Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

"We... i know the orchard can keep us going till the births" he says wagging his tail "but after that its up in the air..." he watched the two mon wander around the room and explore.

"But we could always run our own adoption service, and offer some mons to the lab, i know that they want to get their hands on a mewtwo" he rubs his belly and smiles "Thankfully not for dissection reasons, and they are always in need of starters, which we have plenty of now... thanks to you" he chuckles lightly

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"Well we should probably wait till the remainder of us give birth. In which we can still use the money we get but those are good ideas to turn to once we have the rest." Chazz said as he sat there.

The eggs shifted in Naire's gentle grasp as cracks started to form. Naire having been disturbed from slumber noticed and Chazz was even watching the eggs starting to hatch.

Merin perked hearing the crack and smiled wagging his tail "Hey! Looks like its time!" he says with a smile keeping his distance but watching intently.

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The two eggs swiftly hatched to reveal a dratini and a charmander, both of them the normal colors. They yawned for a moment before glancing about, noticing all the other pokemon.

"Cute." Chazz said with a big smile.

Merin continued to purr watching them, he sat with Chazz and pulled the humans head to rest in his lap while they watched.

"Looks like our little family just keeps getting bigger and bigger" he says with a chuckle

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"Yep an it's only going to get bigger." Chazz said.

Glancing down at his stomach he took in the size as the young vulpix glanced to it and was trying to climb up the mound. He chuckled as he watched the fire type slid off and onto the couch.

Merin chuckled and wagged his tail watching the Vulpix "we really should name our newest additions" he says picking up the Froakie "Hmm, what you name you"

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"The four new additions." Chazz said as he sat up.

Picking up the vulpix, he looked to em and smiled. They were a beautiful color, golden and shiny. Even if they weren't a shiny they would've been in his eyes. Though what to call em?

"How about...Rusty?" Chazz asked.

Rusty, it seemed like a good idea. Rust was bad to people who worked with machines but not a bad thing in his mind. After all, he wasn't made of metal so it was all good. The vulpix tilted their head before reaching with their paws to Chazz's face.

Merin chuckles watching "Seems he likes it... and you..." he looks to the Froakie that was already in his paws "What shall we name you? hmm... how about Blip?" he smiles waiting to see the mons reaction. He thinks about it before giving a 'croak' of enjoyment nodding.

He looks up to Naire "And what shall you two name yours?" he asks with a smile

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"Hm...." Naire said as she looked down. "Well I think Ember for the charmander and Drac for the dratini. Since Mr. Father is asleep I get all rights to naming."

Chazz chuckled at her words. True if ya slept you weren't going to get a say i anything. It was only fitting to let her an Flare name em.

"They're good names." Chazz said.

Merin chuckles looking to the snoring dragon "What put him out?" he asks "He hasnt been doing much lately"

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"Who knows. He may not look like he does anything but he does think alot." Naire said.

Chazz leaned back an sighed. The young twitched inside of his stomach and his eyelids felt heavy. It seemed that sleep was wanting to take him already. Well that was ridiculous.

Merin smiled looking down at him and gently pet his head "Lets get you up to bed" he says softly "you might not realise it but all that walking has made you tired" he helps him up carefully.

" you mind i...if i set up my nest in your room?" he asks picking up his supplies "i...its an instinct thing... i need to be close to you"

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"It's okay with me. Flare used to sleep with me all the time, not in the literal sense but he used to curl up with me. Sharing my room so you can make a nest there is fine." Chazz sai as they headed up the stairs.

Rusty followed along slowly.

Merin nodded and purred smiling as the new mon followed. he helped Chazz onto his bed and then handed him his new clothes before he started making a pile of pillows and blankets in a corner of the room away from where anyone would walk. letting his instincts take over as before before he curled up on the bed that was places on top softly purring the whole time. he gave Rusty a nuzzle, sending out a telepathic message to the others about his nest, not to touch it if possible, and it was off limits.

"Well if anything... ill be able to help you out if you need me to from here" he says with a chuckle

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"That's true. And will all these little ones in me and coming who knows when, I think I might just need to have a mon on hand." Chazz said as he struggled to bend down and pick up Rusty after they had been nuzzled by Merin.

Even though he was tired, Chazz was just happy he wasn't hungry. That would be horrible. Struggling to stay awake while eating, oh dear. Laying down, he gave a sigh an closed his eyes.

Merin purred watching him and yawned a little aswell smiling. "Mmm, Dinner should be ready by time we wake up" he says purring and closes his own eyes "T...Time for a cat nap"

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Even though sleep was a good thing, his body took it as a means to get things done and one such thing was the growth of the young. He always grew while he rested however there was also the fact that it wasn't noticable. Except for when slept for a long time such as at night. When he awoke for dinner he was still the same size though the following morning he was now a good deal bigger. A sigh left him as he managed to sit up and he looked at his large stomach. This was going to be a very long and hard time.

(Gonna time skip)

It was a few months later, Merin had swollen out a great deal with the four he was carrying and he was due any day now. he still tried to fuss over Chazz who had become a bed bound blimp and at this rate would be due at the same time as the Mewtwo. Heart had returned with one Pichu and one Growlith, the others being taken to be adopted out. Merin would occasionally move from his nest to Chazz's bed at night and snuggle up with him. waking up to find himself nuzzling at the huge belly.

The others helped as much as they could, Blip and Naire had taken over the garden which continued to get bigger and bigger just like the two males waistline. while Flare and Arc took over cooking, and the last two Amon and Rusty took over cleaning. all of them helped take care of the new young, and the two pregnant males as they got closer and closer to their due date, Merin telling them he wouldn't be moved out of his nest to have his kittens, on pain of death to those that moved him.

Right now, he was nuzzled up to Chazz's belly, gently rubbing it with cream to help make him more comfortable. "How you holding up hun?" he asked feeling his own kittens kick and Chazz's do the same

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As Chazz got bigger an bigger, he found it harder and harder to do anything. Walking around was hard if he managed to get out of the bed. Though everyone seemed to be doing a good job keeping the place going. So at least that was one thing off of his mind. Though as time passed, he grew more an more concerned about his litter. Was he gonna be able to do this? He was huge. The underside of his stomach had become sensitive so with the cream being applied it caused him to twitch a few times as the young were more active now too.

"Okay...I feel somewhat crushed. You?" Chazz asked.

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