C The Dynamic (w/ Hyenadog)

Alex smiled crookedly at Tika as he felt around his knot that had popped inside of him, careful with moving since he knew it was easy for virgins to tear the first time they took a knot. He held him against his chest, nosing the space behind his ear while his fingers lazily stroked his warm fur,"Mhm."He nodded gently in agreement, kissing a trail down the back of his neck and shoulder,"A real home."He repeated, hugging him tight, bringing some of his fabrics over them while they rested, knotted together.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The hand Tika had between them slid around to his belly...thinking about the future. With how much cum was inside him, there was no doubt he'd get pregnant. He was a little scared, but that came from hearing stories about hyena birth. It was difficult, and sometimes deadly. But Tika had a new home with someone who could care for him through that.

He made a soft noise when Alex pulled the blanket over them, snuggling back against him as his tail wiggled between them. It didn't take long for him to drift to sleep, secure in his position as Alex's omega.

When Alex's knot deflated, he didn't remove himself from him, though his member did retract back into his sheath as he spooned Tika. The morning came and the coyote wasn't thinking he would spend the entire night away from home, when he did he sat up with the hyena in his arms. Rubbing his eyes as he held the other with his free arm and cursed lightly, adjusting him in his lap with another yawn while he buried his nose into the others neck.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika only stirred when Alex slid out of him, shifting and making a soft noise before relaxing again. He slept better than he had in a long time, the warmth of another body soothing him.

He didn't wake up until Alex sat up, grunting and blinking before looking up at him. "Ooh....you....stayed all night?" He asked, slowly sitting up more. He hissed at the ache in his ass, but found a comfortable position before stretching and popping his back. "I'm glad it wasn't just a dream." He said, giving the coyote a sleepy smile.

He looked at him with a nod, careful with his obviously sore bottom as he held him in his lap against his chest,"Yeah, I did."He nodded,"I didn't think I would either."He let him go gently as he stretched in his lap and watched as he flinched at the sign of a good mating,"You should get used to that, being such a good omega, you'll be feeling like that a lot."He nosed at his ear and smiled when he spoke,"Mmhm."He rubbed his hips and then moved him to sit on the fabrics beside him, stretching himself next and yawning as he got up. Ducking beneath the low roof of the shelter and collecting his things,"Do you want time to pack?"He asked,"There will be food and water, but maybe you have some valuables or memories you'd like to take?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika rubbed his eyes and yawned, giving Alex another smile. "I'm sure I'll get used to it." He nodded. He made a happy noise when he felt Alex's hands and the nuzzling, closing his eyes for a moment before the other got up. He tilted his head slightly, frowning. "I don't really own much...I have a few things." He said, motioning to a small box in the corner. "that's it, really." He said, shrugging.

Alex took a glance around, then nodded,"It's okay, you'll get more stuff soon. You have a home now, remember?"He smiled at him once more after he got fully dressed and went over to pick his box up carefully,"Come on, I have to get home."He stood up to his full height when he came out of the shelter and waiting for the hyena to follow him,"There's much to do before I introduce you to the family."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika nodded, giving Alex a wide smile. He waited for him to dress and slip out of the shack with his box before dressing in his most presentable clothes. He gathered an old blanket and a plush bear before following, setting the items in the box as well. "What do we have to do?" He asked, tilting his head.

He was still in heat, but he would be fine for the day. Hyenas were notoriously hard to impregnate, so his heat would likely flare up again that night.

Alex had to remember that Tika didn't have a family, nor did he hold any political standing being who he was though he didn't falter at the fact. He simply looked at him with a appreciative smile, it was small though said much as he admired him once again for a moment. Then finally answered his question,"My daughters...they won't take kindly to you if I don't scent you first."He said and nosed him gently before kissing him softly,"Neither will my wives if we just waltz into my home together. We have to get more...acquainted with each other."The coyote then pulled away as he adjusted the box to hold it under his arm and wrap the other around the hyena's waist,"Come on, I have an idea."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika's ears were very expressive, even more so than a coyote's since they were so large. When he mentioned his daughters and wives, those ears fell back as a look of concern crossed his face before the other nuzzled and kissed him. "Right...I need a bath first..." He sighed, knowing he still smelled of his surroundings. He hissed softly, reminded of the bites on his shoulder and neck when his shirt brushed the blood crusted fur. He was in dire need of a bath and clean clothes.

Alex nodded in agreement,"Yes, and we could play more there too."He murmured and lead him away out of the alleyway and down the street towards the upper district,"I'll show you how good life can be."The coyote smiled at him and as they got to their destination he began hiding him gently with his body. Not that he was ashamed, just that he didn't want his new mate to feel uncomfortable about walking with him in front of so many staring people. "Quiet now."He said softly to him and rubbed his back, leading him into the first hotel they came across in the upper district and stepping up to the front desk to get a room for the month.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The color rose in the skin of Tika's ears when Alex mentioned playing more, but he couldn't help the smile and cheerful flick of his tail. He stayed close to his alpha, glancing around but keeping his eyes down for most of their walk.

He blinked when they walked into a hotel, ears perked. The peacock behind the counter gave a dirty look to the hyena in his hotel, but didn't deny service to Alex. He simply assumed the hyena was being paid for sex....He gave them keys to their room and wished them good day....going to tell his cleaning crew to be ready when they checked out.

Alex's own ears twitched as he held onto the hyena by his hand now, squeezing it when the receptionist stared at them the way she did and took the keys from her, he picked up Tika when he made his way to the elevator with a soft smile and stepping into it. He held him against his chest,"We'll start on that now."He leaned into him as he pressed him to the wall of the elevator with a quiet purr and kissing him as his his hands ran down to grip his thighs,"I can still smell you... So sweet... My omega."He nipped at his lip and nuzzled him once again on his nose, then giving him another soft kiss,"I want to know more about you... more about your body and your mind too."He ran his hands back up to hold his waist, rubbing his subtle curves with his thumbs and burying his fingers into his fur more as the elevator rose slowly, floor by floor to the penthouse suite.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

(Peacocks are guys, peahens are girls. lol)

Tika tried to ignore the receptionist, returning the squeeze to Alex's hand as they walked. He squeaked when he was picked up, putting his arms around the other and holding onto his box. He couldn't help giggling, tail curled up, swishing side to side.

The box fell to the floor when they entered the elevator, but Tika didn't care. He was too distracted by Alex nuzzling and nibbling at him. His heat flared up, making him shudder and gasp. "More about me?" He muttered, biting his lip as he felt himself heat up more, eyes sliding closed as he gave his version of a low purr.

((Lmao, I never knew that, thanks.))

"Sorry."He apologized quickly when he dropped his box, though sinking back into the affection towards the other male when he didn't seem to mind it. Alex nodded as he rubbed his body down, taking in the soft texture of his fur,"Mm.... I want to know everything... I truly do."He said and kissed him again deeply this time as he pushed his hips into the others, growling lightly this time and nosing the mark on his neck. The keys in his hand jingled and he collected Tika into his arms again closely as he turned when the elevator door opened back up again for the top floor. He kicked the box out of it and collapsed onto the floor, careful not to crush his lover of course as he tugged down his pants. No need for the keys any more since he used them to get to the level they were on now, he let them drop to the floor as well.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika made another of those soft purrs as Alex continued his affection, head leaned back against the wall of the elevator. "There's not.....much to know about me...." He muttered before he was caught in another kiss. He gave a low moan as their hips pressed together, rocking his own to let the coyote know how aroused he was. He yelped as he was carried into the room.

He didn't even care about his box being kicked around. Nothing in it was breakable anyway. He was focused entirely on Alex and his scent filling his nose. He yelped again when they fell to the floor, squirming out of his clothes and tossing them away. As much as he wanted to go check out the room, he wanted Alex to have his way with him. Even if he was still sore from the previous night, he needed it.

Alex scoffed softly,"I doubt that is true."He responded, groaning at the returned groan and smiling playfully at the omega. "You're a challenge for me."He added, nosing at his neck and running his tongue along the skin there, wanting to take in more of him before he was completely his. Mind and body. The alpha nipped at his shoulder when the other undressed and sat up himself to remove his own, he would knot him and then they would have all the time in the world to converse while in the bathtub.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika believed his life was boring, there wasn't anything interesting aside from the fact he was an omega. "A challenge?" He asked, leaning his head back and moaning at the licking. His neck was sensitive. Especially near the bite from earlier. "Aa-aah. Please." He panted, his length standing proudly, twitching and throbbing as the hyena spread his legs for his alpha.

Alex smiled at the sight of his mate so aroused and kissed him again as he grinded into the other slowly with a groan, nipping at the bite now and sinking his teeth in again lightly while he growled. Slipping his cock out of his underwear and pushing it into the omega slowly,"Like this?"He murmured into his ear after pulling away from the mate's mark he had made on him,"Moan for me... Let me hear you."He purred in response as he took care of his mate, fucking him deeply as he thrusted over and over again, slow and deep grinds that left him growling at the tightness off his ass.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika moaned lowly as Alex ground against him, laying his head back on the floor and trembling at the feeling. He made another high pitched noise when he bit at that mark again, hands grabbing at his mate's sides. "F-fuck!" He yelped, his yelp turning into a long moan as Alex pressed into him. He winced, being stretched open so soon after his first time. But he didn't care, he needed it so badly, and he eagerly gave in to the other's wish. Letting his moans and cries of pleasure fall freely from his open mouth.

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