Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Merin gave a groan and a mewl rolling over to look at Chazz. he nodded and slowly got up only noticing the extra weight to his torso from his now, looking full term belly "Urgh why am do i feel so heavy?" he asked softly and yawned

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"Probably because your stomach is already full term." Chazz said. "here I'll help you."

Helping Merin off the bed and towards the room, there was a chair there for em both to sit in. Mysteria was sitting on the bed next to Eric; who's lab coat was noticably torn from their transformation and running rampant in the woods.

" know how I take odd jobs form time to time? To help figure things out?" Eric said. "Well...these people hired me and they wanted to know if I could create something that would fuse two beings into one. I told em I thought it was impossible and I wouldn't risk trying. They....made me go along with it. So I did the work and I succeded, but they wanted to see a finished project."

Eric shifted nervously on the bed and glanced down at the ground for a moment.

"I was given....a choice of the mons. I choose a haunter and a ninetails. But....when I was suppose to inject the ninetails with the chemicals, I couldn't do it. I do experiments all the time but I never use any mons." Eric explained. "I.....I always used myself in my experiments. Hence my voice issue, I figured it would fail since I wasn't a mon ya know? That my body would just kill off the chemicals an things would be fine. I was let go since the nintails never changed but...upon getting home everything started going weird..."

Merin looked to his belly a little alarmed at the size but stayed silent. he sat next to Chazz and listened, placing a hand on his humans to comfort him as they listened "That would explain your smell" he says slowly "BUt why didnt you just tell us when we asked? you know we wouldnt have been a threat to you"

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"Would you have truly believed me if I told you I turn into a fusion of two pokemon and can't control it?" Eric asked. "It seems really farfetched, besides...I don't want to be seen as that. I have a serum to use to prevent the change but it doesn't always work all the time. I haven't gotten it right just yet."

"Eric why would we think that about you?" Chazz asked.

"Merin doesn't know me and he has a duty to everyone here and you haven't seen me in years. I wanted to help you with your problem and keep you out of mine. I didn't want to ruin what views you had of me ages ago."

"I would have been able to protext you easier if i had known" he says softly and sighs shaking his head "It was your suspicious behavior, smell, and her attitude about the whole thing that didnt help it" he motions to Mysteria and chuckles.

"Have you tried seeing a psychic type to help you control it? I guess being part ghost type doesnt help that though... maybe eve can help with that... she helped me with Marx with his problem" he rested back and gives a sigh "i know Mysteria is a psychic type too but shes not as powerful as myself or Eve, no offence to her but she wouldnt have been able to do much to help you, she hasnt had the training."

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A sigh left Eric as he looked down at the ground for a moment.

"She was trying following my instructions." Eric said. "Sure she's stubborn naturally and honestly, I thought if I told my mons to keep it a secret and well..I didn't think on how suspicious it would seem."

Eric looked at Merin and he shook his head. A bit of panic on his face.

"No no, I can't do that." Eric said. "I have no idea how such a thing will effect the psyhic trying to help me with it and really....I don't know how much of a influence that other form has on my body. Random bursts of strengths and going through's rather complex." Eric explained. "If there's a way to seal it away is it honeslty the best option? Yes it'll hopefully stop my changes and thus allow me to have my normal mind like I do now. However there will always be a side effect, I don't know what but...well it might not be good or worth the effort."

"I never said anything about sealing it away" he says with a soft smile "that would only put great strain on your body and mind, control is better. Youd possibly be able to shift at will if we were successful enough, if not the least you would have is control while changed." He looked at him thinking for a minute.

"Im guessing its caused by stress and fear, and anger too?" He paused trying to thing a bit more "means its set itself up as a defense mechanism... its possible, and im willing to volunteer to help you do this... but it wont be for a few days, i need to recover from Marx... that blow took alot out of me"

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" just seemed like the first thing." Eric said. "It seems to give that kind of a impression, as a defense mechanism. I'm not sure if it fully meant to do that or not considering the first change well, there wasn't anything to make me feel either of those ways."

Shift at will? he didn't know if that would work. It felt unlikely in his mind though he could only pray. But should he risk it? It could go wrong and whatever way that meant well, he wasn't wanting to see it.

"It's okay, you don't have to." Eric said. "there's no telling what will happen to you during the attempt to help. And if it goes wrong well......"

Eric hadn't noticed but he seemed transparent a little bit. However he noticed as he sank half way into the bed and he looked pretty shocked. Though Mysteria tried to use her psyhic abilities to pull him out.

Merin chuckled and stepped forward off of his seat and placed a paw to Erics chest, lifting him back onto the bed with ease and helping him solidify "lesson one myst, touch negates ghost type abilitys" he says with a smile "and ill do it because i want to help you, because i want to, thats who i am, you saw that earlier when i took that blow for you remember?" He waddled back to his seat and sat with an 'oof'.

"Chazz... Master... sweety darling" Merin says adding the last two as a joke "your oddly silent, hes your friend your silence is worrying him"

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"I rem....remember...." Eric said as he pulled out and he became solid once more. "Still, you were already badly hurt from that. Even when you recover I don't know be safe for"

"I just...don't know what to do in this situation." Chazz answered. "I mean....this is a lot to take in and I see why you wanted to keep it a secret an how you got it. I...."

"It's okay, perfectly fine." Eric said in the attempt to cheer Chazz up. "It's a hard thing to take in even after seeing it and we haven't been in contact for a long time. When you called me I was shocked an while mostly glad, I was worried due to my little secret. At least now you know what Waterfall has to clean up constantly at home."

"Cause you break everything." a light laugh left Chazz and Eric gave a faint smile.

"Ill agree to that" merin says with a playful chuckle "he broke that... interesting think Flare made on his second attempt at glass blowing, and then a test tube, i dixed the second, its easyer to fix something when you know what its supposed to look like"

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"Really?" Chazz asked and Eric gave a faint nod.

"Random increased in strength." Eric explained. "There are times tries to take over even when I'm calm. It oesn't always succed but it's..weird. All it feels like is something creeping up my spine an into my mind before it tries to get through the skin. That's part of the reason I'm afraid to try something like Merin would be willing to do."

Merin gave a smile "we could do it, i know we could... although another fairy type would be useful incase we fail... is Fay still in the Pc?" He asks looking to Henry and enquiring about his Clafable.

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"Yep, I'll go get her." Chazz said as he got up an headed towards the pc.

"Merin....are you really...okay" Eric asked nervously. "I mean....there's pretty much something else in me that I can't control and I did try to keep it secret....which caused a lot of chaos."

"You did it for good reason" he says cutting him off "and while it did cause chaos, its only because Marx couldn't keep his impatience in check"

"Your more like us than you think you know" he says with a smile "we all have an inner monster, an evil that we keep in check. Our instincts that we need to control... sometimes we cant, and we just snap, an i think thats whats happening to you. You have a huge deal of power in you, something that takes mons years to learn to control. But you... it was just dumped in you in one day, what you need, is some help learning to control it. It may not happen in one session, but well help you do it." He smiles and reaches out to gently pat his leg

"you first need to realize its part of you forever, and accept it as part of who you are, do that and the rest will be easy"

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Eric put his hands together as he sat there. Mysteria put her hands on his shoulders, trying to soothe her human.

"IT's just my evil has been amplified...." Eric said. "It's hard to view it as evil. Granted it seems to be a instinct drive being that has no intelligent reasoning in it compare it to what evil we all have inside. It makes ya wonder....what if I turned out differnet? Been evil rather than good."

HIs own it was beginning to sound like he had a Jekyll an Hyde thing going on. It was hard to really know if that was the way. Feeling the pat, he glanced back to em.

"How is that easy?" Eric asked.

He chuckled softly "the hard part is accepting it, it always is, if you view it as another you, another person inside your body, you can use that as a stepping stone to negotiate with it." He continues his soft amile and looked up as Chazz came back with eve and Fay "Ah! Good timing, cmon you two, were going for a walk with Eric! And no, sorry Chazz and Mysteria, you cant come, less around the better" he smiles and hops off the bed taking eve onto his shoulders and helping Eric from the bed.

"Remember! Happy thoughts!" He says to the human and gives Chazz a kiss "well be back"

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He didn't try to think of it as another him, just something inside of him. SOmething that obeyed instinct more than anything. But now he was seeing it as a jekyll an hyde thing. A surprised look came to his face.

"What...." Eric muttered.

"You better be careful. Just becuase he took the serum doesn't mean it'll prevent any transformation." Mysteria said.

"Just becareful." Chazz urged.

Adjusting his lab coat, he stood up and paused as he went to pass Chazz. He was about to speak when Chazz merely smile and waved em off.Thus Eric followed em outside.

(Urgh it didnt post)

Merin nods and gives Chazz a kiss before walking out with them to a clearing in the forest. It was quiet and relaxing and he smiled.

"Ok you two, stay outa site" he says to the two pokemon "Fay, youll be emergency, if i fail, you hold him down till the others come. Eve your assist, help me get in, then just keep an eye out ok?" They both nod then run off and he turns to look at Eric then sits down.

"Ok you, sit with me, close your and just relax" he says softly "let everything go, imagine your mind is a pond, every ripple is a worry or stress, just let it go flat, calm and relaxed." He watched him seeing him relax and he reached out tonplace his hand on his leg his eyes glowing as he dove in. Eve helping him get down to the problem and he started working on giving Eric some of his control that he had learned over the years.

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Going outside was nice, it was breath of fresh air though he was still worried. Even more so when the legendary started to give orders to the two mons with em. Taking a seat, Eric's worry was very clear as he gave them a nervous glance. Though he did take a deep breathe and tried to relax. The feeling of someone else in his head caused a shiver to run though him, it was a strange feeling to have an honestly things might've gone as Merin hoped if not for one thing. The feeling of a net hitting em broke the link as Eric opened his eyes to look, though he was soon knocked out as members of the facility were the ones to catch em. They were both loaded up onto a truck that was quick to speed away.

Coming to, his head was pounding a groan left Eric. Free of the net, he was now stuck seeing the inside of a metal box. The human stood up though he struggled as the truck hit a few bumps.

"What's going on?" Eric asked.

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