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"No, wait, you are not disturbing" Will hushed to say while the young teen went down the stairs, and was glad that the young teen found Reav and walked up the stairs again. When Charlie was standing in front of him again, Will extendend one hand for him to shake "I'm sorry if i scared you. I just didn't expected to have another person so late, but i'm glad you are here. I'm guessing you need some help too?" he said, trying to sound as soft as he could. It was not the first time that someone was scared of him, because of his size, and he tried not to feel sad about it.
"Daniel is going... fine, i guess" Wilsaid, replying Reav's question "He is taking everything very calm, calmer than i could probably take. It is progressing slowly, though." he heard Reav's explanation, and said "It's okay, you don't need to explain, there's no problem. It's just that Daniel and I heard some voices downstairs, and we wondered what was happening. Daniel was worried that it might be some thief, so i decided to go and check if you are okay." he explained.
He frowned when Reav and Charlie bowed "Oh, come on, Reav, what is all that bowing today? It's just me, Will, we are all friends in here" he said, a bit intimidated with how everyone was acting formal. He turned to Charlie and said, smiling with the teen's cuteness "He is doing fine. That's very nice of you to ask, thank you. You don't need to be scared, okay? We won't hurt you, and, if you need anything, just ask me, or Reav, or Daniel, and we will be glad to help you, okay?"
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Charlie looked up at Will and nodded, feeling his guilt that build up inside him fade away slowly. His mouth twitched up in a small relieved smile, hearing that Daniel was doing alright. He was still scared at how painful his groans sounded, but he had good company around him. Realizing he didn't introduce himself yet, he whispered a small apology.
"Um.. I'm Charlie. I don't know how many months I am but Raev said that I'm due.." He said shaking a little at the 'due' part, not feeling ready to deliver his children yet.
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Reav smiled seeing the friendliness Will showed to their new friend. "See? He isn't someone to be scared of."
He sighed in relief knowing that Daniel's doing fine and taking his labor calmly. He was a bit worried about the slow progression but thought that maybe the triplets are taking their time.
"There is no thief so don't worry about any harm coming on us. We're safe. And sorry for the bowing, I just felt that it was more appropriate to show how sorry we are." A yawn escaped from his lips. It really had been a tiring day at the shop and it seems that the fatigues is already catching up on him. He debated going on a nap for a while but feared that Daniel might start pushing without him. So for now he decided that sleep will have to wait. He can sleep all he want tomorrow since it will be a day off for the cafe.
He noticed how Charlie shook with the word due and held the friend closer to him. "Don't be afraid, we're all here to help you when your babies choose to arrive. We're a team now remember?"
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11-05-2016, 02:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-05-2016, 02:26 AM by
"Oh.." Charlie nodded his head, starting to feel a bit sleepy too. He thought of taking a nap, but didn't know where he could sleep. A small yawn came out of Charlie's mouth, making it clear that he's tired. He had been walking in the streets for days.
(Sorry for the short post I'm a little tired)
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Reav excused them from Will and led Charlie inside his own room, noticing that the teen was probably getting tired as well. He was lucky that the room had two beds, and that he didn't went to taking out the other. He fixed it a little before guiding the already half-sleeping male on the bed.
After that was done, he went out to enter Daniel and Will's room, sitting by a chair near the bed. His eyes were shutting from time to time, luckily the two boyfriends didn't see those.
"And here I thought the triplets are excited to come out. Looks like they still wanted to feel their mommy's womb." He joked. "So how are you holding up Daniel? Will told me you're doing well?"
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11-05-2016, 05:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-05-2016, 05:27 AM by
Thanking the owner one last time, Charlie lied down onto the bed, feeling immediately relax. He was happy to remember this sensation again. He wrapped himself with the blanket, yawning one more time before slowly closing his eyes with a warm smile on his face. He was really grateful, so he'll definitely thank them again in the morning. For now, the teen rested.
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Will entered the room and assured Daniel that they were all safe. Daniel sighed relieved, now knowing his babies were safe. Soon Reav came, and Daniel could noticed by his walk how tired the other pregnant man was. The laboring man smiled at his expecting friend and said "Yeah, i guess they are just taking their time. They will come when they feel they are ready. What about you, Reav? I can see you are tired, go have some sleep." He said, rubbing his friend's shoulder "After all, you are rpegnant too, you need so much rest as i did this past months." he said, and then looked at his Reav again, a bit concerned "I've been a bad friend for you, Reav, you've been working so much... I'm sorry, i wish i could have helped you more this weeks"
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Reav was almost dozing off when he heard Daniel's voice. His eyes opened again and gave him a thankful smile.
"Maybe a rest would do me good, but I don't want to leave you. What if you'll need me and I can't be easily reached. Um, maybe I could sleep on the couch." He pointed to the couch parallel to the bed.
"So that you could wake me up easier when you're ready to push."
He wasn't pleased with what he heard from his friend next. "Daniel, don't say that. I don't want you saying that to yourself again. It can't be helped that you needed more rest. Yes I get tired and yes I'm pregnant too, but compared to me, it's clear that you needed the rest more. And you're not being a bad friend, you're just being a good mother, wanting your babies to be healthy by not tiring yourself too much." He then gave a smile and got up to hug Daniel. "Besides, I'll be even more upset if you force yourself to work this late into your pregnancy. I can still handle it, I'm not that far along, so stop worrying about me, and worry for yourself more, okay. Remember, for me, you're too good to be a bad friend."
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11-06-2016, 03:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-06-2016, 11:52 PM by
"Oh, Reav, you are one of a kind" Daniel said, hugging his best friend and wiping the tears that were streaming down his own face "but you should really go to sleep, these things can last for hours, specialy if you consider my family history. My mom told me she was in labor for 18 hours before I came, so I guess my babies are going to do the same and come only by tomorrow" he said, rubbing his belly and laughing a bit. He looked at the clock and saw it was 4 a.m, which meant the sun would rise soon, in about 2 hours.
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"Hmmphf.." Charlie opened his eyes, not being able to sleep. He was too worried about the others that he just met today. He couldn't help it. They offered him to stay here and were friendly to the boy. The teen sighed, sitting up, rubbing his eyes a little. Stretching his arms and back, yawning quietly, before standing up from his bed.
"I'm just going to check on them.. Then go back to sleep, mhm." He nodded to himself, walking out of the room to the hallways, getting a bit lost. He squinted his eyes looking around, still half-asleep.
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11-07-2016, 05:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-14-2016, 05:03 PM by
Daniel laughed when his stomach rumbled "Ooops... I guess the babies are getting hungry" he said, blushing "Will, could you bring me something to eat, please? Perhaps an apple?" he asked.
"Sure, Dan, i will be back soon" Will replied and walked out of the room to the kitchen. He found a couple of apples and brought them. When he was almost entering in the room again, he saw Charlie there, standing. "Hey, kid, are you okay?" he asked "Are you hungry? Do you want some apples?" he offered one of the apples he had with him to Charlie
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"Huh?" The boy turned around facing the other male, who was carrying some fruit, looking at Charlie. He waved awkwardly, smiling a little while inwardly panicking.
"Hello.. Um I was just." He looked around him for an object, to make a quick excuse. "I was um.. Well I couldn't really sleep because." He wanted to say that he was worried about Reav's friend, Daniel, though his stomach made rumbling sound before he could finish his sentence. The young man looked down in embarrassment, rubbing his pregnant tummy. The twins kicking, agreeing to what he was thinking. He was hungry for food. Charlie looked up to Will, seeing he had offered something.
"Um can I?" He asked unsure, reaching out to the delicious apple.
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"Sure, be my guest" Will said with a smile, giving two of the apples to Charlie "You can eat as much as you need. I'm taking this others apples to Daniel, he is also getting a little bit hungry, but if you need anything, just let me know" he said "Or, if you prefer, you could join us, i'm sure Daniel would like to know you" he said, trying to make clear that it was Charlie's decision
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"Thank you so much"
Charlie made a joyful gasp, accepting the apples, his eyes beginning to sparkle as he grabbed the food. He bowed slightly to Will, holding the fruit close to him.
"Hm?" He looked up at his question with curiousity. Daniel want to talk to him? Charlie didn't really have anything else to do and couldn't really sleep. He wanted to know if he was okay so he nodded, wanting to join the two.
"Then.. Can I tag along?" He asked.
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"Sure, just follow me" Will said to Charlie, smiling at him, and walked to Daniel's room. The laboring guy was sweaty and tired, but he smiled as soon as he saw his lover coming in the room. He looked at the new guy that had arrived, and waved at him with a kind smile "Hello, Charlie, welcome to our restaurant. Will told me about you, and we are very glad for you being here. If you need anything, just let me know. My name is Daniel, by the way" he said
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(omg I thought I replied but it didn't post again ahahah)
"Ah! Hello Daniel.."
He said, tensing up, wondering if he sounded a bit impolite. Charlie followed behind will, looking around the room out of curiosity before bowing slightly to the laboring male.
"It's nice to meet you" He mumbled, waving back to his greeting. His mouth twitched into a worried frown as he looked up again, seeing the poor guy tired and huffing.
"Um, Are you okay..?" The young male feared about birthing, wondering if it's really painful, but now his attention was on Daniel. Even though they just met each-other, he can't help but worry for another. That's just how Charlie is. (and that rhymed!)
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Reav felt asleep on the couch, though he wasn't very sure when he started dozing off. He was sleeping deeply when a need to go to the loo slowly woke him up. When he did woke up he saw that Daniel was still laboring. Daniel seems to be handing the labor well and he was secretly proud of him for that. Then he saw Will and... was that Charlie? He rubbed his eyes awake. It was definitely him, and the thought of the boy warming up to the team made him smile.
"Guys, what's been up? Any progress on Daniel, Will?" He made to stand so he could join them, but as soon as he got up the urge to pee returnned strongly.
"Ah...I'll be with you in a bit, the babies are pressing on my bladder again." He then waddled off to the toilet beside the rooms.
(I've been invisible for so long so I decide to make an appearance again! :D )
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Daniel smiled at him weakly "It is very nice to meet you too, Charlie. I'm glad you were able to find our Cafe. As if I am okay" he made a pause as he shifted on the bed, reaching for Will's hand and holding it "I am in great pain, as i am waiting for me to be fully dilated and can begin to push. But, right now, there wouldn't be anyone happier than me, because i am about to have my babies, which i love, and am surrounded by friends which i also love. Specially my Will" he said, looking at the red haired muscular guy, who smiled back at him. "Look, you must be a bit afraid of giving birth. It's totally normal, i felt the same as you too. But, once you starts... it's different. You get strenght from nowhere, and suddenly everything makes sense, and everything is fine. I won't tell you that it doesn't hurt, because it does, but... as long as you do it for them, for the babies, you will be able to do it." he said with a kind smile.
Daniel looked at Reav, who had been sleeping, and laughed "Hello, Sleeping beauty" he said with a smile, and added before Reav could apologize "Hey, it's okay, you were really tired, you needed that sleep, for you and for the babies" he said "Don't worry about me, i'm fine" he smiled.
Will listened Reav's question and replied "Well, i was just about to check him, but i think we are close." As Reav commented about the babies pressing the bladder, Daniel rolled his eyes, remembering that going to the bathroom all the time was something he didn't liked on the pregnancy "I know how that feels, bro." He then smiled at his friend "Just go, buddy, take your time, babies can make our lifes hard sometimes"
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Reav came back later than usual. He had a sheepish smile on him as he entered the room, clearly looking sorry.
"I wanted to try doing a number two too but it seems that the babies like me constipated. Sorry it took me a long time to get back." The owner went for his position on the couch again. He was rubbing his swell as he got a small stool to sit on when he check for Daniel's opening again.
"Let's the progress you made while I was gone. Daniel, may I?"