Mafia and Dragons (with anibus3)
I'm a bit confused with the plot xD
I fell asleep halfway while making this thread.
"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "

(A japenese mafia where there are some pregnant members. Though I rp a shrine priest who is a dragon and serves the family.)

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(Oh alright! Thank you for reminding me again. Who's the carrier?)
"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "

(No problem. If ya want you can be.)

[Image: Q92BT.gif]
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(Oh alright. You sure you don't want to be the carrier?)
"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "

(Perhaps down the line somewhere? You can be carrying first. ^^)

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(Alright. ^^ Um.. Would you like to start first?)
"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "

(I guess..)

Yukiteru gave a sigh as he glanced up to the sky, watching the autumn sky become cloudy. It seems the day was going to become stormy. The shrine priest was dressed in his white and red trimmed kimno and he held the broom in both hands before returning to his work. Sweeping the leaves off of the sidewalk as he returned his silver eyes to the ground. The day was a little chilly though with the coming storm, it was going to get a colder. His long white hair flowed in the wind as he stood there. fly again...that would be wonderful. The head of the family here knew of what he was, only because he was the guardian of the family. Once that meant something...only to come when they were in dire need. But now...he was a weapon. A beast to be called upon at any moment to destroy a rival gang or to teach traiters a lesson. A sigh left him as he stared at the ground, a sad look on his pale human face.

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(Sorry I was trying to think of a name.)

Akihiko knocked the door of the main office, asking permission to enter. Entering father's office, he bowed respectively.
"Hello father. I came here to report that 24 of our men are temporarily unable to fight, and that 11 or our men got injured in our latest fight. Fortunately, no deaths occurred." He explained with no emotion showing on his face or in his voice. This was Akihiko from the Kobayashi Yakuza. He was the son of the leader but resembled his mother more. He was short, slender and baby-faced. He certainly looked like a kid, but doesn't act like one (Gosh embarrassing mistake I just made). His age was 20 years old and would soon lead the whole mafia. His combat skills was hard to keep up with but... Not that good. He was more of the strategist type. He had brown/red hair, purple eyes, and fair skin.

Enough about Akihiko. The mafia was not doing so well. Most of their men are getting pregnant lately. Most are unable to fight. Even Aki was the only non-pregnant one out of his group of friends.
"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "

Well seeing as how the mortals fooled around, Yukiteru was surprised this didn't happen before. Perhaps another family had placed a curse on the goons? Oh well. Course, Akihiko's father knew that could be possible though...they didn't know what to do about it.

"Go visit our Shrine priest, perhaps he can give us some answers." the older man instructed. "And remember, don't angry our divine tender'. He can a little moody lately. Though with clipped wings..can't blame him."

Aki's father kept what Yukiteru was a secret. Sure Aki was the heir, but they weren't ready yet. When it was time for them to take over, they would learn every secret of the family. Whch included the grounded dragon sweeping by the shrine outside.

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Akihiko slightly raised an eyebrow at the 'clipped wings' part, but nodded in understanding.
"Thank you for lending your time father." He bowed once again, before excusing him self and walked out of the office.
Right after he closed the door, he got glomped from behind by several people. Akihiko sighed.

"Why attack me from behind." He said calmly, turning around to face his 3 friends. They all smiled innocently, full of emotion. Too bright for the stoic Aki.

"Hey hey Aki! Are you and your father usually that tense??" One of them asked bluntly while the other shushed him.
"Hahaha... We kind of eavesdropped.."

"You two..." Akihiko growled as the other 3 shrieked in fear, clinging to eachother. Those were Aki's friends. They were all pregnant. One was 4 months. The other was 7 months. And one was already due. They couldn't take part in fights so they hanged out with Aki more often.

Though his relationship with his father wasn't usually that tense. He used to be full of emotion too. He always asked his father or mother to play with him.
Now he became more stoic, his father became less soft too. They all became like this right after Akihiko's mother passed away. Though now he's trying his best to be useful as possible for the mafia and to make his father proud.
"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "

Time require changes and to properly prepare Aki for becoming head of the family, he had to become stricter. Aki had to be strong and the men would have to one day follow him. Course, Yukiteru would have no choice in following the young man when the time came. Whenever leadership of the family changed so long as it was within the blood line, Yukiteru would have to obey. He was bound to the family and had to obey the head.

Finishing sweeping, he went into his shrine and took a seat on the floor. A sigh left him as he tried to relax. Just don't think about it. Aki was different. But...they were still innocent, and innocence was lost whenever the head too their place. Aki's father had once promised to free him of the chains that the family had on him. Sadly, those were the hopeful words of a child making a promise they couldn't keep at the time. They were once kind and innocent. They changed though once they became the head, they toughened and claimed to not remember their promise made. Thus, Yukiteru was still stuck here. Chained to the family and it's land, he could leave the grounds but only in the company of someone in the bloodline who wanted him to come with them outside of the family grounds. Course no one wanted that. He couldn't even see how once a tiny village became so large.

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Akihiko and his friends were taking their time talking, not noticing that time already passed. They stopped their long conversation as a soft groan was heard. Aki turned to look, seeing his friend wincing, holding his big stomach. His two other friends quickly went to his side, supporting him so he didn't fall.

"Braxton Hicks?" The heir asked calmly, inwardly worried for his friend, almost frowning at the pain. His friend just nodded while the other gently rubbed his back.

"You guys should bring him to his room and help him relax. I still have to visit the shrine by father's orders." He suggested, seeing them nodding in agreement. He nodded back then left them, preparing to go out.
"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "

Well it was either go out with someone of the family to be able to wander about the town or get a order to go do something. Course that barely left any time to actually glance at the city. Hearing the floorboards creak beneath the feet of someone else, Yukiteru opened his eyes and directed his silver gaze towards the young future Head that had just arrived.

"Yes my young Lord?" Yukiteru questioned.

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"Father ordered me to come here. Do you might know something about the things that have been occurring in the familia." He asked bluntly, bowing slightly as a greeting.
Akihiko hasn't visited this shrine for years. He used to come here a lot as a kid, playing games with the dragon while his parents were busy. He stopped coming eventually. He was too busy with missions, overworking himself.

"Well?" He waited patiently for an answer, sitting down onto the floor in a traditional way.
"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "

Just becase he was a shrine priest, didn't mean he couldn't play with the young child all those years ago. SUre he was in human form every time but he could use his magic to make things a bit more fun for the child.

"Patience." Yukiteru commented. "You have only informed me of the situation, so don't rush me while I think."

The lad was going to become his father at this rate. Very rarely did Aki even speak to him. Most of the time they seemed to be keen to avoid the shrine priest, or at least it seemed like it. Too busy with missions and friends.

"Could be a rival family has restorted to black magic, with how you young people like to fool around after you win well...I'm surprised this didn't start sooner." Yukiteru said. "i'll see if I can break it or find a way to at least prevent things from getting worse."

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Akihiko just nodded stoically, not saying any unnecessary words. "I'll inform father." He said silently, but loud enough for the priest to hear.

He looked around the room with softened eyes, feeling a bit nostalgic. He kind of missed having free time and play around. He didn't show it though.
He sighed closing his eyes, shaking his head, avoiding to think about those things.

"I'll be taking my leave now." He said, standing up from his sitting position, walking towards the exit.
"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "

"young Lord." Yukiteru started. " try to be different from your father. Just be yourself."

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Akihiko stopped in his tracks, gritting his teeth. "Then.." He clenched his fist turning around with a pained look on his face, trying to hold in his tears. "Then can you turn back the old days? When mother was here to solve things.." He took a deep breath. Getting emotional wouldn't help anything. He turned back to his emotionless behavior.

"This is me. Emotions will just get in the way. I'm only here because father ordered me to ask you about the situation." Aki lied turning his back again, leaving the shrine. He didn't want to remember more that this.
"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "

"You have no idea how I wish to change that." Yukiteru commented.

Even with all his powers, bringing someone back was impossible.

The day passed slowly and Yukiteru was eventually summoned to the head's roo. Now what could the man want?

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[Image: ZY029.gif]

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