Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

he sighed and nodded "here... i cant have you trying to get up there in that state" he says and pulls the mattress off the bed and onto the floor "and they didn't use a pokeball on him, otherwise i wouldn't have been able to catch him" he pulls it down and positions it in the opposite corner from the bed frame, planning to remove that latter... if Nines pups didnt want to play with it.

"Besides...If he mauls me, i wont care I put myself in this position... and i am the one who captured him... At any rate im sure id deserve it" he gives a shrug and a sigh looking back to her, even Marx able to see that he is depressed and clearly upset with himself "I will get you some pillows and sheets... let me know when you think your close, ill get you some towels and water so you can keep the bedding clean and clean your pups and yourself... ill also get you some more food, im sure your hungry needing to feed your pups, yourself, and your unborn pups"

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"You are one very strange legendary." Nine replied. "I figured you all were on some high horse since you're so rare."

A snarl left Marx as his hackles rose and the dark type glared at the mewtwo, a feral look to his eyes and Nine's ears lowered.

"marx? Honey?" Nine asked as she went over to him and put her head under his lower muzzzle though when he went to pounce forward she grabbed him by the scruff. "Leave! NOw!"

"Im just another pokemon" he answers with another shrug "And i was hated by the others...even my own parents for being a Shiny" he blinked at Marx lunged at him and sighed stepping forward offering his hand for him to bite.

"Let him go" he says softly and gives a slight chuckle at the Ninetails look of shock "Better me than the others, better me than you, Better me than your pups... if this states his blood lust to kill me, then let him and cools his anger for a while at least, then i dont care, im sure ive taken worse in the past" he had a sternness to his eyes showing that isn't lying and is being stern in his order to let the male go as Nines trainer.

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"YOu MoroN!!! IT's not bloodlust!!" Nine barked at Marx as she pushed the male back. "It's a lust to breed!!! They wanted a breeder that was powerful so the young would be as well, this is only the start of it!!"

Honestly, why was she trying to prevent this guy from exploding? She really didn't know.

"You wanna end up like how your little friend had? Then risk being in here any longer and it just might!!" Nine added.

he gave a soft smile "ah i see now... that makes this easier" he presses his hand to Marx head his eyes glowing, eve appearing on the mewtwos shoulder, eyes glowing aswell "Keep him still" he says softly before beginning his 'dive' into his mind "eve, use everything" he says softly and closes his eyes the three of them glowing now.

it takes a few minutes but eventually Marx calms and goes still while they continue till eventually merin backs off "Its done" he says softly with a pant and rubs his forehead "He wont have his rages anymore... although he will still be dangerous to breed with, thats something i cant fix... Yes be angry with me Nine for ignoring you, i dont care, i put myself at risk to save others... thats what a trainer, a friend, a family member... a legendary should do"

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(be funny if Merin acts weird after doing that in some way.)

It was a pretty big shock that they managed to subdue him like this, though he wasn't full out of control just yet. So that was probably why. Was it gone for good? She didn't know about that. Something like that couldn't possibly be removed for good.

"The large pups go down in size the second time round, though you'll have a big amount of em regardless." Nine said. "So if you survive the first time, you'll be fine to breed with him. After all, I've survived many times."

(was planning to put him in an exceptionally strong heat XP)

Merin nods and smiles giving her a soft kiss to the forehead.
"The rages are gone for good, he will still be the stubborn headstrong angry dog he is, i changed nothing but his rages, and they are gone for good" he says softly with a smile and slowly stood with a slight wobble then grabs the bucket and cleaning supplies "Thank me later, get some rest, your tired" he walked out, Eve giving a wave and smile before teleporting away.

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(That works very good!)

The kiss was a surprise though she still glanced down at Marx who was laying there.

"I wish I could believe you but they've had psyhic types try stuff before...." Nine said though she shrugged. "I just hope you're right.

She laid down and put her head on Marx's shoulder, she honestly did care about him.

"You can Trust Merin" Eve said Telepathically to her "if i hadnt been there... that would have killed him... although he did something i couldnt sense... but it was something to do with him not your mate" The small Pokemon teleported in a second later holding a huge bowl of diced berries above her head, a bowl that was three times bigger than she was

"Food for you!" she sings happily and places it down "Merin picked them fresh himself!" she adds before teleporting away again.

Merin meanwhile had gone to his bedroom and cleaned up the blood trail on the way, he was hoping he could get it all before Chazz woke up although he was starting to feel warm.

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Shaking her head, telepathy was a weird thing she never experienced, and frankly it felt weird. Oh well, nothing she could do about it. Though when the bowl was placed there, she tilted her head. Strange little pokemon that was.

"MERIN!" Chazz yelled as he swung the door open, only to find the legendary on the ground cleaning something. "We...well, have something weird here..."

When Merin came in, Chazz would close the door and there would be Rusty, or at was possibly rusty. Rusty was now much larger, the right size for a ninetails, however his golden fur remained and he only had eight of his tails, two of which were still curled and the same color as they were as a vulpix, the others were as they should be. His ears remained more triangular and his muzzle was defientaly longer, one eye had changed to red while the other remained brownish. The curls on his head were now more wavy.

"I used the stone.....this happened...." Chazz said nervoulsy.

Merin blinked and tried to hide his bandaged leg and what he was doing then looked to the pokemon "R...rusty?" he asks and ushers him over to check him over "C...Could this be because of the crack in the stone?" he asks rhetorically

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"I have no idea...." Chazz said worried.

"It's me." rusty said as he walked over to the legendary. "But hey, I'm taller now!"

"Wait..remember how all the young in that shop were shiny or virus type? Maybe there was something wrong with the breeding that makes Rusty react differently to the stone? Even more so since it's cracked."

he pauses and thinks about it, gently cupping Rustys head and petting it "Nine..." he says softly "Come with me you two" he says and quickly gets up and ushers them out, still trying to hide the blood mess he made. he takes them to Nine and Marx's room and knocks before entering "Sorry to disturb you... Nine i need to ask something... did you ever have any Vulpix pups?"

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Rusty tilted his head confused and followed along, now what was going on? Chazz stood there though he stayed put as he felt a small army of pups attack his legs an feet. Nine raised her head and glanced towards the legenary.

"Not many." nine said. "A total of three, one of them didn't last though. Why?"

"were any of them a shiny?" he asks and kneels down to her eye level, giving a chuckle seeing the pups swarm Chazz, clearly showing why he was good with puppys.

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"Only one was." Nine replied as she lowered her head again, feeling the young in her thrash about.

Rusty raised a brow at the conversation. Okay....what was going on?

Merin gave a smile and leaned forward to kiss her gently on the forehead before shifting to one side to expose Rusty "Nine, say hello to your pup" he says with a smile and trys not to squirm, as his belly continues to heat up.

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Nine raised a brow though she rose to her paws an sort of waddled over to em, giving a few sniffs. Rusty's ears twitched and they lowered.

"You're wrong, my pup was a female." Nine said sadly as she turned away. "There were other ninetails at the place, so it's very possible he could be from the same place as I."

Laying back down, the kicks in her stomach were very clear against her stomach. Seemed the pups were growing restless in there.

"However, I did have two siblings of my own, so there is a slim chance he could be family still."

Merin nods "Sorry then.. i assumed seeing as... well... either this is a congenital thing... or a result of a damaged Firestone"

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"It's possibly a combination of both." Nine said. "I did have siblings an to my knowledge they are still there. I did see a rather strange raichue at the lab."

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