Closed On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)
"Oh wasn't that place hit quite hardly by the earthquake before?" Max asked as the city sounded familiar. "Were your family hit there as well?" He asked. "You better bring me there. At least share with me the name and address so i could get a taste." It would be even better if he manage to run into Mitsuo and his parents, he thought himself.

"You sure about that? I seriously think you should rest for a little longer." Gil said, recalling the scare from last session. "If you need a bit of cash I certianly don't mind giving you a little. Treat it as an aid from a friend. If you would consider me as a friendly acquaintance."
Mitsuo frowned and nodded to his question, "yes, but thankfully they weren't hurt. It was awful, but the Japanese people are resilient." He said, smiling widely. He chuckled when he spoke about taking him to the restaurant, nodding, "of course. If we do meet up, we'll go there." He said, looking almost excited about sharing something like that.

He sighed when Gil protested him doing another show, nibbling his lip slightly. "I rested enough....and I haven't gotten off since that night. It's been weeks. I....I need release." He said, color rising in his cheeks again. He had never spoken so bluntly to someone directly.
Gil smiled seeing Mitsuo wasnt repulse to the idea of coming out together, though he frowned hearing his need to release. Perhaps they shared even more in common than Mitsuo thought....

"Listen. If you want release..... perhaps we could do it now? I think we definitely share something here. If you would just imagine the process, tell me how you feel, how to push, what you are thinking when you do the sessions.... perhaps you would be able to get some release from that? You dont even need to show me anything, just tell me the process would be enough." Gil tried to persuade Mitsuo against a show. He was in fact getting very jealous and would try anything in his power to deter Mitsuo from displaying his gorgeous body to any other unworthy guys
Mitsuo was getting more comfortable with Gil, just talking to him like this. He could tell the man was honest and cared about him, despite only just meeting him.

"Talk through it? I guess." Said Mitsuo, nodding. He shifted in his chair, nibbling his lip. "When I first use the serum, it makes me feel warm, especially in my lower belly. Then I start to feel pressure, and weight, growing. I like to imagine I'm really pregnant, feeling it grow inside me. There's a little pain, an ache, as things stretch. The best part is when I can see it growing. Watch my belly round and fill." He said, closing his eyes as he relived the feeling.

He shifted himself, pulling his pants down just out of frame. "It gets me so hard. So wet. I like to stand up, really feel it drop into my pelvis. Mmh..." he continued, pausing as he jerked himself off. His face flushed with his arousal, no makeup to mask it. "Ohh.....then the contractions. Pain and pleasure. Forcing the weight down until I burst. Mmmh.....then....then the pressure, opening me up. Grinding on my prostate, and the way I bulge...before the burn of crowning...Mmmh-aaah." He moaned, lowering his head slightly as his hand worked faster. "And....and then the r-release....popping out of me...f-fuck." He panted, breathless from his imaginary birth. He tilted his head back, giving Gil the perfect view of his face as he reached orgasm, shuddering and moaning through it before slumping back in his seat, breathless.
Gil kept silent throughout Mitsuo's recital, stroking his own member as he started his monologue. He could see how Mitsuo started reliving the moment, imagining they were face to face, him being able to touch his warm belly, feel it heat up and expand under his palms. He got dragged into the mentaltiy of Mitsuo deeper and deeper, consumed in an imagined scenario where he enjoyed the process with him, holding his gradually largening belly, offering his support when he attmpted , feeling more than seeing his progress as he started bulging, caressing his mysterious opening under his throbbing cock that he could envelop easily with one hand. He forced open his eyes in time to see Mitsuo's face in total ecstasy just before he came, added to the effect of his ultimate peak of the process where the egg's pushed out, gil came the hardest he could ever remember, his cock throbbing adn shooting out ropes after ropes of cum. His roar resonated in the room, and he thrusted his hand on his member to squeeze the last of his seeds out.

Gil slumped back in his seat a few moments later than Mitsuo, also panting. "Woah... that's... really hot. I wish I could live that out with you, in person. You wouldn't believe how much i want to cuddel with you now..." He was still a little dazed off to not realise how that sounded.. overly intimate considering they had just become acquianted.
Mitsuo opened his eyes enough to see Gil's climax, biting his lip as he watched. Sure, he had seen people cum in porn videos, and other cam guys. But seeing someone cum because of him felt different. It felt good.

He nibbled his lip at the man's words, thinking about it. "I...I would like someone to cuddle." He mumbled. He looked thoughtful, closing his eyes for a moment. "I want to meet you. Here." He said suddenly, typing in the address for the Japanese restaurant he spoke of earlier. "if you live near that...maybe we can meet." He said, hoping Gil lived close, but knowing there was a chance he lived far away. After all, they met by chance on the internet.
Gil was very surprised by the offer but thrilled nonethelss. He quickly jotted the address down and was very excited to find the address just an hour away from his place. "I-I would be there! Meet in an hour?" He asked already scrambling to get his keys and everything ready, almost tripping as he struggled on his jacket. "I am so gonna be there. God thank you Mitsuo." He finally found a tissue paper to wipe away the mess on his hand slightly, already half out of his door. "thanks babe. I will see you in a minute." He said as he rushed out of the door, not even bothering to close down the computer.

As he drove, Gil was repeatedly thinking of the lovely face on the webcam. He couldn't help but imagine how it would be. Mitsuo was so different from karasu, and yet he had a feeling they would click. Aside from the shared kink, they seemed to be hitting it off alright. He munched on his lips as he waited for yet another redlight, eager to go faster. He eventually got there in a record 40 minutes. The restuarnat looked classy and traditional, the koi pond in front make him calm down a little immediately. He went on to a toilet visit to tidy up his dishivelled form, wanting to leave a better impression on Mitsuo despite the fact that they had met less than an hour ago.
Mitsuo tried to hide his laughter as Gil scrambled to get dressed, hand over his mouth slightly. Though, he did try to call out to him to shut down his computer before he left, only to laugh more when he scrambled out the door.

Since he lived closer, Mitsuo took a little time to clean up before he left home. Putting on some nice but casual clothes, fixing his hair into a neater bun, and putting on just a little eye makeup. He decided against contacts, going with glasses instead, covering the barbell piercing in the bridge of his nose.

He got there a little before Gil, sitting quietly at the counter. There was no missing that bright blond and pink hair of his, so he was easy to find quietly chatting with one of the sushi chefs. A good friend, he was talking about who he was there to meet, saying how nervous he was while his friend assured him it would be okay. Of course, Gil wouldn't understand that, since they were chatting in Japanese.
"Sumimasan?" Gil smiled and approached the pair. He spotted the distinctive head of hair once he came out freshened. He hadn't had teh time to get changed so he was still in his business suit, with fitting leather shoes. He sat down beside Mitsuo, thanking waiter who quickly offered him a cup of matcha. "Thanks." He carefully sipped on the hot beverage, enjoying the roasted taste.

"Watashi wa Gil. yea... that's about all that I know of. So.... am i interrupting something here?" He asked, glancing between the pair. They seemed to be genuine good friends. His eyes, however, were soon fixated on Mitsuo who looked even cuter in his glasses. "You look.. nice. like this." he said jerking his head towards the dark framed glasses. "Shall we order? I am starving. Any recoomendations for today?"
Mitsuo's attention snapped around behind him when he heard Gil, a smile quickly crossing his pierced lips as he motioned to the empty seat beside him. "Oh, no. Just chatting." He said, introducing Gil to his friend in Japanese before switching back, "Gil, this is Yuji. His family is very close with mine." He said, getting a nod from Yuji.

The color rose in Mitsuo's cheeks when Gil complemented his glasses, one hand pushing them up a little. He turned his attention to Yuji, asking what he recommended. "He recommends we try a little of everything." He chuckled. "But he likes to show off." He added, getting a smug look from his friend. "He's gonna just make some and let us taste."

With that, Yuji started delicately slicing tuna, setting the pieces on balls of rice before giving each man two pieces on a plate. Waiting for them to finish before he would move on to the next kind. Mitsuo took his with just a little wassabi and a gentle dip in soy sauce before popping it in his mouth with a pleased noise. Watching Gil to see his reaction.
Gil almost chucklrd seeing Mitsuo's beautiful blush. He nodded at Yuji and admired how he handled the raw piece of fish with expert hands. He looked at the crafted sushi and was glad he hand experience handling chopsticks when he dipped it in soysauce like Mitsuo. "Woah this is probably the best that i have tasted since irft Japan! This is really.good! Ichiban!" He said gesturing his thumb to the chef, getting a smug smile in return.

Seeing the chef proceeding to another piece, he turned his attention to Mitsuo. "Hey.... this is really a good one. How could i not heard of this place before!" He asked, smiling at the smaller male.
Mitsuo smiled at Gil's reaction, nodding. "They get very fresh fish here. Yuji is very picky about it." He laughed. He watched his friend work on a different kind of sushi, salmon this time, before it was placed on their plates.

"Hm, probably because it's not exactly local for you. And they don't advertise. Most of their business is from people telling other people how good the food is." He nodded before taking the next piece of sushi. He made a pleased noise as he ate, looking almost like a content cat.
Gil acted before he could think.properly and ruffled the smaller man's hair, also thinking him like a content feline. He took his own food and also moaned at how fresh the fish was, the sweetness and texture could only be found in the freshest ingredient. "This is really good! I cant believe i have missed this enjoyment for so long..."

While they are enjoying thoroughly the meal, Gil had unintentionally started moving.closer towards the younger man, finding himself no longer content with the distance between them.
Mitsuo made a surprised noise when Gil ruffled his hair, pulling some from the bun it was tied into. He finished his bite and giggled, reaching to untie his hair and let it fall about his face. "I know. And there's so much more than just sushi." He nodded.

He somewhat noticed Gil moving closer, but he didn't say anything. He just continued enjoying the delicious bites Yuji was making for them. He leaned a little closer, smiling up to Gil. "Would you like to try some sake?" He asked, looking curious.
"Yea. Do they serve it warm here?" He asked. The weather wasnt exactly chilly but somehow warmed sake tasted better to him. He brushed through Mitsuo's hair with his hand, finding the strands of hair with bright color feeling softer than one would have thought. "Ah that grilled mackerel! That serves perfectly well with sake." He exclaimed seeing the latest dish Yuji served.

Taking a small piece of fish, he asked casually. "Do you drink? Are you the type that would blush easy?"
"They do." He nodded. He turned to Yuji and asked for the sake, his friend nodding and finishing up their current offering before going to get their drinks. Mitsuo made a small noise as Gil continued brushing his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes. "That feels nice." He muttered, still looking like a content feline.

Yuji returned with two traditional wooden cups of sake, bowing slightly as he set them down. Mitsuo thanked him and took his cup, holding it up slightly. "Kanpai." He said before throwing the drink back. "Mmh. I do drink." He said, smirking. "I'm not as young as most people think." He added with a laugh, setting his cup down for Yuji to refill.
"Cheers." Gil said and drank it as well. "Hnm i hadnt beeen drinking this for a very long time. This taste unique.... not the brand that I drank before but also nice." He put down the cup and glanced at Mitsuo. "Even though you said that.... i dont think you could be older than 25 really." He sighed in his heart how he found the skin of Mitsuo to be smooth and great to touch. He wondered if th3 male would pur if he rubbed him right. Gil decided he could test it and ruffled his hair some more.
"Its an aquired taste." Said Mitsuo, nodding to Gil. He threw back a second serving, but then motioned for Yuji not to refill it. He chuckled when Gil said he couldn't be older than 25, shaking his head. "I'm 30." He said, smirking. But he didn't say no to Gil continuing to pet his hair, making a soft noise that sounded a little like a purr. Yuji chuckled and shook his head, offering them some eel.

"oh, eel. My favorite. Its sweet." He said, taking a piece and popping it into his mouth, making a pleased noise as he savored the flavor. He already had a faint blush across his face from the alcohol...but he wouldn't consider himself drunk yet.
"You are 30?! No way!" Gil was shocked and downed his serve as well, and nodded for a third one. He knew sake's of higher alcohol content than it looked, appearing to be harmless like water, bur he also know his limits and a third one would boost hia confidence. Perhaps make him a little bolder than usual which was something he need now. He followed Mitsuo and started on the next dish and was again blown away by the nicely grilled eel. "That's fantastic. Hmm so you got a sweet tooth?" He asked, admiring the blush on Mitsuo making him look like he had makeup on. He traced the blush with his thumb, revelling in the smooth touch.
Mitsuo giggled softly at the other's surprise, shaking his head. "I take very good care of myself." He nodded. He avoided drinking too much, especially with someone he hardly knew. He didn't want to end up doing anything stupid, even if he doubted that would happen with someone like Gil.

"Oh, yeah, I love sweet things." He nodded, taking another bite of his eel. He made a small noise when Gil ran his fingers over his face, leaning into it gently. "That feels nice." He muttered, closing his eyes for a moment.

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