Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

"That should stop soon hopefully" Merin says trying to be be supportive "almost done here"

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"Something....doesn't feel right.." Eric muttered, squeezing his arm as he gritted his teeth.

The invasion in his mind by two outside parties and the fact they were doing something to him, it was making his other side uneasy. Considering what happened the previous night, the creature was always rested enough for another rampage. Course it was just the take over part that was always the tricky one.

Merin could sense it trying to raise to the surface and he did what he could to sooth it, managing to calm it down long enough for them to finish and withdraw.
"its done" he says soft and smiles to Eric petting his leg "now we just wait... Chance, give him some pain killers ok?" He asks her before getting up slowly, staggering a little

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OPening his eyes in reality, they were now glowing a light purple. It was just on the outside edges of his eyes for they were still the normal color when in his human form. His arm was still killing him it felt like an honestly, he just wanted it to be over. A hoarse cough left him as the chansey looked to Merin.

"He's already on a lot of medicine Merin, I don't think giving him anymore will be good for him." the chansey said.

"We cant just let him suffer" he says "and we cant link to take it away... Eric... its your body... and you know these drugs better than any of us"

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"But I don't know my own body at the moment." Eric answered. "THe second change has effected my body differently than it normally does, I don't know what'll happen if I try to cram more medicine in ontop of the overdose of the serum."

He nods and sighs "how long till it clears your system? You probably wont be able to do anything till then.

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"Probably a few hours more due much I took." Eric answered. "It would leave my system faster if I was moving and doing stuff but....I doubt I can do anything currenctly."

"We have a pool" merin offered with a shrug "and an army of mon who will stop you from drowning, go for a swim?"

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"I don't...think that's wise." Eric said. "I'll just stay here, I don't feel anywhere near good and well...that stupid pain just keeps spreading like wildfire. Best to stay put in one place just in case. Ya know..."

"Mysteria brought some food for ya." the deddenne said.

Merin nods and smiles motioning to it "have that, itll get you some energy back... i need to... go have a lay down" he says seeming a little shifty with his excuse to leave but walks out quickly. Even eve a little shocked at his departure.

Merin made his way to his own bedroom, not the one he shared with Chazz, closing and locking the door before he sat on his bed and looked out the window over the back yard. Everyone was so happy and went about their daily activities without a care in the world.

But as much as he wished he could be a part of that all again, couldnt get all ofbthe events out of his mind and was yet again beating himself up about it. He had endangered himself, his cubs, and Eric all in the space of a few hours and he couldn't bring himself to forgive himself for it.

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Eric nodded, though he didn't think he could stomach anything else just yet. So he was going to wait on that. Instead, he listened to what the Chansey had to say before she left. With her gone, he rose an went back to his work. It would take hours later before he finally figured he had more strength to go staggering about teh house but he had a good reason. Knocking on Merin's door, he waited to hear them say something before speaking.

"It's me Eric, I just wanted to let you know I got the results back on Marx....if ya want to hear em." Eric said.

There was a shuffling noise and a click, the lock releasinb signaling that he could come in. Merin was on his bed still and looked like he had just woken up, but his body language gave the impression he hadnt been sleeping at all.

"Hey... what did ya find?" He asks offering a smile although it was badly forced.

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"His large size has a fifty percent chance of being passed down to offspring from my research but there was something odd. For some reason, there was a odd reaction. LIke there was another annomly. It could mean he has more of a chance to produce shinies but I'm not sure." Eric answered.

"Hmm i see... like they had altered him specifically to produce strong and rare cubs" he says while thinking. He wasn't paying attention to what eric was doing at that moment which was sniffing the air, a familiar metalic tangy smell wafted throughout the room.

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"Very possible." Eric said.

He knew that his wounds were bleeding still since his arm had attempted to shift several times since he last saw merin. So he drummed it up to it being his own blood that he could smell.

"Well...I'll leave ya to your thoughts, just though I should let you know as soon as possible what I found." Eric said as he turned to the door.

Merin nods watching him go. He locked the doo telechinetically once he was gone.

"That was close" he mutters to himself "good thing i can make these blades psychicly... less to hide" he adds and looks to his arms where he had been busy, even his thighs and tail.

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Eric went back to his room and sighed. Though he cringe as he felt his arm pulse again and the hand looked more paw like again. This was riddiculious!

"Still happening? The rodent asked.

"Sadly, yes." Eric said. "The overdose might have something to do with, with how I'm not fully changing but still."

The half electric type nodded. While the serum was designed to help him revert faster, it wasn't designed for this. Maye there was just so much in his system that it was freaking out like this. Still Eric was setting up for something else on his table and the rodent tlited their head.

"What are you doing?" they asked.

"I'm looking for a solution." Eric answered as he stuck himself with a needle and took out some of his blood.

"Id be cautious if i were you" eve said sitting on the bed, she had been keeping him company seeing as she couldnt check up on merin, the mewtwo having a barrier over his room to prevent that. "If it has any level of intelligence other than instinct it may get mad at what your doing"

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"It has to be already mad for my arm to keep freaking out as it is." Eric said. "Besides.....I'm used to being the lab rat, I never use others for it so....being stuck with something is a natural thing I guess. But thank you, for the concern. It'll be a long while though before my blood can be anaylzed though so that shouldn't anger it."

A shrug left the man as he poured the blood into a beaker and mixed it with something.

"Besides, I'm not trying to get rid of it, I'm just trying to understand what's...what's.." Eric started though he shook his head for a moment. "What's going on."

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