Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

"there was nothing in the agreement that said I would give you any legendaries. I know this cause I went through the pain of reading EVERY LITTLE LINE!" Chazz snapped as he gave Rusty to Arc and walke up to the man, only to jab em with a finger to their chest. "So get the hell off my property and if you ever threaten my pokemon again, I'll get the cops on your tail!"


(Sorry, been having rl problems and life grabbed me by the goolies and pulled me along for an uncomfortable ride. Hope your still willing to continue)

Merin smildd watching the human stand up for them and his tail wagged a little seeing his 'alpha male' qualities come through, showing just why he and the other pokemon stayed with him and called him their trainer.
"Or" he started to speak once Chazz had finished "if the cops dont scare you, he has a nice array of extremely powerful pokemon at his disposal" he grins almost evily, showing off his sharp feline teeth and the other pokemon do the same.

" wouldn't Dare!" The guy says angrily

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(It's okay)

"Why not? You're here threatening me so I can play this game." Chazz said. "Besides, have you ever actually gone on a journey before? I actually doubt it so I think my friends can kick your butts. So why don't you lot just leave me be an get out of my life?"

Both men grumble for a bit before turning away "dont think this is over" he warns before they walk back to their car and leave. Merin heaves a relieved sigh once th hey are gone.

"You handled that well" he praises to Chazz "you ok? Im sorry if i overstepped my bounds with the threats"

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"Then you're gonna get Seismic Tossed next time!" Chazz snapped at em. "It's fine Merin, we'd probably have to do that to begin with. Well I guess we can get back to work."

"OF course." Chopper said with a smile.

Merin smiles and turns to head inside "If you guys start chopping up the wood, ill find the bad boards and beams and telepathically send you what we need ok?" he says then heads inside.

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"Alrighty." Chopper said.

Even though there was a team of mons an Chazz working on the house it took three weeks to get it up an running. With this done, Chazz was rather eager to get started on the journey to gather some new pokemon. After all, they would need new friends and more help, but also mons willing to lend a paw in the breeding aspect of the to be buisness.

"Well, I'm sure the others can handle this place while we're gone. Want to tag along Merin?" CHazz asked as he carried Rusty in his arms.

Merin purred and nodded. His constant presence at chazz's side and even in his bed had resulted in the inevitable, and his belly was starting to swell a little due to it.

This had also been linked to some other goon news, the mewtwo had discovered that even though he counted as one of his humans pokemon, he could have his own team and be a trainer himself. He had a belt around his thick tail which had blip in the only pokeball he had and he hoped to get a few more added to it.

"Ready when you are" he said adjusting his bag straps "where we headed first?"

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So far Chazz hadn't noticed in the swell of Merin's stomach, which was a stupid mstake on his part. But he figured the legendary would be more wanting to tag along than staying and watching the building with the others. The news of Merin being able to be their own trainer too was rather neat, it would let them be able to make more friends and for Merin to get close to other pokemon on a stronger scale.

"Sinnoh Region." Chazz said as they started off. "I figured we can go to the lab an grab a starter from there like everyone else does. Sound good to you?"

Merin purred loudly and nodded "sounds perfect to me, cant wait to meet them!" He smiled tail wagging "we going to walk or fly?" He looked to his trainer for a response, he knew that if they flew he would be pressed up close to his back.

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"Well, flying might be faster." Chazz said. "You think you can carry us both there? IT's quite a ways."

"If not i can fly part of the way on my own" merin said hopeing to be a little helpful "but i cant fly the whole wal on my own... it takes alot of energy to stay in the air" he says softly

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"HOw about we take a ship? That way there's no risk of you getting tired out?" Chazz suggested.

He thinks about it then nods "that sounds good, we can fly to the dock at least, i can get that far" he gives a purr and wags his tail "shall we get underway?"

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"Sure" Chazz said.

It was easy to get a ship and to Sinnoh. Though there was the question on what to do when they reached teh stater lab. Three choices as normal though there as a Piplup, Chimchar, and Turtwig. A water, fire, and grass type trio. Chazz glanced to Merin.

"You go first." Chazz said.

The feline gave a yawn, tired from the flight then boring ship ride. He reached out and took the chimchars ball and smiled "i have blip, as a pokemon, and now Cinder as my official starter" he says with a smile, naming the small monkey. He hoped his choice of a fire type would ballance well with his blip as a water type.

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"That's awesome." Chazz said before glancing back to the two pokemon. "Now I've got Trunk as my starter and Rusty for fire."

A smile was on his face as he held the turtwig pokeball in his hand, he was still bad at names but oh well. At least it matched the grass theme.

(Should we skip past the gymes or do you have a idea of what they can do in Unova besides catch the pokemon they are going to use?)

(Skip to staying at a hotel after a few gyms where chazz has noticed, and is getting deeply concerned about Merins swelling belly)

"I keep telling you im fine" merin complains as chazz pushes the feline into the rented hotel room "i was able to fight in the last gym, both for you as a pokemon and as a trainer!" He grumbled, glad that he had kept his recent vomiting secret.

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"Yeah this time you were able to but what about the nex time Merin? think about that." Chazz said as he managed to get the legendary into the room.

At this point Trunk had evolved for the first time and now was a bit too big and slow to follow outside his ball, shame really. The grass type enjoyed racing Rusty, though Rusty was still a vulpix. Having the door closed, Chazz glanced at their middle and raised a brow. It had been getting bigger lately.

"Are you carrying?" Chazz asked seriously.

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