Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

"Im sorry" he whimpered softly "i...i didnt try to do it too bad" he takes a step back whimpering knowing he could atleast remember him atacking him

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"That doesn't matter." ERic said as he tried to make himself get up. "My hand....shouldn't look like this."

"Eric, you need to lie down." the deddenne urged.

"What I a mirror that is big enough to see...."

A groan left him as he grabbed hold of the aching limb, it felt like the thing was pulsating. The paw like look went away, reaching his normal hand. Sadly he still had claws and purple fur over it.

"Th...theres one in your bathroom" Merin says pointing tothe adjoining room

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Eric gave a nod to Merin. Getting to the bathroom was hard when your legs don't want to work. Once there, he left the door open as he removed his torn up coat and pulled the shirt off. His eyes went wide as he saw his whole arm was changed but it stopped just at the shoulder.

"What the hell...." Eric muttered as he stared at his reflection. "This isn't shouldn't"

"And his voice is on the fritz again." The deddene said. "Can you snap him out of it Merin? My paws are too tiny."

He nodded and stepped forward to give him a slap "this must be mysterias best part of her day"

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The slap registered and he finished the one final be and shook his head.

"Yeah I guess.." Eric said a bit defeated. "This shouldn't be happening though....It just..."

He stopped himself from speaking and he seemed to freeze. Closing his eyes he shuddered for a few moments and he sound left him. What was this? What the hell was going on with him now?!

Merin watched him cautiously "eric?" He probed gently

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"F...f..." Eric stammered before his eyes opened and revealed them to be glowing light purple, that was always a bad sign.

Raising his clawed hand, he went to swing before he frooze again, claws just inches from Merin's face. The colored faded and his eyes returned to normal and Eric took a few heavy breathes.

"Wh...what's wrong with me now...?" Eric asked, his voice filled with fear as he took several steps away from Merin; his hair having took on a dark purple color.

Merin had nearly wet himself but stood his ground "g...get on the bed" he says softly "E...eve i need you" he calls out, the small mon appearing on his shoulder.

"W...we dont have time to wait, we need to make another dive" he says to her and she gives a hiss.

"You havent recovered!" She scolds and he shakes his head

"Then ill just fucking suffer as i always do!" He snaps at her and he points to Eric on the bed "sit on him, itll be a shared dive"

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"What? No. We're not doing it a second time, you're in no shape for it nor am I." Eric said as he sat there.

He was really afraid of what this would do.

"Its either we do it now or we risk you going beserk in the house and killing someone" Merin snaps clearly having one hell of a hormone swing "Chance... keep working on him, use potions where you can" he steps over and pulls over a chair to sit with him "mouse... your emergency... if we fail... get everyone out of the house"

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Eric went silent though he cringed as his arm filled with more pain and he gritted his teeth. The deddene's ears lowered but they gave a nod.

"I don't know what you're plotting Merin, but I really don't know if it's going to work." Eric said as he glanced back at em.

"Same as before" he said softly " close your eyes and relax, just a still mirror flat pond" he says and places his hand on his arm both he and Eve concentrating. It doesnt take long till they have dived in, the three of them going dead still except for their breathing.

"Lets begin, Eve, were going to effectively copy and paste out lifes worth of control over our abilities into his mind, ok? I managed to put in the understanding for it, how his mind would translate our experience into his condition... so lets begin... and may that fox stay out of the room... or he will kill us all"

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"Ya know....since you lot are in my head I can hear that statement.." Eric commented, a tad displeased; in his head. "Do you honestly think that'll work?"

Sadly this problem would require much more than a simple copy an paste method.

"It will take some time, if you think of it like a computer" he responds as he starts the transfer "ive already given you the unpacking tool to open the and read the files we are giving you, but it will take an hour or two to install them into your mind... after that youll need practice, your subconscious will know how to do it all, but youll still need to learn how to make it work, like with any new program"

Eve confirmed what he said but added "were adding double the amount, so it may take ad much as four hours to finish... till then just stay calm and collected"

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A shudder ran through Eric, both in reality and hte little mental world they were in. Feeling other things in his head brought a uncomfortable feeling. Stay calm huh? Okay...he could do that. He really hoped he could.

"Hours huh? Oh..." Eric commented, his little mental figure cringing as he held onto his arm like he was in reality. "Easy to say when your whole body isn't screaming pain. Four hours of sitting here.....Mysteria's gonna come back before that's up."

"We will be out in five minutes" merin says trying to send a feeling of happiness over to him while he continued "Chanse should be give you some painkillers once were done, your bound to have a headache once its all done"

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"I always have one after a change." Eric replied. "It's's never hurt like this before. Sure I've been injuried in this form before, but still."

"Its because i pushed you into it" he says sadly "for a second time in a day... i am sorry i did" he trys not to share his depression through the link but continues what he was doing.

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"I did try to warn ya." Eric said with a sigh. "But it's alright, nothing too horrifying happened so it's forgivable. Personally I would like for my arm to stop feeling like it's being seared off."

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