Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

"Thats because he doesnt care" he says softly with a chuckle "youd be surprised what he can sense, and he likes what he can sense, just like i do, and Chazz can" he smiles "we all have a dark side to us, a Jeckle to our Hyde, you have a kind heart, and thats what has attracted him"

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"The only question there is, how much of there is Jekyll and how much is Hyde?" Eric questioned. "there's a different amount in each person, good an bad. It's just gauging it is one of the hard things to do."

Merin nods and slowly uncurls from his litter and stands up stretching "theres more good than evil in you" he says with a purr anyway, i know you want to study them a bit, you may if youd like just dont wake them if you can help it... im going to go for a walk, i havent had one on about a week since i was big enough to be smuggling watermelons" he givss Eric a soft kiss to the forehead "they will be out for a while, ill be back before they wake ok?"

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How could they be so sure? To Eric, what made him Jekyll he felt like he was losing thanks to those idiots, shooting another needle of that stuff into him.

"I'm not going to study your kids, they're children. I was mainly refering to me." Eric replied as he folded his arms. "Go on, have fun."

There was no point in studying the kits an pups, according to MErin they were still too young. So what was the point?

Merin smiled and kissed his forehead again "think of this" he says "there is few people that i would let take care of my litter" he says and walked out smiling as he knows what he said said to him hit home where he wanted it to and made his way out tonthe forest.

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Eric gave a sigh as he sat there, not really sure on what to do at the moment as merin disappeared. Giving a shrug, he laid down and stared at the ceiling.

Merin wandered through the woods a little blindly letting his instincts just guide him. He soon, mistakenly, atumbles into a large patch of catnip that seems like it was planted intentionally. It doesnt take long before he is rolling arround in it, the herb acting like a typical drug and he is soin too bombed to move much. Its a few minutes later that a black wargreymon steps out of the bushes.

"Well well look what we have here... i was hoping itd be my usual target, but youll do nicely" he says sinisterly . Merin manages to get a simple 'help' and his approximate location to chazz and eric before he was grabbed.

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Eric's ears shot up as the message was received though that was the only thing to change on him at the moment. GEtting up, he ended up bumping into Chazz who go the same message and they were both off. Upon arriving at the catnip field, Eric sneezed. Since he had a small part of mewtwo in him, the effect of catnip wasn't going to be as powerful as it was on Merin.

"merin? Where are you?" Chazz called.

Eric stayed quiet, merely adjusting his his coat to better hide his stomach.

Merin whimpered weakly not too far away, they sadly had missed what had happened to him although he was at the same time glad at that. The catnip still coated his fur leaving him 'high' but the black digimons actions had shocked him out of it a bit.

"" he whimpered out trying to get their attention. He was hidden in some bushes, and the signs of his violation were apparent, bruises, cuts and scrapes and blood coming from another location from his bodys resistance to it all.

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"OH shit..." Chazz muttered as he went over to merin to help them.

Eric stayed where he was, his ears twitching as he he could hear something but he wasn't sure on what it was. Chazz was too busy fusing over Merin to really use his ears.

Slowly coming down he panted and tried to brush himself off and concentrated "hes...hes... hes..." he started trying to speak "Hes still here!" He screamed out and sent out a blast. It barely missed the other two but there was a cry of pain from its intended target.

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"Wow!" Eric muttered as he ducked.

"Alright, let's just get out of here and back to the house." Chazz urged as he helped Merin with Eric following.

(The digimon can grab Eric if ya want. ^^)

(Hehe tempering)

managed to struggle free from their grasp and grabed the digivice that had fallen from the mons belt "f...first things f...first" he says, he wipes some blood off of one of his cuts onto his thumb then presses that to the screen of the device, it beeps a little beforw giving a ding and merin collapses jnto chazz's arms again.

Th.... there... he...hes my mon now" he says trying to focus his thaughts despite the nip "i n...need a shower and brush p...please" he says looking up to chaz, his pupils dilated and he is clearly so high he cant feel the pain from his injuries.

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"Yeah sure, come on." Chazz said, not really carring or noticing the digivice.

Still Eric fell behind since he did have something weighing him down and the poor man let out a few gasps.

"Dang it...." Eric muttered.

"E...eric?"merin calls bavk to him concerned. Sadly it doesn't last long as he is out for the count a minute later before they got home.

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When Merin spoke, Eric was already too far behind, his ears barely registered it as he took a seat on the ground. Now he just felt tired and his legs a bit weak, trying to run with a pregnant belly wasn't easy. Course Chazz didn't notice as he was too busy trying to tend to Merin. The young in his stomach shifted about, protesting the fact that the man had attempted to run all over the place.

Eventually they got back to the house, Chazz taking merin quickly to a shower to wash him off and inspect his newest wounds.

Meanwhile the black mon groaned and woke up, his mind registering he was now owned "god damn it" he muttered and then spotted Eric "i guess i can still have a bit of fun first"

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Ears twitched as he heard a sound registered. Getting up to his feet, Eric glanced about as he backed away from his spot. Long enough of a rest, it was time to head back.

"Well hello there little human" the mon said stalking out of the bushes "how about we have some fun before i go to my new 'master' hmm?"

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"Not human, see these?" Eric pointed to his ears that twitched. "And I'd rather not so......bye!"

ERic attempted to run for it but with his stomach, he was really slowed down.

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