The station
The head was almost out of him. it had just about reached it's widest point Gear tried to sooth him, but the hardest part was almost over at least. Gear again brushed the hair out of Jace's face. "I know you're tired just a bit more ok?"
Jace nodded, trusting Gear before another contraction hit and he pushed again screaming out in pain before he felt the head slip free and his hole close a little around the neck, he leaned back breathing heavily "Gear, I can't do this a second time, I'm too tired, I just can't" he said his voice breaking a little as he looked at Gear tearfully
"You can, you have to. You'll have awhile to rest before the second one comes and this ones almost out." Gear said running a hand along Jace's arm. "ok? you can do this I believe in you."
Jace sobbed a little and nodded, his whole body covered in sweat he leaned back up and gritted his teeth groaning as a contraction hit and he pushed as hard as he could screaming a few profanities as he did so "Nnnnnnnnnngh! Get out of me!" He screamed in agony as he tried to push as heard as he could
one shoulder would slip out stretching him quickly and it was soon fallowed by the second. "One more push." White said supporting the large child as it came out of him.
Jace groaned clenching into Gear's hand tightly as he cried out pushing as hard as he could gasping for breath as the child finally slipped free. He fell back into the pillows panting a little as tears streamed down his cheeks quickly as he ached all over
Gear smiled down at him. "You did so good, just rest now." he said smiling down at Jace rubbing his back lightly. He would have a few minutes to rest before the pains started up again. At least Gear hoped so. At this point they had been at this for a few hours and he had been in labor sense yesterday.
Jace smiled gently at Gear and without even realizing his actions took his hand kissing the back of it lightly before closing his eyes to rest for a few minutes sighing a little as he calmed his racing heart a little before he went through all that pain again. The few minutes went by way too quickly for his liking and his stomach contracted roughly again, he moaned quietly, the baby didn't seem to be in either the right position or wasn't quite ready to vacate even though it was quite active inside him
Gear had gotten up for a few minutes while Jace was resting, his back bothered him to be sitting in one position for so long, and he was stressed he knew Jace was already so tired he wasn't sure if he would be ok. Jace was the first friend Gear had made in a long time, maybe.. maybe he was even more then just a friend he didn't want t lose him like this. But he also didn't want Jace to know he was worried. IT wouldn't help anything and so as he heard the groaning he put on a calm face gave a small smile and joined Jace's side once more.
Jace smiled gently at him through the pain, he could see the worry on Gear's face and it scared him but he was trying not to let it show. He groaned sitting up a little as another contraction rolled through his stomach, he panted a little "I don't know what's happening but this is different to last time" he said scared as he tried to spread his legs more to make room for the child to get out of him
"Different how? What's it feel like?" Gear asked looking back at him. White had left the room and still hadn't come back quiet yet. Those words did nothing to help with Gear's worry.
Jace shook a little looking up at Gear scared "I don't know, it's just different" he said shaking a little, Gear's facade was slipping and that scared Jace more than anything. He groaned loudly and cried out as he leant forward trying to push screaming a little as the pain coursed through him.
"Alright.. alright just one second ok.. Jace breath." Gear stood to his feet and began pressing down on Jace's belly feeling for the position of the baby. He was much more careful the doctor white and the way he went about it wasn't as rough.
Jace cried out at the pain, his stomach being extremely sensitive to the touch, as gentle as Gear was it caused Jace a lot of pain "Please stop" he cried softly grabbing onto Gear's arm and gasped tightening his grip as a contraction rolled through him, he screamed a little and started to push hard groaning "It's moving!" He cried out scared
Gear could feel the baby moving under his hand he could also feel that it was just slightly off if Jace continued to push it's shoulder would get stuck so the baby was having trouble drooping properly. He didn't trust white to do this, that and he didn't think they had time to wait for him to come back. "Hey, Jace the position of the baby is slightly off I can fix it, but I need you breath and stop pushing. IT's going to hurt but it'll help the baby come down you won't get anywhere like this.
Jace looked at him terrified and bit his lip a little and nodded "O-okay" he said terrified looking up at Gear before he grabbed onto the railing on the side of the bed so Gear could just focus on moving the baby and not the pain in his arm. He scrunched his eyes shut tightening his grip on the bars "O-okay...go" he whimpered scared
Gear let out a breath pressing down firmly trying to move the baby over just a bit, it didn't need to be much. He ignored Jace's protests or cries of pain as much as he hated to do it. "Come on.." he said softly "Almost got it.."
Jace screamed out loudly "Stop! Please!" He cried almost immediately taking his hands off the rails to grab onto Gear's arms trying to pull them off him sobbing, his body shaking in agony "Please" he cried brokenly, his grip was weak as he tried to pull Gear's arms away before screaming as another contraction hit with Gear pressing on his stomach made him scream like he never had before.
It was the force of the contraction that helped move it over and as soon as it had moved over that inch the baby moved lower. Gear could feel it, he was almost sure it was in the right position now and he pulled away taking Jace's hand. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. it's ok now though.. push.. lets get the last one out ok?" White came back in likely attacked by Jace's screaming.
Jace sobbed taking Gears hand tightly as he started to push roughly, he was exhausted and just needed this thing out of him. He screamed loudly spreading his legs out as far as possible as he pushed with all his might, his tiny body shaking violently from exhaustion, he was starting to have trouble breathing too.

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