Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Merin nodded and smiled to Eric "Dont worry, ill help you get into em" he says with a purr

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(If ya want you can rp the mon that Clifford is in love with, they could be a legendary.)

IT took a while, finding clothes that could fit him later on and things to fit for the time being. With clothes shopping done, they went to the fountain where Clifford was seated. HE waved em over with a kind smile as he seemed to be a bit bigger than earlier. His own litter shifting about for a few seconds.

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"Here he is" Merin says with a purr, having made Eric chance shirt so he wasnt constantly tugging it down. "So, where is she?" he asks looking around.
(Hehe, What to pick, so many to select from XD Have him make them look up)

Available for conversation, pm me.

Clifford laughed for a moment before pointing to the sky.

"Look up." Clifford said.

ERic did so though he was soon surprised.

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Merin did as well and took a step back in both shock and a small bit of fear. Above a Lugia Circled and soon, Gracefully, Landed behind Clifford.
"A Shiny?" She asked simply almost as like one would regard an insect "How quaint" Merin gave a soft growl and stood his ground.
"A Lugia, Out of respect ill keep my opinions to myself" Merin retorted "And i mean Respect for Eric and Clifford" he smiles a little seeing her eye twitch a little.

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"Come on there's no need to fight, we're all friends here." Clifford said kindly, trying to ease the tension.

"Wow......" Eric muttered, at a lose for words.

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"Im not the one who views the other as scum, who tarnishes the name of Legendarys" merin says giving a shrug "its that view that had my own parents try to kill me" he adds. She remains quiet for a moment before shifting to lay down behind Clifford.

"So, who are these two?" she asks eyeing both Merin and Eric, not missing the fact that Eric was pregnant, or Merin didnt look wholly Mewtwo anymore.

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"Merin...." Eric started though he went quiet, feeling like this mess was his fault now.

"Eric's a old friend of mine and well I guess Merin is the father of the litter he's carrying." Clifford explained.

"Merin's a great friend." Eric removed his attention from the hybrid legendary by him. " are you so small Clifford? Considering..."

"Oh! Just starting out honestly, first few months are a bit easy, getting closer to full term well....that gets harder."

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"He will be as large as a fridge by time he lays his eggs" Merin says adding "Im sorry Eric, im trying" to Eric telepathically.

"Im surprised you were able breed, Shinys are said to be Sterile arent they?" the Lugia asks looking to Eric "And why doesnt he look... fully Mewtwo?"

(you come up with a name for her XP)

Available for conversation, pm me.

Eric wilted a bit, seeing how this was going. Taking a sigh, he pondered what to do.

"Well fault." Eric said. "I'm not really....human anymore myself. There's a chance that my unstable genetics affected him. Course he was already breeding before I met him. So.....I'm probably to blame for his strange appearance...."

"What do you mean...not fully human anymore?' Clifford asked curiously, he leaned against Gaia as he waited for a answer.

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"Thats a complicated one to answer" Merin says sensing Erics unease "Needless to say he isnt comfortable telling people, it took me ages to get the truth out of him"

"And whats your excuse?" Gaia asks looking to Merin

"As Eric said, a possible side effect of my body coming in contact with his Genetics...Then possibly the raping i had after by a BlackWargreymon" he says giving a shrug

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"IT's.....not really a excuse....." Eric said though he silenced himself, putting his finger tips together as he tried not to reveal any of his issues.

"Well Eric was meddling with science last I heard from ya, so it's possible." Clifford said. "Anywho, are two mates? LIke real mates?"

Eric glanced at MErin and then at Clifford, his nervousness showing.

"I....I don't...." Eric started.

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The mewtwo paused to think about it. were they? a mate was something he wanted but he didnt want to just say yes when Eric might not want it.
"Not at the moment" he says "Its another complicated thing" he gives a shrug and Gaia gives a snort.

"Typical Shiny, a Slut till the end" she says

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"Now that is bullshit and you know it!!" ERic snapped, glaring at Gaia with a purple tint to his eyes. "You know nothing about MErin other than outward appearance!!! At least he's being considerate and trying to get along with you while he is clearly uncomfortable!!"

Clifford was shocked by this. Though he raised a brow to what was going on, the glow to his human friend's eyes was strange.

" feeling okay?" CLifford asked. "You look kind of off."

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"eric, Calm down" he says softly and places a hand on his arm "Think of your passengers... its ok, really, if thats the best she has then she needs to try harder" he chuckles lightly

She huffs watching "Even being defended by a Human, some mon you are" she says before Merin growls

"Leave Eric out of this!" he snaps at her then turns his attention back to Eric trying to calm him and even gives a pleading look towards Clifford.

Available for conversation, pm me.

"Get off your stupid high horse!!!" ERic snapped, ignoring Merin's attempts to calm the man down. "Ya wanna know something? You're acting just like Mysteria an guess what? She ain't no legendary! NOpe! She's the run of the mill ordinary pokemon, what's worse? She's a starter pokemon!! So that pretty much makes you as low as she is in the state of things!!!"

A finger was pointed at the large pokemon, a claw at the end of it and and Clifford's face paled at the words.

"Okay let's all take a step back and try to relax." Clifford started to say.

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Merin whimpered trying desperately now to get Eric to calm down "cmon Eric... theres people around" he says softly "please... for me calm down... this was supposed to be an enjoyable trip out"

She gave a huff looking away trying to act atleast like she lost the argument this time.

Available for conversation, pm me.

"No no no." Eric replied, growing more annoyed when Gaia turned her head to em. "I am sick and of this bull....bull....bull..."

Vocal tick came up, resulting in ERic giving himself a firm smack and he finished the word.

"Bullshit with Mysteria!!! One of my own mons that I put up, acts like this pompous windbag!!" Eric continued, his black hair turning dark purple and the glow to his eyes got stronger. "I am not taking it from a stranger!! I put up with Mysteria's nonsense cause I know her, I DON'T KNOW HER!!!"

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The legendary bird watched with mild anmusement at erics continued changes and merin could only guess she had been baiting for a reaction. Sadly without Chazz around Merin couldnt even combat her in a battle even if Eric had his pokeball at the moment, so all he could do was continue to try to calm the human. He gave a sigh, gave an 'excuse me a second' look to Clifford and promptly kissed eric firmly on the lips to A, silence him, and B, draw the humans full attention. An action that surprised Gaia aswell.

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The tall ears appeared on his head, twitching annoyedly. Due to his anger at the present time, he never noticed the young in his stomach shifting. Kicking at him from within as they were stirred by their parent's emotional rise. The kiss certainly shocked him, he was getting ready to go one with his words when he suddenly felt the kiss. This would result in Merin being against the active belly now.

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