Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Merin had his hat and tail bell on, giving a soft giggle when he wagged his tail and it jingled. He followed close to Chazz again, still drawing gazes from trainers who entered the town, and he whimpered softly every time one walked over to ask where he got him or if chazz would trade.

"Murph... i know im rare... but i wish they would stop asking" The mewtwo says softly.

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"I agree on that." Chazz said.

Upon arriving back at the center, the same lady greeted em and was really happy to hear they were all signning up. It took a while with all the paper work for each individual mon and himself but that was soon taken care of. Now it was all the matter of who was breeding who an such. Course they were each lead to their own rooms for that.

(Can we fade to black for the mating part?)

(Might aswell unless you want to go into detail, i dont mind either way)

When the morning came Merin yawned a little and stretched. he tried not to wake his bed mate. he had been so relieved when Chazz had said yes. the human now lay behind him on the bed covered by the sheets.

It had been an interesting night, Chazz had been left with the mewtwo as he had requested him, he knew that the human had also been seen by Amon before he joined him in bed. He purred softly and rolled over, snuggling up to him.

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( I prefer not to rp that, so fade to black it is.)

It was a eventful night, Chazz was sure Flare an Naire were together though that meant Heart was with Arc. That was gonna be a odd case to deal with when Heart started to show considering the large size difference. For the moment, Chazz was rather fast asleep though he did snuggle deeper into the blanets since he felt a little bit cold. Though as Merin snuggled up to him, the human's eyes opened and he glanced around to see a genric room of the breeding center. He stretched slightly in the blankets though he felt sore so he was going to stay put for a few moments more.

Merin purrs softly and Snuggles closer, his tail wrapping around the human. he nuzzles gently at Chazz's neck trying to be careful on the scratches and light bites he left on him. he could feel his mild discomfort so he tried to make make him feel more comfortable and warmer. He could tell he was awake but he would let him lay with him as long as he wanted, even though the beds at home were more comfortable.

"Morning master... sleep well?" he asked softly and licked his chin gently.

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"No master...Chazz." Chazz said sleepily. "I guess I slept okay."

The light bites an scratches were ignored for the moment as merin snuggled closer, they didn't hurt it just added to his sore feeling. So that was really all he felt right now. Truth be told, he was curious on how this was going to go.

"Merin nodded and nuzzled more "Sorry... it just slipped out..." He said softly "Shall we shower before going for our checkup? they said they could tell if it took or not even today" He Smiles and purred. he was strangely getting more and more enthusiastic about it as time went by and by this point he couldn't wait to see if it had taken or not.

"Not to mention i need to water the berry bushes soon" he chuckled and smiled as he say Chazz get up and tried to cover up "You really gonna be shy about your nudity now of all times?"

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"It's alright, you can go ahead an shower first." Chazz said as he kept a firm grip on the blanket. "We'll go an see today."

Once out of the bed, he stood there in the blanket and gave a yawn. He was still a bit sleepy though he did notice Merin's comment.

"Hey, it's cold standing in no clothes on a hard floor." Chazz commented.

Once Merin was done with their shower, he would get in and once done, he changed clothes and headed down to the check room. His other mons had already been checked as they were up longer.

Merin Purred as they made their way to the waiting area, the others Waiting Amon looked pleased with himself. apparently having been requested by several others the night before. it wasn't long before the doctor called for the mewtwo and he made his way into the check up room. he wasn't gone long before he came back out with a wide smile and tail wagging happily.

"Its good news by the looks of it" Amon Said with a giggle watching the Mewtwo approach who in turn nodded and gave Chazz's ear a soft nuzzle.

"Its positive" he whispered to him before pulling back. while it may have seemed obvious the news, Merin was particularly happy. Legandarys were hard to breed and while pregnancy's were possible, there was an 80% failure rating for it taking.

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It seemed both Heart an Naire had taken as well, so it was good news all around. Chazz ruffled the fur on Amon's head when he got there, Merin was called first since they were a legendary. Heart was in a happy mood an was currently riding a top of Arc's head. Naire and Flare were side by side, their little crushes having been revealed and the two pleased that they both liked each other. Chazz was even more happy to hear the news that Merin gave, he gave the legendary a hug.

"Congratulations." Chazz said with a bigger smile.

Course he was then called up and he took a deep sigh. Well might as well get it over with. Heading on in, it took a few moments longer and then Chazz came out. He really wasn't sure on what to make of what was told of him.

"Well?" Heart asked curiously, remaining perched on Arc's head.

"Well....they're honestly not too sure." Chazz answered.

"An inconclusive?" Amon asked curious "They said that they could only give a yes or no... i guess all we can do is sit and wait" he looked up worried hoping Chazz was ok.

"They give a reason why the didnt know?" Merin asked simply and tipped his head to one side. He was still elated that he was now expecting, but he was just as worried for his Human and hoped he was ok. "Itd be sad if we were carrying and you couldnt join us in it..."

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"Well they're not sure if I took or not, they're thinking I have but..." Chazz said before giving a shrug.

"NOT FAIR!" Heart screeched as she rolled down Arc's back.

"Calm yourself." Arc said as he adjusted his position to make sure she didn't fall off and onto a hard floor.

"They claim their equipment is more focused towards Mons which show differently on a screen, so using the equipment on humans makes it hard to tell." Chazz answered. "It's alright, we can always just try again. They told me to wait a couple of weeks and if I don't feel any symptoms of a pregnancy or aren't showing, I can just try again."

They all nod and Merin pulls him in to hug tightly, shaking his head a little due to the ringing from Hearts scream. "Its ok, I'm sure it took" he said with a purr and a smile "We should do some alterations to the house though... Its not currently set up for three pregnant mons and a pregnant human is it?" he gave a soft smile and gently licked at the Humans cheek.

"That, and i depending on how many berries we get from this harvest... i may need to plant more" he chuckles softy

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Chazz was grateful for the support, he honestly wanted to do this with them. All the mons were like family, even the new ones. They were part of the team and they lived in the house as well. Course he gave a smile at the talk of preparations.

"That's true, we need to baby proof the house." Chazz. "That'll take a while. Well we should head back then."

With that, they all started toward home. It was gonna be a busy time and might as well get everything set up before anyone started to showing. Who knows how big everyone would get save for Amon. He was probably the only one not expecting.

Merin purred and carried Amon as they walked. staying close to Chazz's side while Arc was the other side with heart on his head. "well i doubt that we will be expecting any...'little paws' for a while" Merin said with a chuckle "so i guess we have time" As they got to the house, Merin headed around the side to the backyard to tend to the plants. purring softly as he went imagining not only himself, but the others all with swollen bellies. finding the mental image oddly attractive.

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"Well Naire is expecting eggs so those will arrive sooner, so we might as well be ready." Chazz answered.

Once to the house, Chazz started to do some research on how to baby proof the house for mons and humans alike. With some knowledge in hand and several days later, they managed to baby proof the place. After all, eggs were pretty fragile.

By time they had finished baby-proofing the house, the large dragon already showing, the eggs having developed plentiful and quickly. Merin tried to keep the bushes producing plentifully and quickly. he was yet to produce a large enough harvest to sell any, but the small orchard he now had going was easily producing for all of them. he had warmed up to everyone quickly as well, often found snuggled up close to one or two of them when he wasn't outside dealing with the crops or sleeping in the sun.

"Itll only be another harvest or two to be able to sell some" he said proudly and rubbing his belly absent-mindedly "then we can look into some fertiliser... that way we can boost the yields" he wagged his tail then looked to Chazz a little worried.

"Are you ok? hear back from the labs yet?" he asked

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Chazz was kind of out of it today, there was making sure that Naire was okay and had a good enough nest built for her eggs and then there was the fact of Heart's excitment. She was already showing quite a bit and was having a little bit of trouble moving around though she still seemed to be himself. THen there was the fact that he didn't feel too good. So most of Merin's words escaped his notice until he heard them mention the labs.

"Huh?" Chazz asked. "Sorry, my mind's wandering a bit. What did you say Merin?"

Merin gave a sigh, he had noticed that he had been getting distracted alot lately. "I asked if they have given you any news yet" he said walking over to him and gently rubbed at the humans belly "You ok? you've been doing so much lately... we are capable of helping you know... and if you are pregnant, all the stress and work isn't going to help"

He rubbed the humans belly a little more, genuinely worried about him. He would give him a hug, but he had felt he was being too clingy to Chazz so was trying to give him some space.

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The paw on his stomach did surprise him though Merin would feel a slight roundness to it despite the fabric of the shirt over it. It honestly sent a tingle though the man's skin, kind of like being tickled but not as strong.

"Oh, I haven't really gone back there to check on my state, it's usually been check up for everyone else." Chazz answered. "I'll give it a few more days since I feel off, if not I can just go ahead with the original plan."

A sigh left Chazz, he knew they could help but he was still meant to care for all of them.

"I know it's just, with everyone else for sure expecting, I figured I might as well get as much done before I end up expecting." Chazz answered. "I know you guys are capable of helping though, I think Heart is gonna end up immobile with her litter."

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