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Irritated that people keep staring at them Jimmy does his best to ignore the people around them. "Can we hurry please Cass I don't think these people have ever seen pregnant men before or something." Jimmy said as Cass held up a blue onesie
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"Sure," Cass agreed, seeing how uncomfortable his partner was getting. "It's easier to shop online, anyway,' he attempted to joke, pressing a kiss to his cheek before leaving the store.
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As they walk back to the front doors Jimmy sees the yogurt stand and drags Cass over there with him. Jimmy bought both of them two big bowels of strawberry yogurt each. Jimmy started going to the side cart with all the accessories putting M&Ms and sprinkles and cherries all over his. "What do you want on yours honey?" Jimmy asked
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Cass hesitated for a moment, putting Oreo bits all over his ice cream along with sprinkles.
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As they took there yogurt back to the car Jimmy sat his bowl on the top of his round belly and seen Cass did they same . As Cass drove home he was eating his yogurt from the the top of his belly as the bowl rested there so was jimmy. "Can you believe how big we got?" Jimmy asked "we now have built in trays."
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"I expected it, especially with twins," Cass shrugged, getting them home safely although he was eating yogurt.
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As they make it up to the house Cass and Jimmy put there new purchases away and Jimmy gets into his favorite sweat pants. Going to go sit on the couch without his shirt on he asks if Cass wants to watch some tv with him. "I could use a belly rub too I think I ate that yogurt too fast." He tells Cass "I can rub yours too if you want."
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Cass changed clothes as well before joining Jimmy on the couch. "It'd be nice, my babies are shifting around a little too much," he murmured, rubbing his belly in an attempt to calm things down.
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As they rubbed each other's bellies Jimmy leaned in to give Cass a kiss for being so helpful today. that is until there bellys bumped together keeping Jimmy from reaching Cass's lips.
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Cass couldn't help but laugh at that, turning slightly so Jimmy could reach him.
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After Jimmy leaned in and gave Cass a kiss Jimmy asked Cass "do you want to go to the bedroom and fool around a bit?" Jimmy still trying to figure out in his head how two heavily pregnant guys can "fool around".
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"I dunno. I'm afraid we'd hurt ourselves trying," he attempted to joke. although he was somewhat serious.
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"I was thinking that to." Jimmy said disappointed. "Why do we have to be so fat! We can't seem to do anything any more except eat and get fatter." Jimmy wished he had his old body back he used to be so skinny. Even looking at Cass now a part of him wished he had his abs back instead of that massive round belly laying on his lap.
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"I say it's worth it, we'll have little ones in a couple of months," Cass smiled, rubbing his belly gently as his twins shifted again. "You... Want this, right?"
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"Of course I do babe." Jimmy said reaching over and touching Cass's belly "but don't you miss our wild night's in bed or your amazing abs." Jimmy looked at his and Cass's bellies. " You traded your workout shirts for triple x size maternity shirts with barbecue stains." Jimmy said missing the days before they got each other pregnant.
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"Still could've gotten barbecue stains on my other shirts," Cass joked softly, laying his hand over Jimmy's on his belly.
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"I just wish we could have another wild night like before." Jimmy said
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"Maybe after," Cass replied, leaning over and giving him a gentle kiss.
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As they watched tv for a bit Jimmy started to get tired so he went to bed laying thererubbing his belly wondering what it would be like to take care of 4 kids. Cass then waddeled into the room and layed next to him. Jimmy just placed his hand on Cass' s huge belly and softly fell asleep.
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Cass smiled softly as Jimmy fell asleep against him with his hands on his belly, moving his hands over to Jimmy's bump, feeling a few small kicks before drifting off himself.
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