Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

he nods and gives a sigh "I wish we could do something about the facility" he says softly and slowly stands "Well, you two have a talk anyway, i have some stuff i need to get back to"

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Nine glanced at Rusty though she really didn't know what to do. Chazz watched Merin leave though he followed em.

"You okay?" Chazz asked. "You seem a bit down."

The feline shook his head a little "Im fine... too much happened while you were bed bound" he says sadly

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"Sorry about that." Chazz said. "Oh I had called a friend to help us out with the large mightyena, just in case things were a bit risky considering what happened to Rusty an the strange conversation you share with Nine. So I figured it wouldn't hurt to have a scientist on board to lend us a hand if things go wild, ya know?"

Chazz really hoped Merin was okay with it. After all, this was a friend that Chazz hadn't seen in years, so to have finally contacted em and even agreed to meet up was a rather joyous thing. The sound of the door being knocked caused the man's lucario ears to twitch. Heading over to the door, he opened it and a smile hit Chazz's face as he ushered the man in.

"Well, you've certainly changed. Interesting color choice." The man said as he pointed to the ears and Chazz laughed.

"That's nothing." CHazz said before he glanced over to Merin. "Merin, meet Eric the once know it all back home when I was a kid."

"I merely studied, unlike some people." a smile was on Eric's as he spoke though he held a hand out to Merin. "nice to meet ya though."

Eric was just a little bit taller than Chazz and had a more average build; while still being on the thin side. His short black hair was a bit mess an a pair of glasses were in front of his amber eyes. HIs skin was a normal white and he wore a creamish lab coat with black pants, a reddish brown shirt, and brown shoes.

"Still have Waterfall?" Chazz asked.

"Of course I do! She's just at home." Eric answered

"Probably cleaning up your latest mess eh?" Eric sighed but chuckled.

"Unfortunatly yes. I never thought a blastoise would be such a clean freak."

Name: Eric Cider
Age: 30 years
Gener: Male

"I already have the Mightyena, sadly i had to capture Nine and her pups aswell as collateral" he says looking to Chazz. He is still trying to keep his injuries hidden even if that means suffering more because of it.

"Just know he was treated badly by some scientists, Marx may not trust him" he adds then perks his ears and he dollows Chazz to the door.

"Hi there" he says giving a bit of a wave. He listens to them reminisce about their good old days with a soft smile.
"Sadly i have some cleaning to finish up, ill let you two catch up, for now please let Marx rest" he says before walking off to try to clean up his bloody paw prints that he left around the house, not knowing chazz would find one soon anyway.

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"Oh....well Eric's a good one." Chazz said to Merin.

"Marx huh? Tht the name of the odd mon you mentioned?" Eric asked as he looked to Chazz.

"I think so, Merin caught em and interacted with em more. So they know. So, you been doing okay?"

"Just fine actually, my works been going along okay. It's just a little hard" Chazz tilted his head confused.

"You okay there?"

A pokeball opened and female delphox appeared, she raised her stick and whacked Eric with it. A sound left Eric as he shook his head.

"Sorry about that, I get stuck on a word sometimes, a few experiments misfired on me." Eric explained. "This is Mysteria."

Merin chuckled sering the smack before he was back to his room removing the last of the blood from there then continued on to find another print to remove. Having left dozens of them when he was frantically searching for Rusty.

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"Pleasure to meet you, come with me. I'll show you guys to the room you can stay at." Chazz said as they started down the halls. "So....what have you been working on lately? That made your voice freak out?"

"well it's not really my voice that freaks out to do that, it's really just the process of getting other words to form. Really, it's like my body gets stuck on a single word and I can only repeat it, like a broken record minus the horrible sounds." Eric said. "It was a lot of things combined really, probably really boring to ya."

"Alright then, here it is." opening the door, it revealed a room free of blood prints; thankfully that had a decent work space in it.

Though a glance t his feet, Chazz saw a paw print and raised a brow to it. Though he ignored it as he looked back to Eric.

"It'll work great, I'll just get everything set up and get to work." Eric said.

"Great, see ya soon."

Closing the door, Chazz headed to where he last saw Merin and looked down to em as he saw em cleaning.

"Merin, why are there red paw prints on the floor?" Chazz aske.

Merin stopped mid step, he was starting to pant and couldn't get his mind off of sec hut tge question was like a bucket of ice water.
" reason" he responded rushing over and he starts cleaning it up, unaware that Chazz's nose had been improved and he could now smell both the injury, and Merins steadily worsening heat.

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"Then what's those smells? It's not anything like cleaning supplies." Chazz asked.

His nose was the newest thing to change, in terms of appearance it was just fine. However it was now a great deal stronger.So things he couldn't smell before, he could but he didn't really know what to make of em.

"you okay? You don't really seem to be." Chazz asked.

" ok...honest" he says blushing deeply and his heat took a sharp increase in strength making his give a soft groan. In his rush he had also caused his leg to bleed a little again colouring the bandages and revealing what he was trying to hide. Althought he wasnt trying to hide his heat as he was unaware thats what was happening to him. He turned to look up at chazz with a smile plastered on his face, the deep bluch to his face showing he wasnt fine "s...see a.. all fine"

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"No it's not." Chazz sai as he saw the legendary's leg bleeding. "come on, you need to lay down. HOnestly, you make such a fuss when I go do stuff and here you are hiding stuff from me. What else is wrong besides your leg?"

"N...nothing" he said whimpering as Chazz grabbed him by the sensetive artery tube on the back of his head and hauled him upstaors to bed, the contact just making him moee lustful and he stifles a moan "th...that i know of" he adds trying to ignore the fire within him. If he had been a fominant, he would have pounced and fucked Chazz raw by now, but as a submissive he was drawing attention from several others as they went. The Lucario being one of them.

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If Jack had eyebrows, he would've raised one to the scene before him. Though he merely followed along to see how this would unfold.

"I get the feeling your lying Merin." Chazz said as he released the legenary. "What is it? Is it Eric being here? I know I didn't ask you about it but I wanted to make sure we could help that mon when they came in, a abnormally huge mightyena could have a lot of health problems and it would be best to figure out if it is carried down since he has young."

"I think you're friend is in serious heat." jack said.

He shook his head 'no' at chazz asking if it was because of jack . His eyes went wide when the fact it could be heat. His body seeming to take it as an order to make it kick up a notch and he gasped and doubled over onto the bed and gave a deep needy moan. Now he could do little but writhe a bit as he wuickly got errect and he started to claw at the bed. He sent out a single telepathic message to chazz before he wasnt able to anymore.

"P...please, help...i...i need.." and he was then cut off. As much as the mewtwo wanted Chazz to bs the one, right now he didnt as much care but he did want Jack out of the room so he hopped it would be someone else.

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Surprise came to him at what was going on, though he received the message and sighed. This was going to be a long night.

"Jack? can you leave?" Chazz asked.

The lucario left without a word and the door was closed behind em. Chazz undressed and gave the Mewtwo what they wanted. Considering how badly their heat was, it lasted for quite a while and the whole thing just wore Chazz out. The poor human was no asleep on his bed an the newst of riolu an buizel pups were filled as they were now sleeping as well. Eric was merely wandering about the house, exploring though he was trying to find Merin.

Merin was semi concious laying next to Chazz. He couldnt remember much from the last message he sent to waking up, nolonger burning internally with need. He rose slowly and carefully as not to awaken Chazz and smiled giving him a soft kiss to the forehead.

"Thankyou... master" he said softly and then made sure he was tucked in tightly before heading to have a bath. If chazz had been unsuccessful in impregnating him, his heat would return soon. But for now he wanted to clean himself up a little.

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Whenever Merin was done with their bath, they'd find Mysteria standing outside of the bathroom. THe fire psyhic's ears twitched as she glanced to him. Now being so close, they would be able to notice a curve in her belly.

"Have you seen Eric? He went looking for you but hasn't come back to the room yet." she asked.

He looked her over, suspicious of any psychic type he didnt know "no i havent" he says "why is he looking for me prey tell?"

He didnt fail to miss her swollen belly, making tactical note of it, again as he did not trust her... yet. He was starting to feel warm again in his belly, an early warning that he was coming down from his mating high and falling back to heat.

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"He wanted to talk to you about your large Mightyena, Chazz informed him that you are their trainer and as such my human sees it only fair to speak with you before he thinks of ways to try and help." Mysteria replied

There was the sound of something breaking and Mysteria took off down the hall. If Merin followed, he'd see Eric bent down picking up some glass.

"Sorry about that, I lost my grip." Eric apologized though Mysteria levitated the shards up.

"You need to becareful." Mysteria told him as he stood up.

"I'm fine, I just had a moment where my motor control went whacky. No biggie."

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