Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

(I cant remember what ahe was XD)
Merin chuckles and nods "some light work wont hurt her, hows the feilds coming out the back? We should be able to start the orchard soon right?" He asks looking to Rye.

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(IT's okay, I just rembered all tauros are males, my bad too.)

"They're fine, but she ain't pulling anything or carrying anything with twins in that big stomach of hers. Even more so if one of em end up being what I am. Cause that will make her stuck in one place before this is over due to the weight." Rye said. "Now I gotta go."

"Rhyorns don't start with their rock plating when born, but they're still pretty dark heavy." Chazz said.

Merin nodded "ah i see, she should be taking it easy then, less weight on her back"

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"Yeah, but Tria is stubborn like a bull. Being different form the herd made it harder for her till I caught her but even then, she met most of the other team with hostility at the time. Figuring that she had to establish a higher place on the team after all her hard work in the herd faded away due to me." Chazz answered with a weak shrug. "She did come around at least."

"Shes a bit like me i guess" merin said and placed a plate of food for his human "she is used to fighting for her place in the world, wven if, atlesst in my case, that place was nothing more than a small cold cave and barely enough food"

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"Well it changed for the better, in both cases." Chazz said with a smile as he picked up his fork. "There's a lot of things that are better now that the team is here even if i didn't take em to the league with me. Rye used to just mope around it seemed, he didn't give a hoot about anything and just trudged along. Now he seems to care about stuff. Chopper wanted to win a Pokemon Wrestling match when I met em, so I originally trained em for that. But when we went to enter, there were so many machokes there they choose not to but he always helped out the new members of our team when I had him with me."

"Flare seems to be more than happy too with helping around the house, and i think Nare is looking forward to another clutch" he says with a smile and wags his tail.

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"Flare's happier to spend time with Naire, I would've kept her on the team but....I didn't know who to kick off at that point." Chazz replied. "She probably is, though I wonder if she actually wants to carry it this time. Considering how big she was last time, she might make Flare play seahorse."

A light laugh left him.

Merin laughed aswell and smiled "sje may well do, not that I think he would object" he says with a smile

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"If it's her? I'm very positive he will." chazz said with a bigger smile though it faded a little. "Although, I'm tad worried for Rusty...he doesn't seem like he's having fun. I think he might be upset he's the only shiny other than you, and your Froakie."

"Maybe" he says with a sigh "there isnt much we can do though, Blip cant breed till he is a Greninja, Rusty doesnt even play with him tho, even when Blip trys to include him"

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"True.....I might need to find a way to help Rusty out. He just seems to feel left out. I should probably find a firestome for him but he's so cute with that goldish coloring." Chazz said with a sigh.

Merin chuckles "He would still be gold if he was an Arcanine you know" he says "why not talk to him about it? You have time to work something out"

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Chazz laughed.

"Actually, he'd be more silver since he's a vulpix. He'd become a ninetails, silly head." Chazz said. "I'm not sure how to brng it up though."

"How could i forget species?" He asks and bangs his forehead on the table "urgh ivs been too out of it aince ive been trying to ca r e for you and fend off those assholes... why not just ask him? We all can see he isnt happy"

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"It's okay it's okay." Chazz said. "I'll try, the words just don't seem to want to come out."

Merin nods and slowly got up "ill go get him, you enjoy your breakfast, ill be back with him so you can chat and i can give you a massage"

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"Okay." Chazz said as he started to eat.

Rusty was outside, merely poking a flower that was already dying. The fox's ears twitched an he had his tails laying on the ground. Despite his small size, he was pretty much a late teen, only stuck in a cute an small form.

"Hey there pup, can you come with me a minute?" Merin asked even offering to carry him "please?"

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Ears twitched to Merin's voice and he did glance up to em. Rising to his paws, the vulpix left the flower be though ignored the offer to be carried.

"Okay." Rusty answered.

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