Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Merin nodded and motioned for him to lay back down "do i have your permission to move your nest back to the house?" He asks "i can teleport everything and everyone back there... but i need your permission first"

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"Go ahead, I need a hot bath." Eric said.

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He nods and nuzzles him "close your eyes... you wont want to see this" he says and then pulls off his blindfold. The area rumbles and he glows brightly as he teleports Eric and the rest to Erics room, thankfully without anyone else inside. Putting the cloth back on he stands slowly "ok, yoh can look now"

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"alright..." eric muttered as he closed his eyes.

When back in his room, he opened his eyes slowly and sighed. Gettting up, he staggered and headed to the bathroom.

"Thanks...." Eric said.

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Merin nodded and set about making the eggs and young more comfortable and protected before stumbling off to Chazz's room, his own room stripped for erics nest and collapsed onto the bed. His head hurt, his eyes hurt, and he was exhausted.

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The bath took a few hours to complete, mainly due to the fact Eric fell asleep almost. Still he woke up and finished his bath. Once done, he dried off and got dressed. A glance down at his stomach and he sighed. Strange how they all weren't ready at the same time.

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Merin stayed dead to the world, even through Mysteria coming in to rant and rave at him and was still asleep when Chazz retured home shortly after Eric finished his bath and he would find Merin laying on his bed, a few fresh burns and bruises where Mysteria had tried to wake him.

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"What the hell did you do?!" Chazz yelled at Mysteria as he noticed the burns on Merin.

"I have a score to settle, I need him to wake up." Mysteria replied.

"This isn't going to help in any way! Knock it off."

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Merin gave a soft whimper and stirred a bit, Mysteria having burned his blindfold making it fall off. He gave a loud yelp and covered his face, the room shaking a bit.

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Chazz was startled by the room shaking but not as much as Mysteria.

"GET OUT!" Chazz snapped, forcing Mysteria out.

Closing the door behind her, he tore off part of his shirt in a long enough stripe and tied it around Merin's eyes.

"Not as good but it'll work for now." Chazz muttered.

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He whimpered more and nodded looking up to him. The cloth was thinner than the last one he had, and a bit of light got through but it was tollerable "th...thanks" he whimpered softly "wh...when did you get back... and why do i ache?... whats that burning smell?"

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"I just got back,." Chazz answered. "Mysteria was trying to settle a score with ya, she burned ya in her attempt to wake up you up. That might be why you're sore too."

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He gave a groan nod nodded trying to sit up he gave a giss and clutched at a particularly bad looking burn "ugh... sh...she can settle scores later" he grumbles and looks at his hand it covered in a bit of and burned fur "gah she got me good on that one... have you seen Eric yet? He wasnt too well off when i got him back to the house"

Available for conversation, pm me.

"Not yet." Chazz answered. "I came to see if you were okay. What happened with Eric?"

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Merin groaned and shifted to rest against the headboard and pulled out his bag starting to rifle through it.

"He shifted when it was time to hve his young..." he explained still looking "he took off into the forest and found a hide away to nest in... he was so hard to find... he went for a bath when i teleported everything back here"

Available for conversation, pm me.

"I see." Chazz said. "I'll leave him be, he probably needs it."

A couple of days later, Eric come out of his room more than he had been lately. THough he was still mainly hiding away in there. His bed was still nestled with the eggs an young there while his stomach still looked overdue with triplets. The young left in there shifted and he gave a sigh.

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"You ok?" Merin asked seeing him walk out of his room. He hd been giving him space and letting heal and tend to himself mainly.Merin was still showing signs of his burns, even though he had used a few potions on himself.

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"Maybe just....the same issues as before." Eric said. "I still have.....a certain need that hasn't gone away yet."

Merin would understand what he was getting at.

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He gave a chuckle and nodded "why didnt you tell me earlier?" He asked and gently nuzzled at his chest "cmon, well go to my room, we wont be bothered in there"

Available for conversation, pm me.

"Was trying to ignore it....failling miserably at it though." Eric answered as he went with Merin.

The poor man was stuck with this heat so long as he carried any youngsters inside of him. Course that would be a hard thing to stop doing since his body was craving it.

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