Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

(Fade to black like always)

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Blip panted laying on his back with Rusty snuggled against him. "O...oh g...god i see why th...they do it so often"

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Rusty was panting harder as it took more effort for him to move with his stomach though it had gotten a growth spurt when Blip was returning the favor so there was no doubt more in there.

"yeah." Rusty answered as he panted.

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he gave a soft chuckle and gently rubbed at rustys belly " look like youve grown more"

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"Certainly feels like it, I wouldn't doubt it if I had." Rusty answered as he laid there, enjoying the feeling of being petted.

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Blip gently kissed against Rusty's cheek " think youll be able to get out of here?"

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"Probably but I might not be able to get back in and honestly I like it down here." Rusty answered.

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he chuckles "What about your friend in the forest?" he asks "You wont be able to go see them"

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"She told me she was going somewhere for a few monthes, so she won't be around for a while." Rusty answered.

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he nods "Why doesnt she want to come live here?" he asks "We both know it would be more comfortable for her"

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"She doesn't think so. She's used to being on her own in the woods, so she's more comfortable there." Rusty answered.

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he nods slowly and looks around the small den "You know... we could make this bigger for you... even if others find out its here they wouldnt come in without permission"

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"nah, I like it how it is. The only way to expand it is downward." Rusty answered as a yawn left him.

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he nods "but...unless we made it bigger... youll be stuck here" he says with a sad croak "A...and i wont be able to visit..." he motioned down to his own belly that was already starting to swell

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"Oh nonsense, you'll fit. I won't take up the whole space. Well not if someone kepds giving me more to grow in this belly. Unless you want to see who can get bigger?" There was a smile on Rusty's face, kind of like a challenge.

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he chuckles and smiles "I may... but i meant through the gap" he says pointing to the entrance "It was a tight fit for me to get in in the first place

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"Fine we can make the hole bigger." Rusty answered. "So you in or not?"

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he grins and nods giving Rusty a deep kiss "Im in, your gonna be so round by the end of this you know"

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"I know I know. But to make this more interesting, let's try to mate with others first before we do one another again." Rusty suggested as they rose.

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he nods with a chuckle and helps the pup out of the cave, himself struggling a little with the tight gap "Any ideas?"

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