Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

He Looked down at Nine trying to see if she was telling the truth then sighed "Ok... Lets do this... i didnt want to put these skills to use yet" he says and picks Rusty up gently then heads to the medical room not caring that Nine is following him then picked up the phone to call "Cmon pick up... AH! Nurse Joy! Its Merin! Please your needed urgently! Yes quick, i dont think he is going to last much longer" he says looking to rusty.

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Rusty was confused though things were soon underway. It was a mircale that Rusty had stretched so much, he had seven poochyena pups in there and all of them were bigger than they should be. Sadly, only one of them was lasting and they were the skinniest one of them. Rusty was out cold as the little one was nursing.

Merin sighed watching Rusty sleep "All but one... Six pups gone..." he gave a soft whimper and nuzzles at Rusty's side "Im sorry Rusty... we did our best" he turns to see Nine watching him and he cant bring himself to smile.

"You may assume im a monster for what i did to you" he says softly "But id do it again... in a heartbeat... so that your pups could grow up safe and warm... as they are more important than you, me, or Marx... If it makes me a monster, then fine, im a monster... but..." he pauses and looks down to Rusty and his lone pup.

"I do have a heart" he pauses again and wipes a stray tear away "even if they werent Mine biologically, Losing those pups is like losing a part of my family, just like losing your pups would feel the same to me" he slowly stands and starts to clean up the room a bit for Rustys eventual awakening.

"I care... possibly too much. i went from having nothing and dieing at the bottom of a cliff, to having a loving family a home and kittens of my own. You know whats waiting for you out there in the wilds... do you really want to go back to it?"

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"It's the rockets an their experimenting fault." Nine said, in the attempt to reassure Merin. "They wanted bigger an badder pokemon."

Her ears twitched and she glanced away, though her ears still twitched. Showing she was at least listening to the legendary. Might as well let the guy known.

"The reason Marx pounced your friend, was due to the experiments on him. It makes him lose control an feel a need to breed only when he smells a mon that is at the proper age and in heat." Nine explained. "you're friend fit the bill apparantly. That's also why he was growling at you when you appeared in the room, even though your Rusty was already carrying the effects on Marx tried to take over. Truthfully freedom is all I've ever wanted, along with the small hanful of my pups that made it. However..Marx has me convinced to at least...try it here. If I'm not satisfiyed then I vote to leave so we'll see."

Merin nods slowly "Ill do what i can to help him" he says softly "He will need to be willing to let me in tho... i can Give him the control, if i can connect with him telepathically but... it will take some effort on his side too... i dont want to chain him up or lock him up because of it, again i didnt catch you to cage you up... i did it because if it wasn't me, someone who actually gives a damn and wants to help... it would be someone who just wants to Use you" he turns to face her and she can tell he is pale under his fur and very tired, his leg still not treated although it was a little cleaned fresh blood could be seen.

"i will apologize for one thing, for maybe not giving you warning... i acted first and punished myself for it later... but i did act in best interest of your pups" he says softly

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"You sure that's wise? The rockets had a kadabra try to get in his head an he went berserk too in the same way. Ya really want to risk your sanity even for a little while?" Nine questioned.

She raised a brow as she noticed how he looked an tilted her head.

"You okay there?"

he nodded "Im fffine" he says slurring his words a little "im sure ill be ok if i try... ill have Eve helllp me" he says trying to focus "her Fairy type should help sstabilise his mind"

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"I doubt it. You need some sleep." NIne replied.

"I Swwware im ok" he says before he starts to sway a little his eyes starting to droop "Ok... maaaybe nnnot... at least i got to p...punish myself for what i did to youuuu" he finally says before he falls to his knees then onto his side passing out, Nine finally getting a look at the deep cut down the side of his leg his fur matted with blood.

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Shaking her head, she went to fetch the Chansey after she saw the wound and had the normal type take care of him. HOnestly, what a fool. Whenever merin came to, they'd find her sitting there staring up at him.

"Better?" She asked.

"I guess" he admits with a soft shrug still feeling tired "I know i have a mess to clean up... im sure i left bloody paw prints everywhere... i don't regret it though... Rusty was more important than i was..."

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"Pups always are.'' Nine said agreeingly. "Now to warn you if you try to pull something with marx, his beserk side is....really bad. So if you see something weird happening well.....that means you're making it worse."

he gives a shrug "i doubt he could get past the security that is set up" he says softly "Eve is watching over the house for dark types, She will be able to stop him before he injures anyone" he goes to get up and gives a soft groan as he does, gingerly putting pressure on his injured leg.

"I need to check on Chazz... and then do cleaning" he says slowly "Feel free to tag along and talk if you want"

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"You'd be surprised what he mows down when in that state badly enough." Nine replied simply as her brows lowered a bit. "I need to tend to my pups."

With that, she went the oppsoti way, her stomach swaying slightly the whole way.

he nods "Feel free to let them play with the other pups" he says "My kitten has been getting lonely with only a couple others to play with, and i guarantee you, they will be protected." he wanders upstairs, using his abilities to float up the stairs instead of walk up them, his leg protesting when he did try the first step.

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Nine wasn't sure on letting the pups leave the room for very long considering, Marx would keep watch on em sicne she was due any time now. He'd protest her walking about when she got back anyway. When Merin got to CHazz, the human was sleeping, though it seemed that he already ha his litter as riulos and buizels were cuddled against his flat stomach and a few sleeping on his side. There was a couple of shiny ones as well.

he smiled looking at them and walked over to gently pet at Chazz's hair and give his forehead a soft kiss before he headed back downstairs to start cleaning, heading into Marx's room first to clean up the puddle he left, ignoring the males growling while he does.

"Shut it would you?" he said looking at him out of the corner of his eye with a slight growl while he scrubbed at the semi dried blood "I have multiple Jobs to do in this house, yes someone else could do it, but i would rather do it myself than have someone else suffer through it, especially seeing as i was the one who Made this mess"

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"Go faster then." Marx replied through a growl as he paced.

Nine went over to him and gently nudged him with her nose, causing the male to pace further into the room and Nine to go over to Merin.

"YOu darn forgot what I warned ya about didn't I?" Nine questioned in a dull tone.

"He cant attack me" he says softly to her with a shrug "i own his pokeball, and it prevents him from doing so... I'm going as fast as i can... getting angry at me wont help... its another reason why I'm doing this and not someone else" he continues to scrub sighing softly as he does then looks up to Nine once he is done.

"Do you want any blankets or pillows for bedding or nesting materials?" he asks still ignoring Marx "This hardwood floor cant be too comfortable to sleep on and you need to stay warm while pregnant"

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"That didn't stop him from attacking the Rocket who was in charge of him aka his 'Owner/trainer'" Nine replied. "I wouldn't risk it if I were you believe me. I've seen him at his worst in that state and it gets really really bad. All those experiments and chemicals do stuff to ya that isn't intended."

Nine shook her head.

"There's that bed, so it works." Nine answere. "When I can get up there at last."

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