself "s..sorry didnt mean to be rude..." he admitted and looked around the room.

" sorry if my presence caused any problems" Merin spoke up softly keeping his eyes to the floor. "A shiny legandary... i must be dome trainers wet dreams" he was trying to make a joke to ease his own discomfort.

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"It's okay." Chazz said to assure Amon and Merin that they did nothing wrong.

"Well we do need beings to carry the young but we also need ones who are willing to help with seeding, pretty much we are hiring in both areas to put it simply." The woman said.

"Right so....what exactly happens to the young?"

"Well we have several things. You can either agree to allow us to sell them to where you get some profit. You could keep some an still do the first option. Or you can choose the people who get them in which makes you qualified to run a store that partners with us."

Merin perked up at the third option. If the did that and ran a small orchid of berry bushes they could sell the berry in the store. For now though he remained quiet on the subject.

"Do mons get a choice of sires or carriers?" Amon asked curiously "do we get a choice of being one or the other?"

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"Normally that is discussed with your trainer if you are owned by someone." The lady answered. "But yes, you do get to choose on which you are and who you will be partnered with."

"Well that's good to know." Chazz said.

"Is there anything else?"

Chazz pondered for a bit, what else could there be?

"is it...hard? I mean, carrying the young?"

"Well it honestly depends on how many you're carrying. You will have a bit of difficulty even with a small batch but no worries, if it's the birth you're uncertain of we can help you with that and try to keep you or your mons more comfortable during labor."

Merin listened intently, most of his questions being answered.

"Is there any... protocol for who the young are sold to?" He finally asks "th...the last thing id want is for my kittens to go to someone abusive or just wants them to breed them for profit..."

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"We do run back up checks on all possible buyers." The lady answered.

But someone can always slip through the cracks. Chazz thought to himself.

"How long does, the pregnancies last?" Chazz asked.

"Well it depends, some mons take longer than others and some can be a bit shoter. Usually though mons who lay eggs take the shorties amount of time."

Merin nodded. It made sense for eggs to develop faster, most of the development of the young was done inside the egg once it was laid, so the charizards oregnancy would be short but he would need to nest. Where as he would be pregnant longer, and would need to nurse his kittens once born.

" you offer nursing assistance for mons who cant breast feed properly?" He asked

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"We do offer assitances of all kinds including breast feeding, we also have medicine to help humans produce milk for the young if they choose to be carriers." The lady said. "We also provide at home equipment incase you prefer to carry out pregnancies in the comfort of home or we can prepare a room here in which you can have until you choose to end your membership with us."

Hm well this was sounding good. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Maybe it was the thought of having to give away the young that made Chazz so uncertain about this whole thing?

Merin nodded and looked to Chazz, he hopped he was ok. Something told him that the human was getting uncomfortable about something.

"You ok?" He asked sofly

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"Yeah, I'm okay." Chazz answered Merin. "Well I think we'll be heading home, thanks for the info."

"No problem, if you ever deciede to join or need something come back any time." The lady answered.

With that Chazz started on his way out.

Merin nodded and followed Chazz out watching him curiously. He could tell he was upset about something but he couldn't put his paw on it. only that his empathy was telling him everything.

"I guess its an idea... having kittens..." the mewtwo said softly "I'm just not sure who id want to be the father... i don't know who id willingly bend over for... not a stranger at the least... what about you two?" he looked to the others and Amon giggled.

"Id rather be the one out to stud" he said simply with a smile

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"It is a idea course, I'm not gonna force either of you to take part. If anything, I might end up signing just myself up." Chazz answered "Granted bending over for a stranger is...nerve wrecking but in all honesty, I'm not finding anything else in this town an well it's not like I'd be going elsewhere but home an back so....I really don't know. This place isn't far from the house, so I would be close by to where I won't need any fancy room they offer."

Still though, was it wise? Bah, he really need to get his head in the game and to have this figured out before he tried anything. After all, he could just have his mons be the ones to mate with though....that might seem weird.

Amon Smiled and nuzzled against Chazz's cheek. "Id mount you" he says with a smile "That way its not a stranger" Merin rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"If i was honest... id rather be mounted" Merin admits with a blush referring to Chazz "And what about your other mons? would they be ok with being signed up? what if they wanted to?"

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Chazz laughed and gently ruffled the red fur on the top of Amon's head.

"That is true, I'd let ya if you really want to take part in this." Chazz said.

HOnestly he was surprised that Amon seemed to like him so much already, even enough to say that. Boy, it seemed things weren't going to be too bad. Course at Merin's words, Chazz looked at em and smiled kindly.

"If that's what you want Merin, I'll happily oblige." Chazz replied. "Well I know Heart wants to do this so she's in, Flare well....he'll probably go along with it. I have more pokemon but I'd have to ask if any of em want to partake in this."

Merin nods continuing with him back to the house "Well... Why not ask them when we get back? i can start planting seeds for berry bushes while you do that" he said with a smile as they got to the front door "Im sure any big mons you can talk to in the backyard"

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"I will, I have to get em out of the PC first and even then I can't choose all of em." Chazz said. "Here's the bag with the seeds, I'll come tell ya what they say once I ask everyone."

Once inside, he set Amon down and would allow em to wander. He would do the whole introduction of the house but there was a more important matter right now. Heart was excited to hear the news and was all in as Chazz expected, Flare was onboard though only if Chazz had the dragonair in his pc come along for the ride. Chazz told him he'd ask and the first pokemon from the pc he asked as Naire. The dragonair was on board for the idea, now to see who else was willing. Most of his other pokemon didn't fancy the idea, so as he went through the pc, he debated on just giving up an going with the mons who were up for this. After all, it was like four of em who were in agreement. However he gave the remaining few a shot and the next one to agree was the Arcanine, Arc. Now knowing how many were going to go along with this, he headed out to the backyard to find Merin.

"Well we got a few more who are willing to lend a paw an join the program." Chazz said. "How's it going out here?"

Name: .Naire
Gender: female
Age: adult
Species: dragonair
Description: the typical dragonair
Extra Info: Flare has a crush on her.
Pregnancy Length/Numbers: not expecting currently.

Name: Arc
Gender: Male
Age: adult
Species: arcanine
Description: The typical arcanine
Extra Info: N/A
Pregnancy Length/Numbers: not currently pregnant though normal litters consist of seven.

Merin had planted half the seeds into a decent sized orchard of berry bushes. sprouts already showing from the quick growing bushes. He purred looking up to Chazz from watering them with a watering can he had found by the back door. Heart was next to him watching and Amon was swimming joyfully in the stream.

"Good... its a pity i dont have anything to fertilise them with, but this should do for now" he said with a smile his tail wagging "Who did you manage to get in aswell?"

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"They'll do alright, after all might trees grow without fertilizer." Chazz said. "Naire the dragonair and Arc the arcanine. They're on board for it, to be honest I'm really nervous. I have no idea how well this will go or how much everyone can handle including myself."

It was true, he did hear some people say arcanine have big litters so there was that. Though he didn't know what else to do. He honestly felt this was going to be okay for a while but...could he really just give away so many youngsters? Pushing such thoughts away, he tried to smile.

"So, should we all go sign up today or wait till tomorrow?" Chazz added.

"Either sounds fine" Merin said with a smile "Although i am curious if we sign up today... would they try to have us breed as soon as possible? or give us some time?" he looked to Chazz and blushed a bit thinking of having the human over him.

"How about we sign up today? but after dinner?" Amon suggested coming out of the stream

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"Drat I should've asked that when we were there." Chazz answered.

"Today! After dinner." Heart agreed.

"I'll go ask the others then."

Going back into the house, Flare and the agreed to it being today. So making a big enough dinner for everyone was a bit tricky but he managed. Once done and all the plates were cleaned, they headed off to the breeding center. Though Flare, Arc, an Naire were in their pokeballs since they would draw a crowd due to their size. Heart was on his shouler while he was carrying Amon in his arms.

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