Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

The mon reached out and grabbed him before he could get away "Ahh no matter, ill still have my fun, just like i did to that pussy"

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"Let go of me!" Eric shouted as he struggled.

If there was a time this 'Jekyll' needed his 'Hyde', it would be now.

The mon laughed and pushed him down onto his back and strarted to try to strip him. At this point he was thrown back by a blast similar to what merin had given him although it was from Eric.

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The blast came as a shocker to Eric as he sat up, although he felt the familiar creep of his change coming. Just a lot weaker. Still, the sudden burst of power that he really had no control over weakened him, resulting in him being slower to get up. If the digimon wanted to do anything it would best be done now.

(Decieded to be mean an have Eric have a bigger litter lol)

(Lol, just know that the mon wont get out of this unpunished)
He growled and got back up charging at Eric "dont think your getting out of it!" He said angrily. (Fade to black on that)

Meanwhile maron was coming round and feeling better as Chazz washed off the catnip that was on him. The human was in the shower with him, using a scrub brush to try to get it all out.

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(Nope ^^)

"It's me." Chazz said as he scrubbed gently. "you feeling okay?"

"I... i dont know" he groaned softly and then leaned forward to throw up down the drain "d...definitely not" he pants and whimpers. He didnt notice the thick scales starting to appear from under his fur and a pair of horns from his head

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"Um....Merin....I think you'r starting to do the thing....I did..." Chazz said concerned, he tapped the new horns.

He gave a gasp and looked up but yelped "gah t.. too bright..." he whimpers and covers his eyes " hurts... " he curls ip in a ball on the floor covering his eyes, the water soon having him clean of nip. Although a good brushing would confirm that.

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"'s happening to you." Chazz said as he put a towel over Merin's head and started to brush. "Looks like we're going to have to figure a way around this one."

He nods and whimpers softly. He trys to open his eyes but the light hurts too much even when the lights are out. He gropes around grabbing some rags and tears a strip off and ties it like a blindfold, the scales and horns soon finish growing.

"Urgh...everything hurts" he whimpers softly

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The sound of a door slamming could be heard and something moved past the open bathroom door. Chazz rose though when he looked down the hall, he couldn't see anything.

"Strange..though I saw someone." Chazz muttered as he went over to Merin.

In truth it had been Eric though partially transformed and moving faster due to his other form.

"I...its Eric" he says softly "i...i can s...sense it...everything... down to..." he cut his words off and gave a groan clitching his head and the room shook "urgh me head... wh...whats going on!?"

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"I have no idea" Chazz answered as he grabbed hold of something.

Merin looked up even through his blindfold "wh...wha...i...i can 'see' what your doing b...but its a bit fuzzy..."

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"At least you can see." Chazz said. "Can you check on Eric? I'll go see what that noise was."

He nods and 'looks' in that direction "i think we should leave him for a bit" he says softly "looks like i brought more problems into our home..."

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"it's okay Merin, it's not your fault." Chazz urged. "Let's just go see what's going then, give Eric some space."

Merin nodded and slowly got up giving a groan as he was in a large amount of discomfort.

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"maybe you should lay down." Chazz said. "i'll grab Flare an have him look around with me, you should go an rest."

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