C The Grand Alpha's pups (018Luxio)

Arrow. That was the name that pup was given. Andrew felt happy with it and keeping the youngster was making things a lot better for the rest of the day as he kept a careful watch on them. When the following day came, he was currently holding the red pup. Their blue eyes were glancing about, curious as to what was going on as it's 'mother' held them gently. Andrew was pretty nervous about this, he started to back out of the room when he heard hte door open and he froze. Oh boy....they were all here.

Chris makes his way into the main room as he glances over at Andrew. The first 6 had followed Chris in and now made their way over to sit down on the bench seat by the window as they watched. There was a space left between them just big enough for Andrew.

Andrew didn't know if he wanted to sit here with all these people that they were going to adopt the other pups. Though he slowly came over and took a seat. Arrow squirmed in his arms, curious as to why he was in his mother's arms rather than down there playing with his siblings.

As each family begins to cycle through the house, taking their pick of each pup the room was mostly silent. The adults would pick the pup of their choice up, looking at it for a moment before nuzzling it, seeming to purr softly as they did.

Arrow gave a bark as he watched the other adults walk about the room. Picking up his siblings an accepting them. Andrew tilted his head. Maybe he should do that? Turning Arrow around, he did it and the pup merely barked at him and licked him, causing Andrew to smile and pat their head. There was so much about this pack thing he wasn't going to understand any time soon.

Chris simply watches as the adult move about the room picking the pup they would take home. Pretty soon each and every one of them had been taken, leaving the room empty besides the residents of the house itself.

"Well that's over." Andrew said. "I guess I should be heading back to my apartment huh? I doubt my boss is none too please with my long absence."

His home phone was probably filled with messages with threats of 'You're Fired!', probably. Oh well there was nothing he could do but care for Arrow an search for a new job.

"Unless you have something else in mind?" Andrew added.

Chris shrugs lightly "Not really"

"Alright then. I guess I'll be seeing ya sometime then." Andrew said. "Take it easy and don't get hit by any crazy drivers."

With that, he started to head out and back to his apartment.

(Any ideas on what to do or should we make a new thread with a new idea?)

(I'm not sure unless we keep it going and either Andrew gets pregnant again and maybe he and Chris grow closer? Up to you)

(Hm how about both? Maybe a few years later Chris goes to Andrew again for pups but actually asks him for his aid this time instead of sneak attack? Though they can get closer during the pregnancy?)

(Alright, sounds good)


A few years had passed and Andrew got a new job at a office, it was better hours. So he was going to have a easier time with this rather than waiting tables. Arrow had grown as well, now able to stay in their human form and he looked like a six year old child with red hair and blue eyes. They were a lively child and quite a happy young soul. Andrew enjoyed having em in their life, Arrow was one of the best things to happen to him in a long time. He still lived at the same old apartment though he did modify it to suit two people. Currently he was making dinner and Arrow was staring out the open window that Chris often came in though the child backed up as someone entered.

Chris slips in through the window and ruffles Arrow's hair "Hey pup"

Andrew actually left that window open most of the time, there was no telling when CHris would show up again. It would be nice to chat with em but they were probably busy. Course Arrow gave a smile as his hair was ruffled.

"Hello!" Arrow greeted with a giggle, Andrew glanced over his shoulder at em.

"Hey, what brings the Alpha down here?" Andrew asked.

"I have a request, if your up for it" Chris makes his way over to the table and sits down as he looks over at Andrew.

A request? Huh that was odd. Though the human took care not to burn the porkchops he was trying to make.

"What's this request?" Andrew asked as Arrow went over to the table and took a seat.

"The other 6 are getting lonely, they want some new brothers or sisters"

"Lonely huh?" Andrew repeated and he inhaled. "Well, I guess there isn't a harm to it. I'm surprised their lonely with how many of is in that house but, I guess some more siblings will be okay."

"Am I getting a sibling?" Arrow asked and Andrew chucked.

"In a way, they'll be your half siblings like the others." Andrew set a plate in front of Arrow and Chris before putting a porkchop on it. "For now though, I suggest eating dinner and you are to bed little one."

Arrow pouts for a minute or two before he starts eating. Chris slowly began to eat as well.

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